Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Nothin' Like Tha Original!

Our Own Shoe...finally!  The original Austino Galaxia 1.  (Thanks Creative Recreation!)

Once again, we have no idea what we gonna write about on tonight...which can be a good thing.  We're one of tha craziest people around, so by the time we get to tha end of this thang, who knows what loco words have flowed outta of our mouth, so let's just see what happens...

Rest is important in life.  As has been documented, our life is so very fast paced to many a days we don't have time to even use tha bathroom it seems.  This or that going on, it's wild.  So this afternoon, was a time to just...nap???  Yeah, one of those old school foot up on tha dresser type of naps.  With the life we live, it can drain you...now we are starting to let things develop, even if we don't agree, matter of fact, we're at that point we're it's obvious when certain things or more specifically certain people may not be in our immediate future.  No matter how bad u may des'ree it, it just might in be in your best interest to leave it alone.  There was a time (boy, I miss Luther Vandross....Thanx, Lalah.)...when I would fight it to the snaggletooth end, to try to force things to come our way or to force somebody to like us, or force the timing to be right.  Is it gonna be one of those nights on A Galaxia dot com?  When u do things unnaturally, it just doesn't feel tha same way, man it is gonna be one of them nights I feel like getting down...

Just like the other night, when I was enjoying the Miami night...now down here in Miami, lots, and I do mean lots of girls like to rock high heels and those wedges that prop u up perpendicular in the air, like John Wooden stilts.  Now I still don't know how some girls walk in them, I like the look...sometimes...of course, depending on who it is, but there are those moments where u can tell somebody is trying to hard to make it pass the velvet rope of dating and it doesn't look...natural.  Now...the other night, I saw too things from two girls which was, how shall we say, intriguing.  This one gal was walking, in these sweet potato wedges, rocking a skirt and stuff, but she was walking with her hands on her hips like she was about  to do tha Y2K12 version of tha 69 Boyz'  "when I dip, u dip, we dip", but she didn't dip!  At least not in public...so as I'm seeing her walk for Statue of Liberty steps on end, I'm like, "she might need to take off those wedges, dude". U could just tell, trust me a person makes tha clothes, the clothes don't make tha person.  U can get u some Rascal Flatts and be a sexy as can be.  Believe that!!!

Then on tha same night, I saw this other girl walking and either the concrete had a hiccup for a split second or she was practicing a scene for a Boyz In The Hood movie to come out, all I know is homegirl just about bit the dust tripping over her heels, and her face almost became busted like me not having a parking decal on my ride here in South Beach.  I don't get it, but that's what I'm talking about...things not coming naturally and trying to do things where ...got another one....I remember this one girl, who I rea...oops I forgot to start a new paragraph...

I remember this one girl, who I really thought was attractive man...why do I keep telling these stories?...In our opinion, I thought she was slept on big time.  She lived down here in Miami, she wore black glasses, had that spicy cinnamon natural skin, I thought she was mad cute.  We would pass each other, and talk on occasion and u could tell she was short with words, which I don't know why...now I may know.  Anyway, I'm like I'm not gonna tell anybody about this girl, cuz I don't want this word to get out about this angel, she's gonna be ours.  C'mon somebody!!  Tell me that ain't true, if u meet a girl or a guy, sometimes u keep it to yourself, not because of no self-confidence, but just because u want that person to be...your little secret.

So as I was gathering which 98 Degrees lyric to use on her, I noticed something different about her...She got her boobs done.  Huh.  Now, I ABSOLUTELY have nothing, I repeat nothing, with females who have had plastic surgery done to them.  And we've known and seen many of ladies who have had some of the most weirdest and sometimes discreet places Dr. 90210'd...and that's fine.  Hey, we live in Miami, and for some it's a rites of passage come your sixteenth birthday.  Grab some cake, and here are two tickets for you and ur friend to fly down to Columbia, cuz South America got tha best prices,  to get your belly button raised a half a centimeter!...Am I wrong peeps?!!  So I was like huh, but for some reason I missed the old version of mini-Selma.  It wasn't so much her new accessories, but her attitude like changed.  Then all this, "U wanna see them" type of talk...it turned me off, it really did.  It happens with some folks after surgery, they become more outgoing, borderline snobby, which is so...like...uggh! (With tha hand in tha face, the look away, and "whatever" all included!)  While others are so low key, u don't even notice it, cuz their self-confidence doesn't rely on a body part.  I've seen some super-gorgeous girls who had 32A's while others who had bigger bustlines who I wanted to call my girl goon team, to drive down I-95, and ruff 'em up comin' out of a party. Just be natural with urself, no matter what.

Wow, I hadn't heard this song literally in 12 years.  Old school dance jam.....when life was alright! (ha, ha!)

We starting to get really...our diary is so special to us, like we've been saying, it's the closest (or perhaps) thing we have to getting to know us, without asking us...We meet some cool people everywhere from the streets to Fresh Market supermarket (Hey, bro, they put those sweets by the check-out aisle for a reason!..."Kitchen Sink" is a heckuva name for cookies though!!), just any and everywhere...our life is unique.  The last few weeks has been a battle like, do we keep telling our life for tha Galaxia to know.  And trying to spread this message of having fun and love, while sometimes telling episodes that are just wacky and ever so personal.  I don't know if this thang is crazy or genius jones?  Tough to tell sometimes...I guess that's why I say to embrace your struggle or just enjoy each moment, cuz ur trials, breakups, getting fired from jobs, not asking that girl out on tha dance floor, could actually be a blessing from disguise.  For real..

Our Galaxia is unique...starting to get more embraceful about what we've been through, and what the future holds...yes, it's weirdly difficult at times.  But now we're in tha final stretch run, and who knows what may happen next.

Tonight might be just the last one before....

Austino Galaxia...signed with a kiss.

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