Sunday, March 25, 2012

"Nada, Mi Hijo !!" of one of our all time dance tunes, "Nothin'".

This is another one of those entries where we have no idea where our fingers are gonna lead...seemingly we are being lead  to write a little bit, before our day leads us outside of our doors and into the Miami sun, so we shall just see what is gonna come out of all this...

The Wish List...we all have them if not written in concrete with a rose on top, or on the scratch paper of our minds...there are things we want, places we want to go to, and people we want (sometimes), that we feel would make our life howdy doody! So what is on our wish list right now?  That's a excellent question...a very good one.  There's so much yet so little on can that be?

This is gonna be a deep and personal diary again...oh we go:

When I was a little kid, I used to dream so much, and we do mean so much about being so famous.  I used to draw, and still have a great love for it, and if I wasn't to be a Meteorologist ("It's HOT!!!...that's an inside joke)...another career choice that I thought would be cool would to be a comic strip writer.  I thought it would be so enjoyable to have ur own cartoon character going through all these funny episodes, using ur imagination and creativity to bring a laugh if not on a daily basis at least for the Sunday funnies u know.  I guess our diary and life how it's transpired is a real-life comic strip, that at times makes u feel like the jokes on you, but for the most!...for tha most part it's so funny that u almost laugh before the joke is even completed!  It's a cool life, but interesting.  I said, "Wow", because that's a perfect description of our life, one that is a comic-strip being lived out and told, only not in 2-D, but in 3-D or triple form....hope u got that!

Another intriguing aspect of a comic strip writer is that it is very rare that u actually recognize the face of the person who creates the laughter that u run to get the papers to see.  I think sometimes it's so cool to go shopping or be at the library and have somebody talk about you or ur articles or book, and not realize that you are right there next to them!  Like a secret identity that only a few know about...that's an awesome feeling to have...sometimes.  Around the world, and especially down here in Miami and the South Beach island we have this notion of flash and stuff.  The faster the car, the skimpier tha swimsuit (I love a woman's body, but mystery is sexy, trust me on this ladies.), the more money you show, makes you sexier or more...ah, what's the right word...more appealing.  Sometimes that's the case, I guess...I think total opposite, and we HAVE some of the things that can make anyone in this world sexy or classified into the "has it all" type of classification, I don't know if that even makes sense, but just Pillsbury roll with it. Its ok to floss, but to do it intentionally, i.e., parking your Aston Martin illegally just so folks can see u get out of it, just ain't cool.  Play by tha rules, and the attention u rightfully deserve will find you.  Common I need some help...

Our "Championship Run" Diary.
I can talk from the heart about this, because there are very few people who have aspirations has high has ours. I don't think u can get any higher.  We have our own Galaxia for goodness sake!!  Used to draw pictures, and still have them, involving us in our own commercials, with our face plastered on billboards over looking cities, GQ magazine was serious, and in some ways still is, just in a different way.  As it's been stated we've kept a diary/movie script for over a decade or so now, one of my favorite diaries we kept was several years ago down here in Miami.  I love to have fun with our life, if u haven't figured that out by now.  So with this particular diary we decided to feature ourself as an athlete coming back to the game he loved.  (Basketball) last time to go for the thing he's always wanted the most, which is a ring.  We called it, "The Championship Run".  I have no idea why I'm writing this, cuz this is just gonna put us even more in the Michael Jackson level of weirdness, but whatever...This diary volume included press conferences of what why we came back to tha game, articles written about our life on and off tha court, as well as pictures detailing each game during the playoff run of our "team".  Kind of interesting, and personally tough, cuz u throw in all the real time events and people and girls, it's one of a kind.  Part fantasy, part reality, part future reality.  But u do things that make u...I dunno...we dream about our life on the ultimate stage and level, as do others...U always want a life better than the life u have, even if the life u have is already is pretty darn good.

The danger in our thinking or how we used to think, is the belief that the more u're known or the more friends u have on Facebook, why is the first thing I check when I go to a person's Fcbook page is to check the number of friends they have?  When it really doesn't matter, it's about the quality not the number anyway! ...but u can alter u whole lifestyle just to fit in into the "in crowd" when u are the "in crowd""!  I've been fortunate to be around a lot of folks with some pull, with some sexy looks and such, and sometimes it's all overrated.  It is...I say that, not in a not trying to be VIP for a night or workout to get ur abs right type of way.  I say that in a "That's not the only aspect of my life" type of way.  How many pretty girls don't have anyone approach them and get to know them as a person, just because they have curvaceous body and attractive face? (My Grandma, just told me of a show she watched where the ladies said the were too good looking for guys to approach them, and she said she thought of us, and how, 'my grandson wouldn't be intimated!'  Oh, she knows us too well!!) many guys wish that they would stop making a big deal about how much money they make and realize the money isn't what makes tha person...does money make u look better...

I remember watching a thing on Tupac, and how he was at the exact club a year before he blew up and the same folks who didn't even wanna talk to him, was now all on his sweaty jock.  The SAME CLUB with the SAME FOLKS!  It's wild what fame or money can do...I see it all the time.  Up at the Triple A, and some girls would be like, "I just met such and such...or such and such is here", then get to gossiping.  I might've been at that stage once in our I think I have as much to gossip about as they do.  And if u've read or keep reading this diary, we may have even more!!  Believe me, this is a once-in-a-lifetime thang...but this ain't about us right now...

So from hearing some outstanding wisdom from some experienced people (Bill Parcells, Bill Withers...look 'em up if u need to...and others)...finding out that if you be urself, and go through all the necessary steps one at a time, u'll find the fame and glory that goes along with your life.  There are a lot of talented people who are ticked off that their chance hasn't come.  Why is all this hoopla over Linsanity going on?  Or how come this girl won on American Idol, she can't sing like I can?  Or u can bring it home to why did this guy get chosen for class president or captain of the team, when he don't even do homework and care about the issues at hand...just won cuz of popularity.  It's serious.  I speak from experience, and that's why, and it's difficult to do, we are not getting bitter but better.  Make it ur fuel.  As we once said before...

"I used to wanted  to be mentioned in the same I don't even want there to be one!"

Real talk from this goofy kid.  I feel like something is about to occur, it's just weirdy poo that we are talking about all these personal feelings and issues so freely.  But there is somebody who may be reading this as well who has the same thought patterns, and to you, u are not alone in ur journey.  It takes takes a night of rest instead of out on the takes saving some money, while everyone else is spending like it's circa 2002...but sooner or later the sacrifices will pay off.  I think sooner...

And when they do, we all will be thinking, the hard way is the best way.  There are no shortcuts to success or whatever...why do you think many of the truly famous or wealthy have held that position for such a long standing of time.  Movie actors still going strong, while others become a "whatever happen to....?" answer on a board game.  The ones who paid the sacrifices, the proof is in the pudding.  And just because they don't tell their story, say like we are in keeping this diary, doesn't mean they don't have one to tell on sleeping the floors of friends or doing waitress jobs just to do a portfolio shoot.  They have one.  We have one.  And so do you...

When it comes, or u're at the doorstep of the entrance to your dreams, just remember what got u there.
That's my struggle on this Sunday...being patient, and not getting caught up in all the hype.  It's a lot y'all...but when u know you're prepared, what do you have to fear?


Austino Galaxia.

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