Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Future is Here.

Marty McFly's Special Nike Shoe

Fun. Fun. Fun....that sums up the day in many regards.

Just came back from an evening kicking it on Lincoln Road down here in the 'hood of South Beach.  Big Kwame, Frankie and Mr. Carlos came to the land of the beautiful people.  We all ate at the Shake Shack , which had some good picnic eats.  I had the "Bird Dog" which is a chicken, apple and sage sausage with some mustard and relish as toppings.  Pretty good really....haven't had a sausage or hot dog in such a long time, so today was a treat.  Still have our "diet", but u only go around once.  After that we chilled up and down the Rodeo Drive of Miami, checking out stores and sharing great laughs.  That's what's life is all about...good company and good times.  A big yeay on this evening.

Also, today we did something I have never ever done before.  And please don't laugh...but...we got our fingernails painted.  Yes, I did say we got our fingernails painted.  It all got started when I spotted someone with a small bottle of this silver glitter paint stuff for the hands.  That looked cool, and we've wanted to do it anyway, just because.  Much love and thanks to our homegirl Maria (hey girl!) for hooking us up with some O.P.I.  polish in the color of Tortoise Green.  Which is kind of symbolic cuz I like to take things...slow.  And it's the first day of March so we in a Saint Patty's party move already!  We said it was for one day only but...could this be a new style for us?  We like to start new trends for the galaxia...someone said "I've never seen that before."  Which brought a light bulb over our head, and a silent "ah-ha!".  It's different.  I mean some colors would look super hot like black or glitter, plus we all about having fun.  Some reason I have this picture of us on like GQ Magazine or Rolling Stone with a tank top, beach rocker jewelry necklaces and braclets with silver glitter nail polish.  I think that'll be hot!  Stay tuned we might be on to something...

Been thinking about different ways to expand our diary.  I think one thing I haven't done is give more pics and talk about not only South Beach but the Miami area in general.  I've been gloating about knowing all these spots to hang out or cool places to eat, now I think it's time to get more personal on the "spots" here.  And there is a lot of them.  I'm gonna make this more of a diary slash yearbook...meaning I want to look back on these times, and say remember when.  I don't know how much longer we'll live down here.  LA is calling a little louder each passing day, but for right now, I wanna just enjoy life, and who knows it may be...well it is gonna be one of our homes no matter what even when we live bi-coastal, so...just wanna show some fun things to do down in our neighborhood.  South Beach is so one of a kind.  From walking everywhere, to  shopping, discotecas, everything is so close by.  Then u throw in the beach and beauty factor the architecture and manikins, u'll be hard pressed to find anywhere like it in the galaxia, so might as well show u ours!  Gonna be fun!

Do we still have any stories under our sleeve?  C'mon now, u think we were done.  Yes, we still have stories about our episodes with the ladies.  I hope now folks see that we are serious when I say I need my own book and/or TV show.  It just may happen in the future...Somebody said I need to write more about sports.  Good stuff, Butter, we can do that with talk about current sports, as well as our experiences which go from elementary school all the way through our graduation from college....JB, I haven't forgotten to give u a call back bro, I'ma hit u up soon...but the tales are mad crazy and have some lessons and laughs that many of us can relate to.  Whatever hits us as we write, we'll write.  We write with emotion and straight from the heart so...we don't even know what the next line holds, so it should be interesting.

Right now our mindset is all about having fun and improving ourself.  So much can come at u from one way or another, and it's important for us to evaluate where we wanna get better and improve.  Some moments we get a little down about the timing of our life, feeling like it's not moving at a fast enough pace than it has.  It's tough when u know u're ready and have been through the steps.  I think that's harder, if u're not prepared or something that's different, but if u can see it, and begin to taste the lifestyle u've been wanting is rapidly approaching, that's when u gotta be patient the most.  It's during those moments where u have to rely on what brought u this far and not get so individualistically egotistical and figure u gonna do things u're way and rush through the completion of the process.  When making gold the hottest temperature is right before the gold comes out.  So u got to go through til the end...we working on this every day, and it's not easy.

Alright, we're done.  Our life is gonna be very interestingly fun coming up.  And our diary will be there to show what life is all about in our opinion.  This is not to be a "look at me" type of thang...absolutely not.  It's just our reality, which is one of the wildest lives any person can live.  See what awaits...

Have Fun and giggle.
Austino Galaxia.

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