Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Bunny Dreaming.

Hugh Hefner...the Playboy Original.

Dreams....and what do they mean?

On a day, which we saw so much crazy occurrences occur, our day actually begin in our most cloudiest states of our sleep.  Now, we gonna tell this like a diary should be told...matter of fact, from here on out  (If not already!!)...There's some personal material on this "thang", but that's ok.  We probably crazy for telling what we have, are and about to tell, but we want this to be tha most realiest diary you will ever read in your lifetime.  You may read it when I still here, or even 100 years down tha line...well, I'll never die per se, but u know what we mean.  Our hope is to give u tha most real-time thoughts from a life which, we know is one of, if the wildest lifestyles around.  It's one of a kind, and all today we begin, with another dream that had me scratch n' sniffing for a pens soon afterwards, and for some reason I think the scent reeks of our future...oh, boy, this is personal...

For, aw say, like over a decade now, we experienced some really crazy dreams.  Some of which we remember, and the themes of most of our dreams circle around two areas of our life:  Basketball and Girls.  Very seldom the intertwining of both of those aspects.  I don't believe its nothing that we ate that has San Antonio Spurred these dreams...nor have I felt tha need to go on the Montell Williams show and ask Sylvia what tha meaning of our life is gonna be!  "I see...I see you waking up..with tha need brush you teeth in tha morning...And then my magic 8-ball says 'Yes'!!"  "Oh man, this woman is a freakin' guru, can I get a book..." "Of course, but that'll be $49.99 for tha bookcover, and $99.99 if you actually want the words included!!....I see you...not buying my book!!"  No, man, it ain't on that tip...but it has been wild.

As we look back, especially with our dreams concerning girls (hey, at my age, that's all u talk about anyway right, besides old episodes of Unhappily Ever After ?!)...but as we look back on those dreams, we find that, eye don't know, it was like a precursor of what the future held in some ways.  Its super weird science to explain, but...just gonna be honest.  We've said that not too many people have come in contact with so many cool and beautiful ladies as we have...and I may add a few more into that conversation (Richard Branson...Mickey Rourke...and Santa Claus, who has the luckiest lap around, just to name a few!)...But as we've told story after story after story about the ultra-beauties in our Galaxia, no one...ah, a very select number... can truly compare to the ones who popped up in our dreams.  Our dreams are like the ultimate beauty pageant, that have endings which are usually incomplete...sad stuff really.  Let's get on to this mornings contestant....

 I distinctively remember our dream beginning with a huge party.  The party was held at this big, huge dorm on a campus seemingly.  Just thought, are we a psychologist's ultimate dream? No pun intended!!...Anyway, this wasn't one of those tore up, old school, dorms that had no air conditioners and u had to use the community bathroom on tha floor.  This look like this was tha spot! Very modern, and definitely looked like a great hotel, just from the size of the building and the size of the rooms.  As I'm walking in, there are guys and dolls, everywhere, and it was on and poppin' like a bag of popcorn with sugar on top.  (y'all don't know nuthin' bout that!!)  The music was jumping, people were running around everywhere just having a super great time.  The only thing I can compare it to is that new movie, Project X, I haven't seen tha movie just tha trailor and it felt exactly like that! Just pure wildness...and I was diggin' it.

As I was walking through the super hallways in this "party dorm" I recall seeing this one girl, who was short in stature, blond hair, cute, with a bowlegged gymnast type of body, asking us if we've seen her husband who was a guy who actually brought me and lead me to this make-shift club scene.  I told her, I didn't know where he was, and I followed her as her odd limp signified she was really performing the "walk of shame", but I didn't say anything, and we saught to  see if we could find homie.  This dorm was like something outta was outta sight for real.  We walked everywhere to no avail, and I think we even walked outside.  I ended up leaving Diana Murphy, and I go back into College Vegas.

Somehow, someway, I end up in this large, so-called suite, that look like something straight out of MTV's Extreme Cribs...I think it was a ladies' suite.  These girls had stainless steel  and stuff, and a living room...this is where our dream gets a little interesting, and I'm gonna tell it...this is our life, and we have nothing to evidently these gals had stainless steel in tha bedroom, along with a couch.  Cuz I remember, there being a drawer, and pulling out a red bra...y'all ain't ready, I keep saying this...pulling out a red bra from tha drawer, and like playfully tossing it over our face in gist and fun.  Hey, it was a wild party!  Just imagine us in real life!!!...after I Lebron powder tossed the bra over my face I turn and completely out of nowhere I see this girl standing there....

She popped out of nowhere, and had this "are u serious?" look on her face.  She was a girl, but had that "mama" feisty, glance about her.  So what did I do?  I playfully put tha bra over her face, and joke with her, before she flings it off, and tosses it to the girl who was sitting on the couch with a friend.  And she says, "That's my roommate."  Now the girl who gave me that look and tossed the brasier was very, very attractive. She looked like she was Asian-American, black hair, wore this black cami blouse that could either be a dress, or part nightgown, a medium to thin build, but her face was...whew...tough to compare, this girl was heavenly beautiful...After that, I remember the feeling that I had to have this girl.  And a feeling of "I'm not gonna let this one get away."  So I begin to tell her all this stuff, and she's just listening, like I was spitting "game" to her.  (which I rarely do anymore, speak truth dude)  She kept listening... and I remember putting my hand around her lower back (Oh, look out now!! Tha kid is making his move!!), as I'm trying to convince her, all the while I get tha feeling that she doesn't want me to move my hand, so...

I begin to go down even lower...not like that, folks have such dirty minds...I begin to bend down like to my knees (maybe I got tha dirty mind!) and keep my hand on her lower back, as she begins to dip down low with me...Is it me or is it getting hot in here!  Song of Solomon eat ur heart out!!...I'm looking up at her a little bit, and we get to the ground with a coffee table in front of us.  So I take a deep breath, and look into her eyes and say, "Let me be honest..."  And I take another breath, to search for the words to talk about her beauty, and my love my mind I wanted to tell her of all the girls we've been around, but don't wanna let u go...but our mouth had trouble uttering them...and when I felt close to doing so....

I turn around and all, and I do mean ALL these people were surrounding us, looking into what was happening between me and old girl.  It felt like I was on the set of Guiding Light or something.  Excluding the fuzzy mic above.  They were so intent on what was happening between us too.  So I ignored them...and tried to talk again...nothing...they were still there...once again..still couldn't talk, and I think it was because of all these nosy people in our present moment that would be a future grandparent story.  Finally, I had enough, and I just screamed, "Can u all BACK UP!!!" And no lie, all of them, guys and girls,  did the Fat Joe "Lean Back" move, they held it at pause for a few seconds, then the all bounced back forward and got back to listening in on our love story.  After that, I basically woke up with tha feeling that I had all these folks in my business and I never got a chance to spill tha baked beans to this angel.  A crazy feeling...

So what does all this mean?  This girl had the rare combination of being beautiful, hot, classy and cute all in one.  She was tha truth, and we recognized it....from her side, we got tha feeling that she didn't want us to leave, and wanted to be with us, but wanted us to just say it.  No game, just speak from our heart.  Then u have the fact that so many people were interested in what was happening between us two.  I meet a lot of girls daily, but it's gonna take a real strong lady to be "the one".  She's gonna have a lot of attention on her, so she has to used or be willing to get used to having the spotlight shining on her.  Cuz there's nothing better in life than to be called "Galaxia's Girl".  No doubt about that...nothing. (Does that mean I have to give her tha world?!!)

Everyday, there's something new, and I didn't even talk about this cat running out of a newspaper stand or this guy falling out in the landromat, and having homegirl inside give that New England look, and say, "U better-Call-Somebody!!"  Wild day...Wild Life...Wild Guy....just enjoying life, and I beg that whoever reads this to do tha same.

U never know what u gonna read from us...and to let u know on a secret....neither do we! (Wink, Wink!!)

Austino Galaxia....the ultimate dreamer...and please don't wake me!

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