Wednesday, March 7, 2012

If U Can Make It Here...

New York City's Times Square

Welpt...that wasn't the answer I wanted to hear.

Today has been a test on a lot of levels.

Has anyone felt like they were like alone?  I mean like, u had people around you, you interacted with a crowd of people everywhere, but u felt like u were...alone?  Today was one of those days in some least this evening was.  Some of it comes with the fact of all this stuff happening in our life, will anyone ever, really and by truly get it?  I mean the stories we may be entertaining, but underneath it all we are a guy u know...and it's been challenging as of late.  I once heard somebody say the only difference between a professional and an amateur is that a pro makes the tough plays look easy.  They aren't...but they make it seem easy.  But so much goes on behind the scenes.

Our life is such a dream.  And I must admit it, it's a tale to be told one day or at least written about.  This afternoon, I went to Tar-jay in Midtown Miami, as soon as I walk in there's this kid in a cart who seemingly pulled out his imaginary pistols and began to shoot at us as we were walking.  I played along wit tha kid, and put our hands up...and after a Flash Gordon pause, much to my chagrin he began to fire some more invisible bullets at me.  So he must...I can't say that...he must've been watching some cartoons or something before he left the house.  I went in and got our Chocalate Cranberry Crunch trail mix (easy on the sugar for the pimples, while still being easy within our diet with the almonds and stuff, it's good and on sale this week for $3.39).

So, we go to the check out line and eye see this lady with these black sunglasses on with diamond studs on the outside, but what got us like The Roots was had those strings that hold ur glasses around your neck when ur not wearing them.  But peep this, those strings weren't around her neck they they hanging from the front of her glasses as she was wearing them!  I'm like, "Say what!  This babe is a fashion statement."  I then I noticed that the strings were blinged out like she just got done watching a Bedazzle informercial on Azteca TV!  I love it!  She reminded me of Sophia off The Golden Girls but with some thug in her...but then again if u ever watched the show, Miss Sophia had a lot of gangsta in her....perhaps in more ways than one! (wink!)

That's Oscar...he knows the face is tha business!
So I travel over to Little Haiti to get my hair did.  Inside, I was kind of battling sleep in the chair, as Rep. Maxine Waters was talking about some bill on C-Span.  This is so funny, everytime I go over to see Oscar at his shop...he usually has a stack of magazines.  And the funny thing about it, is that the absolute first one I look for...can anybody guess?, it's not Sports Illustrated for's the latest edition of People En Espanol.  I like to look at it, because it's's colorful...and I love the style of tha "stars".  (In a whispery voice) It's where I get some of our tips...shhh, don't tell anybody.  Great stuff!  Plus, they are always shooting somebody down here in Miami, the Marzo issue got J Lo and her "friend" down here walking on Lincoln Road.  They got ur boy William Levy, parading in town...But what I either like or appreciate is that Los People Mag, will keep it ultra-real, and call out ur age no matter what!!  It's so funny...u be reading like..."da da da...da da da ...bam!....35 anos!"  And it don't matter y'all, u can be up there and they WILL sneak in "...82 anos" at the end of the article!  I need to get a subscription and we might do that.

So after getting our haircut and surviving another heated discussion on Haitian politics...spoken in Creole I might add, and I don't even speak that.  Adds to the atmosphere I I dip out.  Head back over...ok, I'm back, and I thank God cuz I needed this...just got done getting a call from Moms up north.  Talking about different issues from our diary to the Heat and Lakers and even to old MTV Spring Break (and yes, Mom brought that one up!  Now u see why we all about fun!!)  Love tha fam so much...then immediately following that talked to one of our guys down in the STL about life, Peyton Manning's departure from the Colts, getting drinks on tha house and all kinds of stuff.  Nuthin' like fam and true I said, I needed it tonight.

As we aforementioned (that's a sexy word ain't it!)...we were headed back over to the peninsula of Miami Beach.  A weird thing happened to us.  As I was in the North Beach area, there was this car ahead of us, they kind of pulled over to the side of them to get into our right turn lane onto Indian Creek.  I was there for a little bit.  Then I look over to my left through the driver's side window.  And this doll, out of nowhere, from the passenger's side window gives us the most friendliest wave and most seductive smile I've seen in awhile.  I return by giving the tickled fingers wave back at her...and drove off. But that was interesting coming from a complete stranger, she must've been checking us out...she was very pretty, looked like Shakira with her hair and stuff.  I need some cameras to follow us...I promise we have a Emmy award-winning reality show in the making....Has a reality show ever won an Emmy?  Huh...wouldn't that be something.

Thus, after that incident with that angel, and while I was driving through Millionaire's Row in the beach, back to South Beach, I was thinking about some stuff, and felt kind of...alone. (Heat going on a major run against the Hawks right now! Scuffling and stuff...ha ha!) Sometimes u feel like no one can relate to you or your lifestyle.  We all have moments like that when u're like, "Does all this have to occur before u can just get a piece of the pie?"  I guess it does...I tell all these stories about life, love, fun, money because it's the realest I can give into our life.  That's why I'm engaged to fun because I know that that's the only way I can survive on this earth. For real.  Fun comes dressed in so many different ways...that's why after all these years I cringe like why did this happen Lord?  or How come this doll didn't accept a harmless invitation?  In our heart, I know that our life is super special, and that it won't ever be anything like this on Earth again.  I don't even know what to expect, so if that means crossing names off the list to get to "the one" or what not, so be it.  One day it'll all make sense.

I'm gonna end with this statement:

Pain is a great motivator for change.

I think for some, that is the only way we can survive.  That's why we're so confident or so Kayne Wes-tical about our life, cuz I know we've gone through the steps.  If somebody is reading this, let me say this...whatever u're going through, it's all to make u better.  Whether that's a jacked up schedule to balance work and a non-existent social life.  Or the stresses of constantly being in the spotlight without anybody encouraging with a simple pat on tha back.  Just re-lie on the fact that the higher the prize, the tougher the road to get it.  We all may be closer than we think...I know I'm just mustard and relishing the fact that our road has been very difficult.  But that's ok...whatever it takes right.  You can't turn back now...remember...

Whatever it takes.

Austino Galaxia.

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