Friday, March 30, 2012

"Just Too Sweet!!" (Part 1)

One of my favorite musicians...Miss Candy Dulfer.  So Sweet Girl!!

Special...Special...Special Edition of our diary entry on tonight.  It's a Friday night and we're gonna write cuz these last few days have been really "off tha charts"!  Thank God for all that's been transpiring...we really believe, absolutely more than ever that we have the coolest lifestyle around...

So on tonight...(huge breath)...we are gonna write from our heart, and kick things up a notch...and present a two-part, one-night event...Part One is simply titled "Just Too Sweet!"  Enjoy them:

Whew!  These last several hours have been mad wild!  I almost don't even know what's been going on?  Just a goofy kid who wants to enjoy life to the fullest, and bring others into our "Galaxia" because I know this is truly something special that's happening.  I don't care if it's a 19 year old girl all the way up to a 70 yr old youngin'...this goes beyond age or race or gender or plaids and's about having fun, and we are a tool being used for that...I just had no idea all that that entails...sometimes u have to sit at the end of the bed in the middle of tha night, like "This is too much, bro!"  I know what's going on, but what's really going on!!  U never know how hard the road HAS to be before u become who u are supposed to become.  It's a journey...and we begin on yesterday...Three Twenty-Nine Twelve.

The morning was very unique...and I'm talking from our's just us and my girlfriend Ms. Dye A. Ree, so we gonna make sure it's true to who we are as a person...

Timing.  Written before on how, timing is so important in life, relationships and things.  I'm gonna write tonight, so yesterday morning, the timing for us to hang out with this cool beauty, just wasn't meant to be, as she responded to us through Facebook.  I gotta be honest, I don't like talking through Facebook messages, and stuff, I love face 2 face contact, sometimes it's not possible.  When it's not, I prefer telephone or even via Skype.  Exchanging pee-wee messages, are so informal, plus my Facebook app is Captain Jack Morgan'd up so I can't respond to all my messages real time.  So after the completion of that mini-saga, I felt.....good.

I felt real good, cuz in our heart we felt like this was another step, and the last step of an old life.  Serious a Deputy Dawg.  It may seem minor,  but to us we will always think upon that moment as a stepping stone into another level of the Galaxia.  I know it y'all!!  Will I ever approach or invite that homegirl again, u never say never, but a comet in our Galaxia only comes around so often, and when it passes, I don't recommend u setting up a telescope to wait for it to pass again.  I'm not talking junk, or poo-poo or do-do or whatever u call it...we've have just learned over the moment of time, that things are not always how they appear.  Like I said, it's so easy to get caught up in the short-time thrill.  But we are in a stage of our life where tha short-term is ok, but we are looking long-term.  No time for games or No more Chris Brown (that's a song reference!),  it's about having fun to tha max.  And I realize that no one has a life like ours (we all have special lives), and once again we are in tha process of a dynasty being cemented in life.  We once compared ourself to the Yankees in baseball.  I want people who enjoy the spotlight, and are willing to pay the price to experience all the thrills that accompany it.  Have no problem saying that...wish others would be straight up and say what they are really looking for in life or in relationships or whatever.  The place will be a better ball to live on, I know that...

So I'm feeling really good, cuz I just feel something.  I'm walking to get our workout in, pass through South Beach, everything's all colorful, and sunny, just a beautiful day.  I get over near the Library and the Miami City Ballet studio...Wow!  That's another story when I met this former ballet gal one day...not tonight have to stay on task....Just have so many stories...Ok, so I'm walking see my trainer, Joe on the DecoBike , we act like we're video taping him as he passes by, he motions "What's Up!"  We continue to walk, all the while bumping Common's "Gladiator" joint..."I YSL!!"...think he wrote that line for us!!

I'm walking and next thing I know it...outta nowhere, this black-charcoal colored Audi Q7 rolls up and stops right in front of us....the window rolls down and there's this lady inside...she begins to's out of control how many strangers approach us with our headphones in our ears.  Numbers can't do them justice...I then hit the pause button, and she's like, "Can u tell me where David Barton Gym is?"  I then try to tell her that it's just a few blocks up, u make a left, then a right...there's not a food place nearby so I couldn't give those hood directions, " U stay to ur right, and u'll see a Hardee's, then u make a U-Turn right past White Castle's...then u hump over a median, and u'll see a Chick-A-Fila right in front of u, and u drive to the back and Leon will be waiting for you, wearing a 'Ronald McDonald is god' t-shirt!!" I tried to be basic as I could, and then followed by a "That's where I'm going" line, which wasn't a line, but tha truth...and then she hits me with a small motion and a "You want a ride?"....ahh we go...

"Sure." was my response...This got interesting quick.  First, she moved some of the stuff she had in the front passenger seat so I could hop in this SUV.  There were some CDs and stuff, looked like she likes the dance clubby tunes, just by her taste of the CDs she moved to the back seat.  She had some bandannas also in the front, I didn't wanna sit on them, so I paused a little.  Oh, and before she let us in, she had minor trouble with the keys to the Audi...this really happened folks, not fiction....she finally hit tha button, and she mentioned something in a very heavy European accent, like, "I don't know how to work this thing."  So I jump in....

When I first got in, I ain't even gonna lie, I'm like she's kind...of...attractive...I honestly thought she was a WWE diva or something, especially with Wrestlemania in town this weekend and the Beach area...just how tight her body was build, her muscular yet very feminine her chest was and how her face was borderline flawless, she fit tha sexy profile.  She absolutely reminded me of Euro-Sarah Palin, glasses included...all the while rocking a black tee shirt with a silver glitter heart over our bust.  So when drive off and I'm trying to tell beautiful to get into the right lane and stuff.  She then told us of how no one knew where the gym was, and how she was going to meet someone inside.  She seemed very quiet though...very much so.  Dang!  We then pull up to Valet and the newly named Perry South Beach.  We get out, as does she, and wait for valet.  I ask her if she's visiting, and she says something like she's "not from the country."  I was gonna hook her up with one of our visitor passes, just because we have them, and haven't used them up yet...we both wait for awhile, and then she shyly says we can go inside, while she's waits for Valet to finally get to her ride.  After a moment, I was like, "I'm up!", and tell her to go up the escalators and u'll see the sign right in front of you.  She said, "Thanks."  And I got back into workout mode....

I thought about that for some time while "getting it in", our life is really getting crazier by the moment...Now I'm having beautiful women picking us up off the street and giving us rides?!!  Just think about many women do that, picking up a stranger, in an unknown city, going to an unknown location???  Or men as well...not that many, I don't know if I would do that, but once again, I need a mic and cameras to follow us around, cuz our life is really and truly... "Hollywood-ish"!!

A great shout-out to Miss Donna...great to finally know ur name, as we speak constantly in tha gym, part of the "dailys" who put in work ur work ethic girl, u WORK!!...and we can truly see the "work" u put in (wink, wink!!).  Stay beautiful and cool girl!...put in our chaotic's so special knowing that no one in the world does the workout that u do!  U feel special, so may do things unique, but no one person in the world does the specific workout that's catered to us...Thanks Lord 4 that!

We walk out tha joint...onto Collins many people in the neighborhood...get home to our showroom only to find....our power is out!  Nooooo....yessir-ree it is!!  No A/C, no lights, no fan...ain't nothing going on but tha rent!  Then on top of that, I can't call the Landlord folks, cuz of last month's funky occurance, so I don't know if this is building wide or a "U're gonna have to use the lights from the stars, Galaxia" type of thang!!  No Whiteberry is about to go out, and I can't charge the battery cuz...I ain't got no power!!  So I guess I just sit and think...what else is about to happen...little did I know...

(Part 2's unbelievably memorable night)

I fast forward to today, cuz Part 2 will fill in tha true was crazy.  I woke up almost feeling like I was a stand-in extra on The Hangover 3....  "What a wild night" was our feeling...but that wasn't the only thing cuz I still have no power.  Now I'm concerned cuz I just spent some dineros on Publix's Eggo waffles buy one, get one free sale, and I racks on racks on racked up on them Nutri-grain Blueberry flavored ones!!  Plus, now I gotta throw out cheese, not that kind although it feels like it, so actually I am!!!  And my favorite milk in the world from Fresh Market.  Not Kosher or should I say Not Passover this time of the year?  Anyhow...I'm like, I gotta get out of here and go out so...

After a stop up in Aventura, I dropped the top on tha ride, pulled off the tee, rode our tank top wearing self up to who knows where, while bumping some old Toni Braxton.  Headed up I-95, really trying to comprehend all that's going on in our life.  More can be said, but once again, now isn't the right time to go into details, but believe u's getting super spy-see!!  What tha heck, so we got off on some road, oh...we was near Fort Laudey, and got off of 595-West, heading that way, and then decided to get Plantation??  I shook my head as I was driving like, what in the world am I doing over here in these parts?  But...I love something new, and I crept up on some...spots!!   Like over in The Fountains area, as they call it, they got ALL these restaurants and places to shop.  Two of which, we've only seen in the FTL...Zone Fresca and they got a Smokey Bones...u know I got excited, cuz eye LOVE finding new fliming sites for our movie!! Like that area, we will be back...from over there headed over through Davie, Florida, home of Dolphins Training Camp...and then...

We head back on 595-West to go over to the area near IKEA...stop by this Subway.  It was the most packed Subway I've Ever Seen!!!  It was a revolving door, line dag gone out tha door...The only thing comparable was the folks waiting like a lunatic to part take of main dish of the Soup Nazi from that Seinfeld episode!!  No joke, it was ooc!! (Out of control!!)  So eye got my 6-inch Oven Roasted Chicken, with it toasted after everything is put on like Young Jeezy, thank you...went and sat outside, and it was...slamming!! I don't know what they do over there, but that joint is slamming!  Ate over there before, and it's so fresh and exciting...which u know I really Karch Kiraly dig!  Then I went over to IKEA...and I'm gonna stop, cuz I need some rest....

Part 2 is coming, and here's two clues to what fun will be unveiled....

A Miami Heat Game and a life that's becoming "Oh....too...SUITE!!"

'Til Next Time.
Be Patient and have fun!
Austino Galaxia.

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