Monday, March 26, 2012

"Now...Whatcha Gonna Do!!"

The Hulkster...Hulk Hogan

Are we ready?  Is the keyboard cued up? our Bubba Turkey Burgers (with mustard, chedder cheese, and the relish for a $1 with no high fructose corn syrup...and Kraft can't be it!) along with black beans on tha side...check....Got ESPN 3 online in the background with Roger Federer battling Andy Roddick a few miles away in Key Biscayne on...check...and we are in total beach mode with our bare chest and Heat shorts on...check.  Now we ready...

Speaking of which...that ESPN 3 online is "awesome" we said before we cut our local satellite provider because of not only the fact that most of my shows and things I like to watch are online, but also to give us even more of a wealthy life...why pay for two bills when I can get all the toys for one.  Like paying for a steak when u already got Steak-ums at tha crib! (Thank, Martin Payne!) But as we're watching it on our Sony Vaio, it's like better than HD!  Watched the Heat game versus the Thunder last night live online, as did we the Lakers game...dag, both of our squads lost, maybe I need to stop this online thang huh! But with great documentaries and movies on Hulu, and youtube and be able to watch tv shows from HGTV and whatever, we'll be we ain't gonna be home much anyway.  We living it up to tha max!

We was up in Broward County today.  Stop by this mall, and found some music at FYE (Kayne and Monica)...some wild stuff...just in tha parking lot!  Alright, so I'm circling around the mall, which was unusually busy for a Monday afternoon in our opinion, and we driving by, while this car is waiting opposite of me for this SUV to pull I have no intention of pulling into tha spot, but this character messed around a pulled a Wal-Mart Parking Lot stunt, by cutting directly in front of me to make sure I didn't take his spot!  I'm like, "U gotta kidding me big fella!"  Number one, I don't want ur stinking's the end of March and I don't think there are any reindeers and sleigh's gangsta parking on tha roof anytime soon...and trois, it's freakin' like a Trump dollar bill amount parking spaces available out here!!  (My one ugly face insert is to be used right here...eye get one a post!!)  Stuff is crazy bro!

I gotta talk about this driving some more...I was gonna talk about this woman who grabbed her boobs with both hands, which brought back memories of these four Latina beauties who once drove by the beach I was working at up north and one of them did the same thing, all the while perky...I mean perching out the window and screaming to me  and my guy in her black swimsuit, "Do you wanna see these?!!"...Trust me it's a long story, and it was a long night!...but this driving stuff....they had a story about possibly pulling over slow drivers on tha road.  Yes, u read that right, and I feel them.  Now, I'm not the best driver in tha world, probably come in a controversial number 2, but that warning ticket back in like 2003, drop me in tha rankings and I'm still trying to recover!!  But I just know in our heart that God is laughing at me, and playing games with us as we're driving.  I'm constantly running behind people, who are in tha left lane mind you, and driving like...25 in a 40...on tha highway, they zooming by at a fast 45 on in a 65..In a flat out Cabbage Patch Kid School zone of 15 mph, they wanna do me in with a cool 10...Ahhhh!!!! Whyyyy!!!! Lol....I'm telling u...

I don't know whether to take it on the chin like Ali, or to have a small bucket full of small missile darts to start Pierce Brosnan-ing tires as I pass them by!!!  I know I'm not the only one who feels that way down here in the MIA, it has to stop.  And I might just hit City Hall with a petition, knowing them they'll hit me wit a ticket for going 6 mph in a 5, just in tha parking lot!  Ah boy...

This tennis match is becoming a classic...(4-2 Roddick in 3rd and deciding set)....some wild stuff going on in and around our life.  We've been saying that for some time, but...I think this is tha best time to keep a diary.  Not before you "make it" but as u go through the growing pains, and the surpluses of fun.  We read an old diary of ours, and boy it was amazing to see the foods u used to eat, or the people who made a quick guest appearance for an episode or two in ur life, it's crazy.  The weird thing was some of the things we are talking about now, we were discussing a feeling back then as well.   Being patient as u near success...Dancing with tha girl who brought u to tha dance instead of looking for a new one (that's old head talk!)....Letting things come to you instead of chasing...all those things hold true still in our life today.

Right now as we write, our life is in a...weird state.  Things are changing fast, and I think the test of a true man is when things begin to go, in a sense, your way, how do you act then?  When u get tha job u want?  Or the person of ur dreams?  Or u have money in ur pocket and u aren't broke, how do u react.  Do u get snobby and forget all the steps that got u there and start to diss the people who are now travelling the same road u once couldn't conquer?  One thing that keeps us humble, and I know we've said this time and time, how important it is to embrace the struggle.  Cuz even when u have an inkling that u've reached tha top or that u can get through any VIP rope u want , or that u can't steal any man's girl or wife, u remember those dark moments of rejection, despair and the taste of wanting...currently, we are having moments where...well, more than moments, our life is a big party y'all.  Just things are happening, that we haven't even mentioned...yet. But I think it's during these times where u have to trust God, and remember u haven't done anything.  It's personal as I write this, but there is really a fire, that has been inflamed in us like...

As a kid, here's another story I'm having no business talking about and which may be brought up when the BBC interviews us one day, but as u know, I don't give a chocolate or vanilla "fudge" a super youngster, I had a very brief stint with folks trying to "ante up" on my lunch money! please, can u get urself together, and pick urself up off tha floor, it ain't that funny!!....but for real, u had these dudes who used to walk around and be like, "u got to give up that $2.40 on today!...But it's fiestada day!"  Now it wasn't anything like what's going on in schools today with bullying, but it was like a Family Matters episode type tip.  The telflon don would show up with his dudes, and u end up looking like dudes from those Depression years of tha 30s with ur pockets hanging out.  But sooner or later, we stood up for ourself, and.....after I came to myself and found myself in the hospital bed with eye v's in my arms and  my left leg suspended in tha air with a hard cast attached...after all that...I felt proud of myself!!!! Yeay!  Oh boy, it didn't exactly go down like that, but....ha ha!!

U know we just a goofy dude who loves 2 have fun.  Just saying when u go through some things, realize it's simple fuel that can push u to levels u wouldn't reach if u didn't go through them.  And...when u do get some of the things u've been wanting, realize u can still improve urself, and don't knock those who are trying climb some of tha same mountains.

Forget tha people, but never, ever forget tha lessons.

Oh boy, time to dig into some "trouble" fun for tha evening.
"Live fast and die young" (Bumping in tha background)... by Rick Rozay and Kayne....
Nothing else to say on that, but huh...I likes, may sum it all up...just may.

Love and Fun.
A Dot Galaxia.

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