Friday, March 23, 2012

Time Will Tell...

These Casio Calculator Watches were the lick back in the day!!

"You can be a champion...before you win a championship."

"A lot of people pay lip service to wanting 2 win...but they never do the sacrifices to win."

"And there's nothing better than special players playing with a chip on their shoulder."

These are a few of the quotes that we've heard, that have kept us motivated on today, as we are hitting the next level in our life.  Things are changing, and they are changing fast, and tha key is to let things develop and not try to gold spoon force feed, our life in a manner that we forget the fundamentals of who we are as a person, and try to do things outta character, just on status quo.  That can be difficult at times, but we are at a point in our life, where, jokes aside, it's about having fun to tha max, and not getting bitter, but better.  So important, right now...

Right now, Miami, and our neighborhood of South Beach, is in ultimate party form.  Its really in  red carpet party form, right now, being hollered at by the most "beautiful" people around.   Its really like a fantasy land, down here, with SO many things going many people from around tha world.  It's insane.  And I don't think words can really describe tha scene.  Which I believe is nothing short of awesome.  From Music Festivals to pool parties to the "Fifth Majors" tennis tournaments to Home and Design shows, our area has something for everyone and everybody.  And believe me, it truly feels like the global spotlight is shining directly on us (Twofold phrase!!) I was thinking that this might living in another golden area in tha Magic City.  It comes and goes in waves, and now it's hitting a very strong stride.  Hope folks appreciate it, cuz it's not too often, that u live in a city and neighborhood where it seems like ur on the lips of the talk around tha globe.  That's us, it doesn't happen in everybody's life.  

Hold on, while I start this grill for an early dinner tonight...hold on...ok, we back.  We think a lot, still I know, about what is said in this diary of ours.  U wanna be as real as possible, and capture all of our feelings about life, fun and love...our journey is like none other around.  Just so weird, u know...I may even talk about certain issues or use certain language, borderline Malcolm X-rated type talk about certain things or body parts, but we have to be not only who we are, but also tell it from our perspective.  We sense that we've mentioned this all before, but as our life gets more like a fake but real party like movie, and the stories get even more dream like, have to set all this straight.  U're gonna hear some wild stuff in our diary.  As we said, we gonna write this like we know our diary should be written.  Hopefully, and I know, it's gonna be one of a kind.  Guess what we're trying to say is...u've been warned!!

Eleven straight days of "work"...that's a lot.  Time has just flown by though, and we thank the Great Carpenter in the sky for allowing us to get through it.  Been kind of low key in some ways...not really going out this week, or hitting up certain things, even our workout schedule has been adjusted some.  Just because of this past important stretch of constantly on tha go.  U sometimes have to sacrifice a little.  It's like having a lot of money in ur pocket, and u go out with some of ur friends who are spending without a nano-second of thought.  U sometimes have to hold back, and not do what everybody else does.  I think to be successful in life, just talking from our heart on this, is being able not to get burnt out, and have something to not only finish, but also being able to crank it up a notch when others get bored or fade away from the scene....

That's why I say, that it's ok to lay back in tha cut, while "the scene" is jumping off.  Our life has been based on that so much, and even now as we continue to grow and learn and wild out, it's one of the reasons why our   NBC bio-pic has been so unique.  It's tough to be's tough to save's tough not to approach every girl who gives u "the look" and u're like, 'Man, if she look at me like that again...''s really tough y'all.  I'm writing this in faith, that being patient will pay off very soon in not only our life, but in all of our can seem like nothing's moving in the right direction or why do I have to wait to go to Disney, and have to resort to pulling out the Goofy Olympics VHS every weekend, but if that's what it takes to be successful like Thrice and Drazzle , then so be it...

Guess that's what this is all about tonight...talking to ourself on this one.  Be patient.  U're time will come.  There's this girl, when is there not one, who I think is just so super cute and just has can I put it...hidden beauty inside, and such a cute seductive look, with those eyes, she's right....  I look at her, like I wish I could get just one day and/or night and/or morning and/or freak session (just joking..or are we??) with her, that would be awesome. We've asked her to kick it before, but the timing wasn't right, so now we caught in a do we give it another try or just lay back.  Seemingly, we're being led to lay back and let things develop...U can't help but wait, huh...but that's part of the complexities in our life, giving up present seen for the future unknown.  U wanna make a move in certain directions, and u see different people, let's just say doing certain things towards u, and u feel like u can do or have certain wishes or fantasies if u push the issue, but ...don't know why we writing this...u just take a huge Kurtis Blow, and trust that "good things come to those who wait."  Shaking our head just thinking about this girl, cuz u know if we were to ever hang out, it'll be the time of our lives, that's with a lot of people and especially girls.  Just being honest here, if u only have one choice of cake, it's easier to decide what to eat.  But when u have the choice of taking a bite from different cakes, it's a lot more difficult to pick tha flavor of ur liking.  The chef can only do so much though...sooner or later the customers have to meet you halfway.

 Don't know why or even how I got on that subject, but that's what diaries do...have a little time before the post-diary "partying" begins so why not write a little more... 

Boy, it's gonna be some intriguing decisions to be made.  Our living showroom is getting a major cosmetic uplift....our wardrobe is going to get more fun.  Speaking of which, what is tha theme?  Driving today, and listening to Incognito made us consider going back to my love for Europe.  In styles and color combination...have to go to the grocery store, am I the only one who goes to the grocery store, like four times a week?  I just like to have my stuff fresh, not only in food, but in all walks off life, it's just better when it's not stepped on u know...I so sound like a cocaine dealer, right now, but it's true!  Good Lord, willing, gonna get back to putting "premium" food in our bodily fuel tank.  U are what u eat...our body can just feel...other day, we just knew we had too much sodium in our system, u start to feel tired, and wanna go to sleep after u see a glass of milk sitting around on tha counter, not good for us....

People joke around about our eating habits, some is really cuz of necessity.  Heavy doses of sugar breaks me out in pimples, and we've already stated how we feel about that.  Like a 16 yr old girl, getting one before prom...Sodium, messes us up.  I'm just weird when it comes to food.  We'll eat a lot of things, u have to enjoy life, while other things are just like "Ew-wee".  I tell folks don't take it personal with us, just let us be, and let us eat our rice cakes and be merry!

Joking around earlier today with some of tha guys about going out with a doll to a meal and that ultra-intense moment of ordering after getting the a guy, u're sitting there like, "ok, I got such and such, in my pocket, let her order first, and if she orders tha filet mignon, then I'm gonna say, 'u know I'm not really hungry, let me just get a salad and some diet water!"  This is such a serious part of the moment together, c'mon y'all, I know I ain't lying!!  U position that menu just low enough below ur eyes so u can read the menu and also camouflauge-e-lee look at her eyes and where they are wandering.  U sneek a peek up at her, and if u see her eyes glancing over to that New York Strip Steak, then u on cue, spit out, "U know, babe, eye heard they have some awesome 2-for-1 specials at this place!!  Why look-a-there...there they are, right here on the  of the menu!!"...

So then the waiter comes, and she starts to order, and as she orders u begin to count how many consecutive days of Ramen noodles you have to eat, "one...two...three...dang, she just ordered another appetizer, I wasn't expecting that, now I gotta add two days to tha count!"  You wipe ur brow, with the cloth napkin, then the waiter ask u what u want, and u look at the beauty sitting across from u, and u know ur cover is blown when u begin ur order by asking the waiter...."Exactly how big are the portions in the kids menu?!!!" (Ha, ha!!!)  I can honestly say this, I've never seen so many attractive girls and women, who can throw down eating as much as down here in Miami.  A girl is a size 2 but can smorgasbord u to death!!  If u a female reading this, let me ask, how do u all do it.  Up north it's different, but down her...don't let that dress size fool ya!!

We done...lots of stories and fun in store.  I guess we'll keep this diary thang going after all.  It's our life.  And we right there to where we want this diary to be and become.  Laughs, serious, issue discussed and a whole lot of fun.  Who we are as a we write all this, we wonder...

Where is this all leading?...
Guess to the thanks for riding the comet through our Galaxia!
It's a truly a special ride of a lifetime...

Austino Galaxia...Himself.

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