Saturday, March 24, 2012

#OccupyFun and It's 1%.

Wall Street Madness!!!

An early evening here in easily the hottest place on tha planet right now!  I tell ya, we've never seen it like this down here in tha neighborhood of South Beach.  Its a combination of part Baywatch set mixed with part Studio 54.  It's really insane...and if there is anywhere else on Earth like down here right now...I'll beg to differ.  As we mentioned before, it's kind of cool.  Words can't describe the atmosphere down here, so why even try!  Just use ur imagination, and u'll still come up me on that.

Things are moving at an ultra-fast rate, and we are just gathering our thoughts.  We attempting to keep our sanity and not get caught up in tha "hype" that seemingly is surrounding our life right now.  Money, girls, ego are all things we are dealing with right now.  Just have to keep our faith in God above that's He's gonna lead us in the right direction and for us not to get so caught up in this MTV fantasy life of ours that we lose track on who we are as a person, and how we want to live our life.  So easy to just....I went to take the basuda out to the back, and as I came back in our apartment building, I saw this woman walking down tha steps inside.  I was still in a school daze, so to speak, cuz I just took like a 2 hour nap, so our senses weren't fully in tact, plus we was getting our mind ready for another tough workout at the gym...

We opened our door, and then closed it.  I began to get my music ready, and this lady was holding the door for us.  Which was weird in a way, cuz she says, "I was holding the door for you."  Interesting, cuz she had to have been there like waiting for us to come she then says, "Funny, I've never seen you around here before."  Inside, we like we tha oldest tenant just about in the building, we've been in here pre-Obama, pre-Khloe & Lamar, and pre-Apple Ipad!! we just play it off, and ask her what is her name?  She replies "Annie" (name changed for diary's sake!) Told her ours, and we briefly talk, and the way she was talking, I'm starting to get tha sense that she might wanna become more than a shooting star in our Galaxia! If u read this Annie, u was giving off that "vibe", homegirl.  After a quick chit, chat, we just hit the block to "tackle South Beach" as she stated.  Real cool gal, though, had that old school Italian kind of style to her...really pretty with tha blond curly hair look, very full-figured woman, with a real nice attitude.  Need more like ya!!  Probably should have....but...our life is so interesting, just walking out of our building can present Casanova adventures.  (More on that in a little bit.)

Earlier in tha day, we saw the biggest bill I think I've ever seen at a grocery store.  These two dudes at the Publix at Fifth and, these cats spent a whopping $588 of those thangs at checkout!! Wowser!  And to make it even worse, they didn't even initially include the plastic container of mushrooms (the legal ones), so after those veggies, the big topped over $590.  That's amazing!  The kicker was these dudes weren't or didn't appear to be buying stuff for a weekend party at tha crib.  They were buying everyday stuff, with Heniken (the rich man's beer) to boot....I remember this one woman getting it in once at a store, with a bill over $400, she reminded me of a Real Housewife, and for some reason I was waiting for her check to laundry bounce as she wrote it.  Some folks spend in bounches...I take a nab at it one piece at a time.  As we mentioned before, I like our stuff brand new and fresh.  Milk being within a week of the expiration date is borderline spoiled in our book.  And let's not talk about bread...I'm so specific about food.  Talked about this before, so check out our previous diary reads to get inside our stomach's brain.  What if every body part had a brain.  I remember my Grandma telling me to think with your head, and not the one below the belt!  I guess she knows something I don't! (Wink, wink!)

Like we said before, it's getting wild...watched an old episode of Globetrekker, the traveling show.  They were over in Venice, Italy for this episode.  And Justine (It's wild when u know the hosts by name!) was over checking out that beautiful and super-romantic city.  Love the water canals, and the history and just overall natural beauty.  She came upon a alley way tour of the old school crooner named Casanova.  That was a good movie.  But he was a real lover and seducer of tha ladies.  His real name is Giacomo Casanova, and our ears really perked up when he discussed about his memoirs about adventures with women.  I have to get that book or go to a museum to find his works.  I love to read about diaries and memoirs and for some reason I think this might peek our interest.  Sometimes u think u are the first person to do something, and then u realize that it's been done before, just in a different...way or medium.  I'm gonna look for that, right after this diary post, just love people telling their story.  Love it!!

There is such a difference in living rich and living wealthy.  Starting to live way that is wealthy, and that is so much more than ducketts and dineros.  It's about enjoying life, and all it has to offer, and being able to make some sacrifices to do what you really want to anytime.  That's tha difference.  We've thought about living in a way, where it's like, "Hey, I wanna go out to Naples for tha weekend." and not having to crack open our piggy bank and count pennies, which we have done all to many times.  You get down to ur last dollar, so u go to the coin bank and put them in a plastic bag, take them to a grocery store, pour them down the spinning machine, almost kick the thang over when u see the sign indicating the house gets 7% of the savings, then u walk over to Customer Service department scratching ur neck, and wiping invisible slime from ur nose like a broke fiend at a Vegas casino.  Been there, done that!  Now gonna watch all our stuff through the internet, just because a) all the stuff we watch, we can see online anyway, including Heat and Lakers games, and old shows...b) don't watch tv so much anyway, cuz we are usually out and about ...c) it's about living see how this works out, the way our life is going, just hope I have time to sleep, cuz it's almost scary...our life is turning into one big party. U talk about it, but as it's happening.....Lord help us.

Are we done?  Anything else to write about...any stories or anything?...I have to reiterate this. Life is to be lived to tha fullest.  It goes by so fast, that it's easy to take moments or days or weeks or family and friends for granted.  I'm starting to take pictures more often, cuz they do capture moments in your life that won't be reduplicated.  Having fun comes in such a variety number of ways.  It doesn't always have to be partying poolside or shopping to u drop.  It can be a simple walk down tha street or losing urself in a book or online diary (cough, cough!)...We profess ourself to being "The Zen Master of Fun", and no matter how much money we have in our pocket or how quote unquote famous we become, that is still the lifeline of who we are as a it should be for you.

The "hype" of living up to everyone else's expectations can just drain you.  You should being eating can't date that type of guy or girl...why get a degree in a profession that don't pay no loot...all these external pressures can weigh you down.  But what makes you happy?  Is it going to a vintage store to look for an almost timepiece?  Or is it just being in a music store melting the butter time away going through the "sale" section of used items?  So serious about this...cuz as our life is getting wilder by the second, I want other people to get "out of themselves" and enjoy life, and do some things they wouldn't never consider doing.  That's fun to me....this is so weird, but I need to hear a song with Snoop in it right now...ahhh...let's choose this one (how many u heard that one before!!)...

For real, it's time out for just doing tha same stuff day after day and night after is tha time to get out of our comfort zone and experience life.  I'm know we are a crazy guy, but u know what all of us have that streak of that in us.  Don't be afraid just do it and live.  Don't think, just go!  Talk to ourself always first, so in saying that get ready, cuz as our life unfolds, the diary will capture everything...and the fun is seriously just beginning.

Austin Galaxia.
(I gotta find a way to cursive that signature, I need my stars over the "I's"!! Ha!  I guess there's no other way!)

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