Sunday, March 11, 2012

Hit Me Baby 1 Mo' Time!

Ms. Britney Spears...huh.

It's getting interesting.  And we mean very interesting right now.  But that's ok, the thing we are working on right now is patience.  As we've been saying, we are in the most difficult stage of dreams coming true.  It's when u can see and feel things DeVante Swing in a manner where u're like, ok I can really feel it right now.  Just being honest.

The Zen Master of Fun.

That's our self-afflicted nickname that really multiplies and sums up our thought on life right now.  When u experience so much that leaves u dumbfounded, tearful and in sums ways inspirationally angry, this is the final product.  I was watching the Celtics/Lakers game today and the Masked Mamba hit a jump shot, and Jeff Van Gundy, the announcer, made a statement that said, "That shot wasn't made today."  He then went on to discuss how a career of hard work made that difficult shot possible.  That relates to life as well.  We get so caught up in this microwave society that we tend, or not tend, we forget that the best things life has to offer takes time.  U think about all this, what they say 15 Uncle Ben Minute Rice of Fame, and then "poof" its like, "whatever happen to...".

I really feel this tonight so where this diary leads who knows...our swag is really right as of now.  And I can only thank the Lord above for taking us through all the painful steps to get to here, which is just another step on the way.  I'm gonna be honest tonight...

Has anyone ever felt slighted by something or someone to the point where they felt like they now have a point to prove?  A ex-boyfriend telling u that ur a "fatty girl" and while ur lying in bed, u just like, "I'm gonna show him", and u get in the best physical shape in ur life, and now he's not even worth UR time.  Or if a teacher embarrasses u in front of the class, making u feel like u ain't gonna pass the course, and then u dedicate urself to make sure u pass every question, test, and presentation.  God knows how to test us to get us all to a point where u get motivated.  Just like a coach, He knows what buttons to push.

That's how we are what we are.  My ego rests in the fact that we've endured the pain, the nights wishing u had a phone call from a novia, or wishing somebody would take a chance in some way, shape or tax Pops once told me that, I've always had to prove ourself.  Sometimes u're like, why is that so?  Don't they look at the resume of work?  What we are finding out is that some folks wanna be a part of the journey instead should I say this...being a part of a finished product.  Everybody's different.  But it's like u have a list of things you want in a mate, then u actually find somebody who has those qualities, and u're like I'm not interested.  Some people would rather test drive a new Pinto than a used Aston Martin.  Even though the Aston Martin is ur dream car.  Its interesting...but what we've found out is that u can't hate on somebody who's...u know what we got another story to tell.

I'm putting my hands on my face because a) we just have too many stories to tell and b) this person may be reading our diary as we write, but u know what, it's on my mind, and I gotta tell we ever, and I do mean ever gonna run outta stories to tell about our love episodes, I just hope that u all join me in appreciating all these novelas, because we will NEVER, come accross anything like this in our lifetime again.  I'm starting to really think that...this diary is so open and special.  So here we go again...huge breath.

Huff....last summer there wasn't any doubt in my mind that I found "The One".  I came upon this one girl one way or another, and man, I found out that she had just about everything I either wanted or was looking for in a mate.  It was scary.  And I knew she thought so too, by her initial enthusiasm.  What was I looking for...well, here was an initial list we made up, may have mentioned it before, but I'm gonna repeat it again for those who reads this diary for the first time:

Author's Note:  Some, but not all of these qualities we kinda consider.

- Enjoys Fun
- Likes to try new things
- Love of God
- Likes Sports
- A Fashionista
- Works Out
- Knows Music like a DJ
- Specifically likes basketball (Heat and Lakers would be awesome)
- Loves the cities of London and Los Angeles (Those are the two cities I'm gonna reside in more than likely in  the future, along with Miami)
- Has to love the beach (I mean, the beach in terms of sun, sand and swimsuits)
- Must possess a great sense of humor about life

So we wrote that list prayerfully and low and behold if this beach doll didn't appear.  Found out we had a lot of common from sense of humor (she got our jokes!), to love of sports and basketball (she used to work for a NBA team up north, while we work for the Heat down here)...she knows about fashion...has a goofy sense of humor...enjoys music like we did, if not mistaken liked soul and R&B singers, like Anthony Hamilton...she self-proclaimed herself to being a beach gal...enjoyed the aforementioned cities...worked out and was in decent shape...enjoyed life and had the pics to prove it...and she shared a liking for the greatest love movie of all-time Love Actually....girl if u reading this, u knew I was gonna tell it right?...and then the cherry topping of my sundae the fact that she had Hollywood beauty that very strongly resembled Cameron Diaz (Huh, she did resemble Cam...a whole lot...anyway), u basically had the whole enchilada in our book.

Now, we ain't gonna get into a whole lot of details, because I'm not one to kiss and tell, I refuse to do that.  I'll tell these "experiences", but...some things are better left unsaid.  But I would say this...for some reason or another we took like two weeks off from really talking to girls and even checking our Facebook profile, when I had it (don't anymore)...when I checked or Fcbook profile after our hiatus, I found out that she friend requested me, which was interesting cuz she somehow did some homework 2 pull us up cuz I didn't even tell her I had a profile.  I accepted and tried to rekindle the super hot flame of a few weeks ago via a message, no avail...Now, I gonna say something that may offend somebody, but "beep it"....

There are a few things I want folks to remember me by in this diary:
1. Have fun no matter what in life.
2. This guy was a freak.
But one of the most important things I want to be taken away is the fact that a "no response", whether in social networking or on the job or when somebody asks u a question, should not be an option.  A "No" is always, always, always better than not saying anything at all.  Communication is what's lacking in all walks of life nowadays.  Please say what's up...please.  I know some folks may think its hard to tell a person of our nature "no" or "I'm not interested"...and even though I don't endorse doing that since I know some folks who know how to stab tires...still, we can handle it.  Listen, I don't even have any more tears to cry after all the heroin, morphine, and codeine lessons tossed our way, we're cool.  So remember always respond to someone, always, and please  teach ur shories to do tha same.

So I didn't get a response from this girl, figuring out that she must have found somebody else, which is awesome, especially if ur happy.  I think outta good favor emailed her a time or two following, I guess on a can't let go tip.  That SB backwards won't ever happen again...ain't it funny how u say that, especially when dealing with relationships, and u end up doing tha same thing again!  "I ain't never gonna chase a girl again",  and then boom u chasing more tails than Sonic the Hedgehog!  But what got me was how can u wanna be "friends" with somebody and then not respond or reply, kinda of weird.

Me and homegirl haven't talked since, and now tha good part.  What did we learn?  This story kinda came out of then air, had no intention of talking about this, but perhaps somebody, somewhere can relate and needs to hear this thang.  I learned a whole lot...

One thing, not to rush things.  I said that before, how in love take tha steps.  If that means, not asking somebody out even though u feel like u can get 'em today, then sometimes it's best to wait.  Now in the dating scene we project what a person's gonna be like.  As I heard somebody once say about guys, "If u wanna know about a girl then check out the mother.  If the moms is not, u know, then dump tha girl.  If the moms, looks better than the girl, then leave the girl, and date the moms!!"  That's kind of funny, and has some, just some truth in that.  But guys and girls 10 year projection radars like they following the Wall Street market to find out if a person who they, not gonna date, but just TALK to will become a depreciating asset in the future.  That's difficult to do cuz things happen.  "Oh, this guy smokes, so he'll never stop."  He may or he may not, perhaps God is placing u in his life to help him stop!  Can I run after that....u never know.  We have to be more open...for another day.

Another thing we've learned is that u can have...playing this Paula Abdul right now, now I can really write!...u can have a Bill Gates bank full of things in common with somebody but that doesn't make u mean that u're gonna mean somebody is gonna be singing "Ave Maria" in ur future.  Its great to have things in common with ur mate, but sometimes having nothing in common is sexy, cuz it means u complement each other more instead of becoming battling alpha-bits.  And I gotta say this, talking to myself, I gotta stop being so focused on how u look with somebody.  Down here in South Beach...I know it's serious.  Just because both of u are hot looking doesn't mean u're gonna sizzle!  Date tha person and not tha image...once again, that's for me, and that's probably why I'm so open to dating different people and not measurements and tan indexes.

One final thing we've made us so much better.  This is a step in the process.  Just think about ur toughest heartbreaks or disses, yet ur still going.  Now u put it in ur notch and are even that much closer to who ur supposed to be with in tha future.  Some breakups or not-meant-to-be's are good.  My pet peeve, and I'll admit this, is somebody who gets in a relationship with somebody (namely us) and then lets themselves go, and stop trying to improve as a person, physically, mentally, and spiritually.  This happens a lot, and with the special lifestyle I've been blessed to enjoy, I rather wait and let Cupid shoot at a sure thang than just slip him $20 and he just fired at whatever u know.  Always date up...meaning somebody who makes u better.  And I'll say this, date and marry somebody who can make love to you mind, body and soul.  If they can't do that to all three, not one, not too, but all three, then u might need to leave that alone.  Speaking from experience on that.

Ok.  I'm done.  Just writing from our heart.  I know I talk about love a lot, but God's has punished...I mean let that subject be a great teacher of life for us.  Now I just wanna have fun in life.  And a lot comes from these episodes that I ever so sheepishly tell. I feel good right now...our life is getting so unique and enjoyable.

But as I said earlier, this feeling wasn't made overnight.

Austino Galaxia.

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