Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Creating A New Vogue!

Ms. Cindy Crawford.

A day like this comes along only say...once only four years so let's see what happens tonight.  We begin with a dream we had...early this morning...

Ok.  This dream began with us in the gym working out.  It was mad packed, yet we still found a spot to do our "thang"... (let's make this short)...All I remember from our dream is us being in a mall.  Walking around with one of our old childhood friends who had his "girl" with him.  I say his "girl" cuz as we were walking around the mall, they were making out, kissing and stuff.  She looked like an old 90s type of model with the dirty blond hair and thin body build that brought the grunge look of the Nirvana years into prominence.  So we are walking and then to our right we see this guy on the piano and he's tickling the ivory and ebony keys like we've never heard somebody play them.  He's getting loose playing "Sweet Love" by Anita Baker.  He got loose, as in I'm trying to get a studio contact type of loose!  So a crowd began to gather around as this guy was tearing it up!

As the crowd began to gather around like groupies to an NBA star, I look over to my left and saw Mr. Quincy Jones, one of the all-time legends in the music business.  While he was over there tapping his hand, I just remember saying I gotta take a picture of him or tell him how I loved his book or just somethin' cuz this opprotunity don't come around too often.  So the elephant man stopped playing the piano, an we began to disperse into the I go over to Mr. Jones who was walking with a wooden "third leg", and I began to say, "Mr. Jones...I wanna thank you for your book, it helped me so much."  But what got me was his response, in which he surprised me like a Lady Gaga outfit at the Grammys...he said first, "please no pictures..." (I didn't even offer to take one...yet)...and then he continued by saying, "I'm only gonna tell you this because you looking kind of snazzy..."....which was interesting because I was just Lenny Kravitzing a white tank top, some home cocaine Miami Heat shorts, and some Jordan XII's, the white and red ones...interesting.  Mr. Jones then hit us with some wisdom, I've been thinking about all day...he said, "Great things are coming to know."  So I asked him to repeat that, and he said, "Great things are coming to know."  And then he stopped walking and said, "Either you are gonna come outta left field or straight up the course.  What do you do?"  And as I was beginning to tell him my job, other people began to come around him like other old school child stars from the 50s and stuff, and they took pictures in the middle of the mall, so I didn't have a chance to respond...then I woke up...with a little smile on our face thinking, everything's about to be alright after all, and our life is about to catapult into the galaxia.

Dreams or visions can mean so much...I keep finding that our life is getting more unique like an episode of Lost and I'm determined to...we don't wanna go out like a chump, u know...I'm starting to see different aspects of life, people looking down and out, or all these life issues that are hitting home like never before, but I want the people we come in contact with or who are around us not to go out like this.  I always talk about having fun, even though...stuff happens to us all, as it does to us...but I don't want life to be sourpuss.  I refuse to, not now...if that means someone hating u cuz u living life on a different level, whatever, u can't live according 2 someone else's definition.  And I don't want to live our life as a thesaurus to somebody else's.  If u look up ours in that great book, it'll be a blank page, and that's how we want it.

Today is the last day of the month according to "Love and Relationships".  A whole month...we was gonna give a special playlist of our favorite love songs on today, but that'll been tougher than four dudes trying to get into LIV with no eye candy on the we'll just write today.  Is there anything we haven't covered? we said before, we just try to be as real as possible bro.  And talk from our heart...

Timing.  It's so crazy important when it comes to relationships and friendships.  A person can be coming outta of a relationship and their heart just isn't right to get into anything new at the moment.  So things don't hook up, which is cool, but the timing isn't right...That's an interesting topic, Can one person hurt somebody so bad that they don't even know when a good opportunity comes along because their heart is still attached to the previous heartbreak?  It happens...(huge blow)...should we get real tonight or just hangman this d-i-a-r-y and go to sleep?...

Ok.  This is the last in the "Love" series so let's just speak from the heart and tell some things we've noticed and I'm sure somebody can we go...

I have one of the wildest lives when it comes to love, and am not afraid to admit it.  I once told Moms that we are "liked by millions yet loved by none."  Not that we have such a lonely life that we're drinking bottles of E & J every night with the lights down...some ways it's the total opposite.  Come across so many different people, it's a chaos and sometime seeing "so much" can feel like a burden.  Like "Lord, no one understands us."  Or "why is it that u can talk to somebody, dig them, and then when u ask for them to kick it, they turn you into somebody who has lice?"  Just weird bro...crazy weird.  I know others feel like nobody understands them or why does it just have to be so difficult for u when it seems so simple for others.  I'm gonna tell it tonight...the Heat are in the great northwest tomorrow, and the Lakers don't play til later so gotta tell this thang cuz I feel SOMEBODY somewhere knows where I'm coming from.

That's why timing seems to be the Sesame Galaxia word of the day.  U gotta stay up and just let things happen as they should.  I hear stories all the time of folk telling us about how tough it's to find somebody out here in life or in Miami.  U never know!  Just don't...I've learned to take risks, and have the time they aren't risks, they're opportunities bro.  If that means that your singing "Water Runs Dry" cuz u never speak to that person again, it's a tough pill to swallow but so be it.  When it comes to us personally...that's why I try to release special "Love" segments (was it a success?) or say keep ur head up like 'Pac, cuz if I can survive all this stuff going on, then anybody can.

Somebody out here may be wondering am I too much of a goody too shoes?  If u a girl who looks good, who smart, has some ching-a-ling in ur pocket, then u are supposedly intimated to some guys....well, what I would say is to keep doing ur thing girl, and not hold urself back...c'mon Chingy...not hold urself back just to fit in cuz no matter what u do, guess what, u ain't gonna fit in.  It's tha truth.  So u might as well be the beacon that God has created u to be, and live it up.  I gotta say something...

If having fun, being a gentleman, being respectful, living life to the fullest, trying to give honor where honor is due, trying to bring a smile to a person who may not be having a good day is a crime, well then just lock me up and throw away, kick and bury the key.  Cuz being who u are as a person is one of the most authentic things we have in life.  The funny thing is u walk through the jail thinking ur gonna be the only one in the cell, only to find that the joint is packed with folks who feel the way u do, and aren't willing to...settle for anything but the best.

One of the toughest things is to see somebody u respect or think is cool actually walk the other way when u come into the room or are nearby.  It took me years to get over that, especially when u feel like what u represent as a person in the virtual bedroom of ur mind I the only one who tries to represent in the virtual bedroom of ur mind when thinking about certain somebodys?!

U know what that's it.  I'm shaking our head cuz when u think about "Love" and dating and all that comes along with it, it can blow ur mind.  I'm just thankful I'm still alive, probably should've killed ourself a long time ago.  U know it doesn't take much to drive u to the crazy house...but we're still here.

Just hope that folks will say, u know, the timing may not have been right but A. Galaxia was one of the rarest of the rare.  Told his heart and beyond that, wanted nothing more in life than to have fun and love.  With all this going on, I feel pretty darn good.  Like all our dues are paid and everything is paying off.

Thanks for checking out our special month.  Hope we all cherished it cuz...we won't see the likes of this month again.

Now it's really on!  Trust us, u don't wanna miss what's upcoming, it's of legend.

Love and Fun.
Austin Galaxia.

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