Wednesday, March 28, 2012

"Sir Galaxia...Are You Ready??"

Mr. James Lipton... host of  Inside The Actors Studio


That describes everything surrounding us on today.  It's been sort of an emotional rollercoaster...thinking about our life, and the unique aspects that evoke it on a daily basis.  Just have to continue to take it one moment at at time, and see what happens, and make sure our swag stays up no matter what!  I'm such a "I want it my way, right here, right now" type of person, that remaining calm and patience as our life unfolds can be difficult, but...I think a lot of people are like that, especially those of substance and ambition.  I was watching some old clips of Inside The Actors Studio, and I was surprised that many of the actor's and actresses least favorite word was "No"....Wow! Just got an about we answer those ever famous 10 questions that my dude asks every episode so why not have our own episode right here and right now in our diary!!  Need some fun on tonight so here we go:

1. What is your favorite word?  Fun...duh!  It entraps so much, and usually brings a smile to our face, or at least in our mind.

2. What is your least favorite word? "What!!"...I don't know if I got that from my Pops, but that's a little pet peeve when I ask something and the response is a loud, "What!"...a "Can u repeat that?", suffices just fine.

3. What turns you on? I got two answers (I know I'm cheating!):  A tone set of arms on a female.....and straight up intellect.

4. What turns you off?  Arrogance, and people who don't respond to a simple "Hello" or "What's Up".

5. What sound do you love?  The sound of a stadium's crowd....It's just in our blood, and gets us going.

6. What sound do you hate?  The smacking of gum!  "Chomp...Chomp...".  Cannot stand that junk, nor do I like the heavy walking of feet.  Just being honest!!

7. What is your favorite curse word?  Easily it's the "F-Word".  That my word of choice when I let loose, and I put it in some weird phrases, believe's borderline lunatic talk!

8. What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?  Well, in our diary we've already mentioned a Meteorologist and a Comic Strip Writer...being a Talk Show host would be cool to, I may go for that one in tha future, for real.

9. What profession would you not like to do? A tie between a Honey Gatherer and the people who clean up animal "mess" at tha zoo.  Yuk!!

10. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?  "Can I get YOUR autograph!!"...that would be the ultimate!!

That was cute y'all...u should do tha same if u get some time.

A few McNuggets from today...I was over in Little Haiti, and witnessed this guy riding in tha back of a pickup  truck.  I know, I know, u see that all the time,'s very rare to actually see the guy in the back of the truck sitting on a huge pile of junk while they drive by!!  Wowie!...They threw Mr. Bobby Rush off the Senate floor for wearing a hoody huh?  He from Illinois, he don't care, and this whole situation is really...touching home for a lot of folks, and even us in some ways.  I know we've been profiled or pulled over for no reason except for driving a nice vehicle and rolling on our Vespa scooter.  Absolute only

I was thinking earlier today, why is it when people play fight an throw punches the make that "Sisss....Sissss..." sound as they throw them hooks and jabs?  Like, does that add 2 the sting of tha punch?!!  So funny...other day, we watched the documentary titiled, "Mr. Untouchable" on Hulu.  Pretty good talking about Harlem's Cocaine king pin from the 70s, Nikky Barnes, the drug game ain't no joke.  It's real...Checked out a movie matinee "Safe House" 2day wit Denzel....and I'm gonna end this thang right here.

Gotta take care of some stuff...
Good Night!
Austino Galaxia.

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