Friday, March 2, 2012

"Mr. Galaxia...Tell Me a Story"

One day....One day!


I'm not even gonna talk about the negative stuff cuz in the long run it's a positive anyway.  Not even worth it...u move on.

Learning so much about myself, that it's not even funny.  How strong u are...what really turns u on...what true beauty means to us personally...all these things and then some.  How bad do u really want it?  What are u willing to survive through?  Everything is just so weird right now, that u almost feel like, "Bro", that's with a capital "B"...we didn't ask for all this stuff did we?  Let's talk a little...

I know we've been on this Q-Tip about surviving things and what not.  I'm sure folks are about tired of me talking about it and would rather me talk about what's cool and South Beachy, but if u wanna read that stuff, it's just a click away, and we have like a buck and Dirk Nowitzki's full of diary posts on various fun topics.  I gotta talk real and in the moment, and it's been fun yet very difficult as of late as we grow as a person and move up the success chutes and ladder.  Part of it has been what is true success anyway?  Is it having a choice ride?  Being able to get any person u want to fall for you?  Rockin' the latest and hottest item one time and then throw it in the garbage can?  (I'm guilty of that.)  Now I'm not on no spiritual journey in which I'm lighting candles and saying "a-whom" before I go to sleep at night...not!  Just when so much surrounds ur life and ur lifestyle u wanna know what's real, what's really worth it, and who is.

South Beach.  The land of the beautiful people.  It's awesome yet in many ways it can so distort you way of thinking and how u live.  I enjoy it, the life, sun, beach, and the people even though they are crazy out their mind. I guess what am I'm talking about I'm the one painting my finger nails green like I work the Red Light District after hours, and they began to chip too...I was looking so...ghetto.  Not a good look for tha hands.  Let it be known the polish is now off...may do it again, just a more galaxia-type color...u see some wild things...guy on a bike today with a kid on his back in a backward Hangover position...does that mean he was overhanged or revognah?? Anyhow it was a sight...always something going on at all times of the day and night...other day I woke up at like 4am in the morning and I hear outside talking like it's middle of the day.  We've always believed we have a fantasy life of sorts now its like's getting wild.

Right now just have to balance the money, cash...If u know hip hop u know what can be challenging.  We just wanna have fun and enjoy life to the fullest.  There are a lot of other people who like to do that as well.  That's why I've been saying that when things don't go the way u want them to, especially with dating or love or asking folks out, don't sweat it cuz something better is on the horizon for one...and u're made so much better because of it.  Is it tough?  Yeah.  But most of the things that are worth it in the end are preluded by Barton G. with some difficult times.  That's where we are in our life, that take off mode, with our engine just burning bro.  Other people are about to take off as well, they just don't see it.

Real quick, that's been...I need to stop talking about girls but whatever...the toughest thing for us to see a doll who has it going on inside out and she doesn't know it, and when u wanna pull it out of her, she kind of doesn''s like in hoops when I hooped in school.  U be like, if u just worked on ur jump shot u'll be unstoppable.  My problem is that I see too much beauty in people, especially in girls cuz I know it's rough out here dealing wit guys and stuff.  But what I'm learning is just because a girl looks good, and happens to be single, and heck has all of the above and then sum doesn't mean she's 'posed to be lovers or even friends with you.  I can handle it better now than I could last week or last year.  God has led us that from now on it's nothing but top shelf in that department...and that's so more than physical. I'm not fearful to say that...and u know we don't care.

Ok...I need to get some rest to rest our mind and body and definitely soul.  Still wonder how much of this diary should be ultra-personal.  Like...eye don't know.  When u write, and put urself out there, people can look at u differently and stuff...but u know what, we've reached a Sharpie point in our life where we can't really be concern what people think, especially if u're being real and from the heart.  Is the time for us to close the diary up coming up soon, who knows...just write when our heart is moved to.

Think a playlist and video needs to be put up on our diary.  Yeah...that's gonna be wild., wait a minute
I get a feeling that someone wants to hear one of our crazy stories.  So...let's see...

As of late we've been talking about timing and how if it's not in the cards, it's just not in the St. Louis cards and u simply move on.  I don't know why we're telling this stuff, but consider this a little bonus, and of course u know it has to do with girl or how about two tonight.

First story...I remember...infamous words in our diary, back when I was in college in Illinois one of my best friends' spot aka the dynasty was the Olive Garden restaurant.  Man, that sounds so Midwestern.  So I visited one of my guys who was up there for the summer, and they had some cool "staff" (wink, wink!).  Seemingly every time our crew went in there somebody was coming out with a new math lesson from one of the girls either working there or sitting down.  Some of us were on the basic math course while others knew freaking pre-cal digit-tree!

So this summer, me and my guy were eating inside, and I kind of noticed this girl who was rocking the white blouse, black tie, and black pants attire of the restaurant.  What got me was she had one of the prettiest faces we've seen with a very model like build, and great hair (oh, the hair is important just in case u wanna rub through with some...selsun blue!)  This Bratz doll looked like...let's see...ok, that works she looked like a taller version of Kelly Ripa but her hair was that blond with pepper black highlights with more of a...u know I'm gonna say tan.  (R u even surprised?)  She was sexy in a Playboy Magazine type of way...I might need to stop before I get into trouble! Ah as my boy and myself were having our Inside the Actor's Studio type of conversation, my eyes kept checking her out like, I think I might have to say something to here.  But the thing was she wasn't googling our eyes, and if she woulda come up with this, but still u sometimes have to fling the line and see if the fish be biting.  Our dinner ended, and guess what...I didn't approach.  Oh no!  And we left and the story ends....

Good stuff right!...totally like no.

So as the Fall semester of the school year kicked off, I returned to the spot of pick ups and pick figure 8's, but this time with my boys in hand.  All of us entered the joint, all sizes and colors like a freakin' human case of Baskin' Robbin's flavors, I wonder if my flavor is Oreo??!!  Just kidding...I'm so silly...but after we made our premadonna entrances for the entire restaurant to see, we sat down and we could already see the waitresses taking their glances to who was gonna work the table.  After drawing straws one of them came over...but what I noticed was ol' girl was working that night as well. let's cut to the Chase Bank.  One of the people in our party ended up getting to know the waitress who was helping us out, and low and behold she said she was throwing a party.  Huh.  And old girl ended up making her way to our table, while her co-worker was going into detail how all the girls of The OG hung out together.  They gave a time and stuff and said we should stop through.

So we drove up to the north side of Rock Vegas, to this party held in this apartment.  Boy there was Miami Heat hate in the joint as the crew walked in.  My swag was at a max, rocking that turtleneck, with jeans, and Nike ACG joints, then we hit 'em with those Missy Elliott Kenneth Cole black rimed yellow tinted glasses...what! I looked like I just stepped off stage on  MTV's The Grind.  I go in and it was like a magnetic, I see Miss Beautiful as she was with a friend.  As I say, the entire night, I talked to her, I mean the ENTIRE while some of the fellas were urinating on folks toothbrushes and stuff (it's a long story), I got to know this girl, as both of us were nervous like, u wanna stop talking but u just can't....we talked about everything, she liked our outfit.  So "the moment" came where we exchanged numbers and stuff.  Cool, I didn't dress like a Wayans Brother for nothing.

I called her later answer, just a message.  One of my guys who was interacting with her friend told him that Jenny (calling out names tonight!) was so happy that I called...yet she really didn't return our call.  Can u say question mark?  So I had to go to the crib for Fall break or something.  Hadn't heard from ol' girl in a while, and after speaking wit the fam, I go to my palace of a room, and see "voice message" on the phone.  I hit my security code, probably 2121, and guess what it's homegirl.  She was saying how she wanted to see what I had planned for the night and stuff.  My first reaction was like, "Dang-it man!"  She just had to call when I'm not in town didn't she.  Then on top of that she called late like after 10 or 10:30 pm, and we all know that if somebody calls after that time asking what are you doing that means it's more than likely's a feelin' on ur booty call, let's just say it.  So now let's make that a Double "Dang-it man!!"(hands over my mouth right now)...when I got back I think I called her, but to no avail, the moment had passed and it wasn't meant to be.  Timing bro...timing bro.

It's late and this is crazy long, but u know what tomorrow ain't promise so here's a bonus bonus:

So I'm down here in Miami.  Attending the MIU (Miami International Univ. of Art and Design) the company of a lot of girls.  A LOT...and with us focusing on Fashion Merchandising, most of the time I was, if not the only guy in the batch.  So u know I got tons of stories with us in classrooms full of not only cool girls but a lot of them were pretty on top.  Great as I had class after class I noticed this one girl was like in quite a few of them.  I got to know her well, and I felt we had a lot in common.  She was a Midwestern gal from Ohio, we are from next door Indiana.  She had a great sense of humor, and I loooved her voice.  She had the California Valley girl voice with words like, "duh", "like", and "totally".  We even ended up working together at the store I was employed at.  She reminded me of physically like...this ain't no hobo, Megan Fox reminds me of her, (and yes I do like all races, as u can see...I think I need to shut up...right!) but our girl was more full figured in a very good way.  Then on top of that she lived her in South Beach.  Man, I felt it in the air...

So we continued to get to know each other working on small projects.  All the while, I'm like this girl plays like she ditzy as heck but she ain't foolin' me with the Jessica Simpson okee-doke, I know she gots some smarts about fashion if nothing else.  Why did all the girls in class have Louis bags?...back to the story, so each day I'm like, how can we come at this girl who's I think is sexy and possesses a motherly quality about her yet she likes to party...she was unique.  So low and behold that day came...

I go to one of the classes and the professora is like, I have a project for you all.  U know I like those type of things.  She was like I want you to go to this museum and visit my store (which she owned) and get some information on fashion things.  But there was one catch...they were up in Palm Beach.  With her store being located right on Worth Ave. in Palm Beach.  (I may go up there in the next week or two).  Now at the time, I only had the Vespa aka "The Grey Ghost" so I couldn't ride that up the Florida Turnpike.  Well I could, but I'd rather not.  Some of the girls knew what's up...anyhow I wondering how I could make it up there knowing I gotta catch a ride.  Next thing I know it, my homegirl is like "I can take you".  Say what!!  She did have a nice Beamer with personalized plates and all.  It wasn't about the ride, it was like, oh snap, tha kid is gonna have 1.5 hours each way, one on one, with the girl who I've been feeling for a while.  God u hooked us up, and I promise this trip won't be sinful...then again I may have had my toes crossed when I thought that!

So I go to tha crib like boy, I knew we was gonna hook up...trying out lines in the mirror like, "How do you feel about honey?" or "If this car were to break down, and we had to stay at an hotel, and they only had a single room available, would I sleep on the floor or would we sleep back to back, head to foot or in a position like we were trying out for a Tempur-Pedic pillow commercial?"  Important questions u know...I may have to "forget" the PJ's just in case.  I ain't gonna hide this one, I was Beauty and the Geeked all up for this one.  It seemed too perfect...and guess what it was.  I go into class that week (had it twice a week I think), and my homegirl wasn't in there.  The teacher comes up and says that our baby girl had to go back up north because her grandmother died.  Whoa....I immediately felt like aw man, I hope she's alright.  Then of course, I was like there goes our dream day...but...

I ended up going out and mean up...this was suppose to be a educational trip right!  Ended up going with a mad cool, and silly and South Beach pretty girl (u gotta live down here to know what I mean).  She lived in the hood as well, and she picked us up.  We rode the the roof off of her ride, and me and Miss Vegas (that's where she wanted to move to), had the time of our life going up 95 jamming to old cuts like this.  Good times!  U never know...but bad timing could actually be good timing.  U just never know!

That's the lesson of these stories I guess.
Whew!...alright, enough of my escapades, hope u enjoyed...and once again...

Your (Our) Time will come.  Just relax.  Preaching to ourself on this.

We'll Holla.
Austino Galaxia.

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