Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Last Stand?

My Boys' Last Run in '98 (Pippen and Jordan)

(Hand Clap!)

Let's hit this thang running....

Been a chaotic last few hours in ways that I don't think I can really put into words.  I can talk about so much stuff, that it ain't even Eddie Murphy from being entrapped in a Sodom and Gomorrah atmosphere down here in the neighborhood right's gotten crazy, I think with folks going back to school from Spring Break to the WMC this week (Can u say pool party?!!) to everything...folks are like "I gotta tell somebody something when I get back to school", so they are making these C-list movie scenes, in tha open, all in the holy name of Jenna Jameson...  Wrestlemania is coming up in the city, and they have events in South Beach,  so that should be even crazier we think...I saw this guy and girl, making out on the wall of a hotel, and it was one of those like, lustful, I wanna suck the soul outta you type of kisses.  Almost scary, but, I like to get ours whenever we can, but sometimes u can go in so hard that its just show and no emotion in it, somebody knows what I'm talking about.  Kisses should tingle tha soul, and if u're a guy, u're solider should be "attent-hut" too...if not, then u might need to examine who's performing your anthem of love.

So what...yes, I'm listening to Babyface's Christmas album, right now I need a hopeful feeling just because.

Very Difficult.  Has anyone just felt like they were just burnt out mentally?  Like, u've done all u can do...said all u can say...took every high road in life...and yet it just doesn't seem like it matters?  This is gonna be a long one today.  It's 10:39 am, and I have to leave out of the showroom around 2:30 pm, to go up to the arena for tha Magic/Heat game later tonight.  (Heat should...and better be fired up after losing to O-Town last week. They will be, and it should be a good one.) So I gonna let it rip like an ocean current today....

But as we were saying, u just like man, I think I've reached the end of tha rope?  Mentally u're drained...people think that being successful is easy.  Just because...what is success anyway?...just because u have a lot of money, doesn't mean life is honky-dorry and a skip through the garden of dandelions.  Didn't Puff and Mase World have a song about that? actually makes it more difficult.  Or just because u have some fame, or happen to be attractive physically...which is all in the eye of the honey-holder anyway, we've learned that those things can actually alienate you, and in some ways make ur life more complicated.  It may get you out of a speeding ticket, but it sure ain't gonna exempt you from trial sentence from the court of life...can somebody please get me my own talk show, this is some cute stuff!!  (Ha, ha!!) story...

I was walking thinking about all this stuff, from girls (when am I not, u say, right?!) to life to how to spend my as I was by the New World Symphony place (I need to find a girl to go to that Pulse party with me this upcoming Friday.   Modern symphony hall, with a orchestra music, and DJ... all turned into a club scene, should be fun!) I was about to cross the street near Washington Ave., and I notice this gent who had a cross around his neck, almost like my Grandfather which he never took off, and was dressed in black I take a step to cross and this Mustang tried to Haley's Comet his way into our Galaxia, and almost took me out, so I took a step back.  I thought about it, and both of us began to cross the street, and I slyly told the gent, "If u hadn't been behind me, I woulda been a goner!!" ...he paused, then smiled and said, "I don't feel like doing a funeral today!" He gave a "God Bless." and I walked on toward Lincoln Road....U get it?  See tha guy was dressed in black, had a cross around his neck...he told me 'God Bless' which meant he was a forget it, that a Four Weddings and a Funeral type of joke.  Let me move on...(smiling)

But I wasn't smiling last night...that was probably the most intense I was about our whole life in general.  Not upset, or kinda, but just trying to figure out how can a goofy guy like ourself, seemingly have to go through so much in terms of love or money or just being us.  Had a talk with tha ultimate and original G-Unit up above and just wondering what is going on in our life?  Don't get us wrong, it's super cool, but u know there's another level that's gonna be reached.  And it seems like everything in our life takes so long, man.  Like, I have to always be tha last one in everything.  Its cool to, its not cool to watch tha band go by in tha parade, when u feel like you have more notes in ur horn than any of them marching by.  (p.s.- always remember to 'guide right!!'...that's a marching band thang if u get it!) seriously, when u felt like ok, u've payed all of your dues, and it feels like the more u feel like u've been doing what u think to be right, or have been told to be right (spending money wisely, or not cussing out somebody who's done YOU wrong) the worse it's actually gotten.  They say the cream always rises to the top, but why does it have to be at the bottom for so long?  I have gotten a feeling like I need to change my brand of pilsner...

So after a string and lengthy convo filled with "F-bombs" and bull do-do and whatever else u can conger up...all of which is very uncharacteristic for us, but things just got to us.  In sports, they say winning a championship is tha hardest thing u'll ever have to do, and we felt like we've been on this championship journey of life, and it can be a female dog...u have to go through so much, many of which people have no idea.  "Beauty is pain", isn't that what homegirl, what was her name Janice, oh man...that's it Janice Dickinson used to preach on the old episodes of America's Top Model...that was so ingenious, cuz it's true.  We are so remote controlled programmed to just examine the outside or the image somebody wants to portray of that person that we fail to think about all tha sacrifices or all the work a person put in to do a movie or keep a workplace motivated when tha company's losing money or how many trials and errors a chef had to put in before that got that Hispanic Shepard's Pie just right (I think I just made up a dish, but we all get the point!)...the rewards are super grand, but tha toils can be outta of this world.

I don't even care, about what we write, knowing it may get some folks to not look at us, or put us out there in a weird way, but u know what...who cares?...I mean seriously, this is our journey.  We all have our own...I chose, or have been chosen (that's deep) to write about our life in this medium for a reason.  If I need to talk about crying for 3 hours, we about a party we went to, we will....need to talk about God, we will...we want this to be a real insight into our life, and we are at a point where I'm back to this is 'our diary' and we need it, more than anybody else.  That's why I say, keep a diary or journal, cuz it allows you to pour out some feelings and emotions, and save urself from swinging on somebody that u don't need to.  It doesn't have to be universal like this, but just a small 99 cent notebook from a dollar store (how can cereal be three dollars at a dollar store?!! Like duh! Isn't everything supposed to be a dollar?!!) and just jot down your thoughts, u'll be surprised how better you will feel, and how many memories you savor.  How many times do you hear of children finding a lost diary of their parents or grandparents in an attic detailing their feelings and what they actually felt.  It may be the only thing u have to leave for ur chul-drens...not unless u wanna make a class video to bury in tha ground like in that episode of Saved By The Bell.  If u didn't see the episode, it wasn't a video on Aristocrats or Bourgeoisie either!  It was a video of  their graduating class...That's our Social Studies lesson for tha day.  Hey, Miss Miley...I was listening in tha back and not just waiting for Channel One News to come on!!

We have no idea what is about to jump off next in our life.  We simply want everything to be fun, and just about living life to tha fullest.  With our social thang, which I really believe would make an awesome movie if somebody...heck, I know it would make a great movie, just on real love stories.  It's working itself out, u still get the notions about a few of that beauties we have the luxury of coming across on a daily basis, a few of them...should I talk real and call out names....(long pause)......the time isn't right, so I won't.  But if they only knew how much I notice about them, and how much beauty they possess that we see inside of them, even if they don't see it themselves.  It's off tha charts, and I probably gonna...forget that, will tell them cuz they got to know.  Sometimes it ain't always about baby 'oochie choochie goo' type tickling or...tha choochie (I know somebody's gonna pull me from cyberspace, but I gotta make this real.) or about and the act of pouring Maple Grove Farms' Sugar-Free Syrup on somebody with a stack of flapjacks, topped with bananas of course,  nearby on tha side table (like I'm the only one?!)'s about telling people how beautiful they are...and I'm gonna start calling a spade a Kate Spade.  Just because we all need to hear that.  Know there are times where a kind word uplifts up, so Austin if u feel like no one's pumping u up, when was the last time u gave an uplifting compliment to somebody?  Or called somebody out of tha blue? Huh...

It's all about attempting to change the world...this may be our last one, it may not be.  But just remember, to enjoy all tha moments...our life is taking off in some unique ways, and through the embracing of the struggles sometimes associated with it, we've grown.  Now...oh now...

We've learned that perhaps, this won't be our last stand after all...and even if it is...I'll guranteee it's been on heck of a ride.

A comet ride that only shoots one time through tha Galaxia.

Austino Galaxia aka Pooh.

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