Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tha Price Iz Now Right!

One of my all-time favorite game shows!

U have to laugh, cuz it's moments such as these, when u have no idea what u're gonna write, or their are few thoughts that cross ur mind, where u may end up with a gem...Been saying and beginning our diary entries like that so much as of late.  We literally have no idea what we are gonna jot down via keyboard as we sit down in our showroom.  There are no predetermined statements or anything...absolutely determined to write about our life, truly in real time...and also to give u every emotion, thought or songs running through our brain, to make u feel like u are truly inside of us.  That's been our goal...I don't know too many people who keep a diary, especially for the Galaxia to see, and those who have, have stopped writing (Boo!!)...so at times eye feel  like we have to represent to tha fullest.  And we plan to do that.  Make love me....may hate me...but trust me, sooner or later, it will hit u, whether u're walking down tha street or while reading the New York Times sitting on tha toliet, u'll laugh and be like, "That was tight!"  So let's all enjoy this thang, we just a tool, our life is an unfolding soap opera or novela depending on the night and chica...it's uniquely wild.  Oh boy...

Has anyone ever been to a party or to a club where u have a lot of people of the opposite sex (or same depending on the theme for tha night), coming at you or giving you the eye, mad beautiful folks, but u kinda ignore them like, "I'm Good"...mostly because u ain't really interested in them, but sometimes it's because u have an eye for somebody else in that joint and u waiting for them to give u a glance or look....this ain't part of tha story, but this girl was riding on her bike today on Washington Ave., as she was riding by she was giving us a drive-stare by, but she use her mouth as a flying bullet, she did this open mouth flirtatious stunt and licked her mouth and lips all around, directed straight as us...I'm like, 'Word, it's like that." If she coulda done all that while holding an ice cube, I woulda proposed to her right then and there on tha club flyer littered sidewalk!  I don't make this stuff up, I need a camera crew...anybody want a $2 an hour gig?...anyhow, u waiting for that look or glance from that person u get an eye on, positioning urself on tha dance floor.  Am I lying ladies and gents?  Then when the blink, u geek urself up and tell u boys, "That girl just gave me the eye.." "Dude, she just blinked?"  "Nah...nah..." Make ur move and next thing u know it, u're picking ur face off tha ground cuz she says, "I only date rappers!" Well....

It's so easy to focus so hard are certain things and possibly miss out on the cool joys of life that's right in front of you.  That can include so many things from people to the three dollars u do have to looking at the beautiful sky (it is so picturesque down here in Miami)...Now I know, folks are probably like, dude what is going on wit u, I'm tired of reading about all this mumbo jumbo about life and "carpe diem" chit chats, u lost it dude.  To all those who may think that, I actually haven't lost it, I've GAINED it bro.  See, I'm gonna keep talking about this, cuz it's our way of staying humble beyond compare.  Like we say, our life is growing by the second y'all, I would and should say more, but the timing isn't just right and I don't wanna get into any contract disputes right now.  Just believe that when I say our life is MTV like, it is.  What I don't want...but I can feel happening, is to be alienated.  I think people look upon others differently once they have certain things or prestige or look a certain way.  "She lost 50 pounds, now she think she too good for us." Or..."Once that dude got a girl, he don't even call his boys no more."  (I betta leave that alone.)  Sometimes it's not necessarily true...people change, circumstances change..and as I just heard when people use the phrase, "Sell Out", they really don't know what they are saying cuz in business or in concerts the best thing u can put up on the marquee is "SOLD OUT"!!  Pause and think about that.

Now does this mean, we are on a path to forsake all family and true friends, c'mon now...I mean, "seriously, u gotta be kidding me."  What I'm saying is once this ball gets to rolling, which it is, I know who's been real or fake (enter song by Jada and Swiss. Let me add my "Clap Clap!").  I'm know I'm not the only one who's on a journey right now whether in school or on tha job, and they feel their life changing, and feel like they been dissed by some folks, and they've been hurt by those who even sleep in the same bed as they do.  Now we've have a spectacular life by many E! standards, but as we have let go of some bad taste in our mouth I suggest u do tha same.  Guess Jeans why we have become so maniacal (boy that word is sexy!) about having fun and living life to tha fullest, that it's so off tha charts right now, that I don't want any negative energy, people or vibes around us.  If u want advice, we'll give it...but if talking that nonsense about "what so and so did" and talking for an hour and wasting my rollover minutes, I will stop u.  Besides, successful folk talk about ideas not about people anyway...

This whole sha-bang called life is getting mad interesting.  I guess that was what I was alluding to earlier, with that eye on tha prize thang....starting to know who we are as a person and what make us tick like a Swiss Army...I remember hearing the legendary football player Jim Brown talk about how "if u go through life and don't know what turns u on...then u got a problem."  Which is true, he was talking about it in a lust sense, like height or long hair or lips tatooed on buttocks type of way...but in life, u have to know what gets ur "mojo" going, or else this is gonna be boring as heck!  I'm watching the Heat right now, we work for them so of course, we have an opinion...I think right now, as they've lost a few, they are in a 'bored' state of mind.  Meaning, they are really waiting for the playoffs to get started, and they sorta feel like these regular season games don't mean anything.  Yes...and no.  They do mean something, in terms of seeding and homecourt, but we all know what the ultimate prize is for them, "Championship or Bust-It Baby!"

It's hard to stay motivated at times when u've come close to ur prize, and u just wanna get back to that point to redeem urself, so to speak...we gonna write, cuz we starting to feel it like tha Jacksons...that's because, here we go again...why breakups are so difficult to handle especially if u've been in love or thought that u were close to the altar, u know.  For one, u wonder if u'll ever experience that high feeling of amor ever again, so u become hesitant to take a chance.  And then on the other hand, when u do meet somebody u can feel tha want to skip steps and begin to think, "does this have a chance at marriage or am I just wasting my time and money?"  Now, this comes from a guy who hasn't...yet...fully been a serious relationship to that point at least, but from all the things we've experience just on our part, I know it's difficult sometimes to get motivated.  U think, "I'm tired of being on first dates, they're weird...or I'm gonna meet this guy's parents, whoop-day-do!"  Don't skip steps whatever u do, don't lose the thirst to skip any steps cuz they are ALL necessary.

I know I'm talking about love, but somebody might need to hear this on tonight or years from now, if it ain't you, u're welcome to stop reading and watch Man vs. Food or something...that is why drugs and alcohol are so prevalent among us today, I should say the abuse of it.  Simply because people get bored at times and wanna feel something...different. I'm not holier than thou, I haven't taken a hit, but we've got our tipsy tip on a select few times, and if I get married in the next few years, and considering all the craziness God has brought me through over the years with women, I may the first person in history who may need an translator to say "I Do" just because of the joyful buzz I'll be experiencing that tha special day is actually coming true!!...This is why, folks may laugh, u really have to make up things in ur mind to keep u going.  Ok, the goal is to run 6 mins, I did that before, let me try to shave off 5 seconds today...I always wear my hair in a ponytail, let me just go with my hair down for a change...jeans to dresses...shower at night instead of in tha morning...u'll be suprise how small things can make u feel so refreshed and ready to tackle the next chapter in ur life.

I know I'm 'posed to be talking about old party stories and our crazy, perhaps not that much longer, love life, and we'll get back to those chats, but if this is gonna be a real diary, then I have to be a real within.  I talk to myself first...I get bored easily.  And I have no tropi-chops admitting that.  Doing tha same stuff over...and over...and over...not us.  Definitely not now.  I love hanging with new people and going to different places, just experiencing life, how it's supposed to be lived.  That's my bloodline.  Having fun is my aphrodisiac...along with red pumps and those old Oktoberfest type blouses that han...getting my self in trouble here.  But I'm just pleading for others to live life and not get stuck in a routine or rut.  Especially if u're in a relationship.  Make it lively...that doesn't mean u have to go to parties where as u walk in u have to stick ur car keys in a glass bowl!  But it means be spontaneous, especially us guys.  We can be so seasonal in our ways...Hold on, I gotta write that down for my seminar in 2014!!   Meaning doing tha same stuff either just because or because we thought it worked before.  A teddy bear on V-Day brought her to tears...so do u really think a Pound Puppie every Valentine's Day is gonna make her cry up a Seattle Storm?  She probably has a bucket full of onions under tha table, so when u turn ur head she can get some added help for the misty storm!   (That'll be a good stripper name by tha way!)  I'm really getting outta control tonight...

All of this is just from our heart.  Been through a lot y'all, but now as u look back u're like that was nothing.  And u feel so much better and stronger because of it all.  If that means us telling embarrassing stories or tales of money or love lost, so be it.  I can handle it and all that comes with putting ourself out here like that.  It's cool, and I'm starting to realize that if I was brought through all this stuff, what would I even talk about?!!

I'm hearing the bell toll...meaning that's it for tonight.

No matter what u going through, hang in there.

And for those expecting to hear some more crazy stories...trust me we got many more, and they will be told.

After it all, I can truly say, 'We gotta a super, super cool life."  Now we want others to share in it...

And they will.

Austino The Galaxia...there's only one.

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