Monday, March 12, 2012


Honey Daniels (Honey) aka Jessica Alba.

Today, our diary is gonna be our best friend.  It usually is, but those who may keep or have kept one in tha past know that writing and expressing feelings through words can be the best anecdote to a crazy life.  So who knows what will be said, just know it'll be from our heart.

Seems Like Yesterday.
Just got done watching The Announcement  on Earvin "Magic" Johnson aka 'The Magic Man', and his press conference announcement to the world that he contracted the HIV virus.  Its been over 20 years since that happen, some who read this weren't even born yet, but it was big, real big man.  I grew up in Indiana, but my fam was always huge in hoops.  My Aunt and Uncle 'nem live up in Lansing, Michigan, the home of the Michigan State Spartans...while my Moms lived up there for some time as well, as my Pops and her were courting (what's that?!!).  So Magic Johnson has been a name known around the fam since he was in high school all the way through those years with tha Lakers in Los Angeles.  I still in someways remember that day, which was documented as being Nov. 7, 1991.  If I recollect correctly, I heard the news after coming home from elementary school.  Just to see on of the world's heroes say to the world he had this thang...words cannot describe it really.

You also have to take it into context the sign of tha times  back then.  There was very little awareness of HIV/AIDS back then, at least not as much as now.  You were an outcast bro.  Still am...which is so unfortunate.  Like the documentary said, it was considered such a "Gay" disease, but after this went down, it showed anybody could get it.  And it has forever changed how we look at things, especially sex.  Remember being in college and condoms were now readily available in the doctor's office for students without a price.  It's just so serious out here nowadays.

I remember the first and actually the only time getting tested for HIV and AIDS.  It happened down here in South Beach at the clinic a few blocks away off of Alton Road.  Think they asked if I ever been tested, I said 'no', and they gave it to me, since I was down there for something else.  It was interesting...I knew I was pretty clean, but still there's that "thang" in the air like u don't know what could happen still.  Not only with AIDS, but there are so many other diseases that...we all just need to be careful, cuz many of us may not even know we have something from Syphilis or any other disease out here.  I know I joke about us being a freak, or not one to shy away from outward expressions of enticement, but I know I have to be careful.  A great documentary, brought back a lot of memories about hoops, life and old Los Angeles. Good stuff.

This may be long today, but this is more for us than for any entertainment or anything so whatever, lot on our we woke up truly in a so-so type of mood.  One reason, I think, was from our last diary entry and us telling another story about a girl, and how things went sourpuss, unexpectedly, and without any explanation even til this day.  That was the toughest one to tell, not due to the homegirl involved, but just due to the questions unanswered and the questioning of God's motives on our life, and more specifically our love life.  After that cameo apperance in our life by shorty bee hop, I was basically just broken down like this is just the icing on my Funfetti cake...oh shoot, hold on!!!  It just hit me, that Funfetti has always been my favorite cake to eat!! Ha, ha!! My moms baked it for my birthday for years on end, I absoluetly LOVE IT!  And now I realize that its all about the F-U-N!  Wow, that's a diary special just hit us why that's the official cake of Austino Galaxia!  Amazing! Don't u love life!

I know I'm not the only one who questions things, but after our post-bout episode, I really was like, this is all too much bro.  If u can't really kick it with somebody who u seemingly share EVERYTHING in common with, u wonder is there really somebody for me.  U begin to think u've seen the cream de la creme and still u gotta go through this?...again on top of that.  I know folks are like just shut up and move on dude...I have.  Folks I forget, the lessons I will never.  Cuz they help u get to the next level like Super Mario Brothers.  And it's tough to really find a Princess Peach, but now we've realized that I just wanna share the love and fun and the experiences that we've been through, and just enjoy life.  Folks may think that I'm fake or that I don't have that much fun...u right, there are some days that I wish nobody would say a word to me, the entire day.  I mean the entire day.  But I feel like it's my duty to tell stories, share experiences that may bring a smile to somebody's face or give a head's up like u're not alone in this journey...It hurts to tell them, paragraph.

That's why I say just enjoy our diary, not from an egotistical standpoint, oh no dudette...just from the fact that it's so hard to talk about times where u may have come up short or felt ur most pain.  Fudge, I don't even know why I tell them, it's like the Lord up above was like I gonna take him through this and that...her and her...make him feel some more this and that...and he's gonna tell the galaxia about what he's going or been through.  It's really not easy being us sometimes, most of the time I must admit it is.

Heard a quote today saying... that there's no such thing as failure, only early attempts at success.

That's so appropriate cuz now we've developed a "I'm gonna enjoy life no matter what" attitude.  There are other folks who feel tha same, ain't no reason to be scared to be you.  But if being u, is not enjoying life, and smiling, I understand things happen, I'm not dumbo to that fact.  But c'mon, ok, this girl didn't call u back, screw it, some folks don't even get a number, u know.  That's what gets me, how some folk trip over some very minute items.  It ain't that serious folk.  Ok, I gotta wear a name tag on tha job, some folks don't have gigs u know!  Mickey D's took the fries off the dollar menu, maybe that's blessing in disguise and u watch what u eat more, and  now according to ur Lodis wallet.  Things happen, u learn, share a tear or two possibly and just move on.  I know it's easier said than done, but with enough practice u begin to not even want negative energy or chatter around you.

We feel like these are some important times in our life.  Has anyone ever wanted something so bad that they are just determined to not let anything get in their way to get it?  That could be a job, or a relationship or even an exclusive pair of Chanel pumps...I have no idea how its gonna happen, but we gonna try to kick our life up to even another notch.  Just pray God gives us the energy and wherewithal to do it.  We are a person who's constantly trying to reinvent ourself, as we all, as crazy as this sounds, u can expect to hear even wilder stories, and experiences from our life that is unique.  Its all about having fun and bringing folks into our galaxia.  Its different...we are not better than other people per se, but our lifestyle is different.  It should be more interesting, I promise you that.

That's it.  Anything else???  I feel better than I did earlier today, that's for sure...I really have a feeling that our life is about to jump off even more...just feel it.

Huh.  Are folks ready?...guess it doesn't really matter, I know one thang though...

We ready.

Austino Galaxia.

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