Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Must Romeo Die???

Jet Li and Aaliyah

This is gonna be very journey-ous.  So bear with us on this.  2day is gonna be another special edition segment.  We are still gonna be giving updates on our life that is getting crazier by the minute. And we haven't 4gotten our Air Jordan photo segment.  Just not on today....for today is the start of our tribute to this thang called "Love".  Throughout the month of February we are gonna be talking in every post in some way or another about a personal issue that has not only affected my outlook on life, but has touched everyone.  Not gonna hold anything back, every story we tell will be true, our opinions could be a sneak peek insight for that "special" someone.  It's gonna be fun, emotional, possibly tear filled, and definitely filled with some laughs.  So...let's get started!

How do we begin on today?  Why not just tell it how it is, right.  Ok...As far as we could remember we've been kind of a sucker for love in some ways or another.  As I look back on our childhood we laugh about how many shows, game shows in particular we watched that had to do with love.  Love Connection, Buzz!, Blind Date, Singled Out (of course!), just to name a few.  The was this good one on the USA Network, that came on in the afternoon, where the guys and girls sat on couches across from each other, that was hot.  It wasn't a teenage interest in the female sex type of thing (although in some ways the girls back then we're sexier, more on that later)....just to hear our genders go back and forth, and hearing both views of perspective, was just unique.  U don't hear the genders talking about relationships like they used to in a face-2-face environment do u?  Boy, back on the day guys and girls used to be able to get together anywhere from a back porch to the back of the classroom to dorm rooms...wherever, we could both just talk junk to each other, and walk away laughing, but points were made!  Nowadays, it gets too emotional...we don't give a Peppermint Patty anymore, so we ask guys and definitely chicks on things and issues.  Wild stuff.

So when did we get our first kiss?  Oh, folks ain't ready for this....the first kiss I officially remember (Mom and Dad skip over this paragraph!), had to really occur when I was like 7 or 8.  We lived in the hood, and this one girl used to always be on us bro.  She lived on the corner, if I remember correctly but just kissing on us and stuff.  "Yuk!!! A girl kissed me!  Hong Kong Phooey!!"  It wasn't necessarily a scene from Degrassi...but hey a kiss is a kiss right! (I just licked my index finger and drew a one in the air!)  After that my eyes were opened and the world seemed like a better place.  Dude, that sounds straight up like a line from The Wonder Years, like right after Kevin got his dream smooch from Winnie! Tell me it doesn't!?!

Guess we've been groomed into this love scene.  Our Pops is a romantic at heart.  I used to peep the things he used to does for Moms.  That goes Miami Vice versa as well.  The thing that sticks out in our mind is that love is an 'action' word.  You can tell someone that u love them, and can't live be without them, but it's the settle things that show true love.  Perhaps it's cooking for someone, a  phone call instead of a text, it can also be a gift.  Let me hit the pause button on our diary DVR for a moment.  This is for the fellas, don't just try to be romantic when u're expected too.  (Birthdays, certain holidays or while celebrating ur 2 week anniversary from the the first time both of u pinkie promised betted over whether or not they really count the phone votes on American Idol!) That's why Valentine's Day is so outta control.  People sweating like they on Casa Cerrado, due to the "Pressure".  Hopefully girl's don't measure their man's romanticism just on that day.  A true romantic will give gifts at the least expected times.  Feb. 14th is ok, but what do u do on March 28th?  Just don't celebrate  ur love solely on every Feb. 29th, that could lead to exit stage left....

We've heard some crazy quotes from people when it comes to love..."If a guy wants to take me out, he gotta feed me!!"  I dropped my bottom jaw like...u cannot be serious right now can you...."Just because she buys me like a $1,000 in clothes, she think she owns me!!"  That's was from my dawg, there...this one woman once told me that if a guy wanted to get with her, that she's expecting C.O.D (Cash on delivery) for her services, and that she'll have the credit card machine in the room with her!  Silly stuff man...this one gent, who was in a relationship at the time but was still scoping the room, told me that, "Just because u aren't hungry, doesn't mean u still can't look at the menu!!"  Funny...Everybody has an opinion about love, which makes it even more interesting.  Do u play hard to get?  Do u spit a line?  How long after u get the digits do u wait to call her?  Should a girl ask the guy out?  What about friends matching folks up..HOLD IT...quick story...

My dawg (he knows who he is!!!) tried to hooked us up with this one chick.  It's always interesting when someone talks about someone my guy, was like this girl is "right" for u and this and that.  So we was like, us guys do, especially with a blind hookup try to picture something in our minds! Hello!  Can we be real tonight...I a person for a person, but I still really dig a physical presence.  Something that can make me say there goes my baby, u know...who doesn't??...So we jump into the car, and drive to the mall, so I can check out who my guy is talking about.  New experience, new experience...

So we hop out, and walk into this store.  I wanted to keep a low profile.  As we were approaching her department, I felt two things.  One, this could be a cool way to find ur angel.  Will make a heck of a toasted speech at a wedding reception. The other thing was I really wanted a super low profile, like FBI stuff.  Didn't want anybody to see my face, heck, felt like that neighbor on Home Improvement but only worse!  And to make it even more crazier, as we were walking through the racks of clothes it felt like a kamikaze mission in Beirut with bushes and me wearing camouflage.  So I peeped through the bushes, and....this feeling I got was a cross between The Donald when he used to say "You're Fired!" and J Timberlake on that episode of MTV Punk'd!  I thought this is what ur think our taste of girls are?  Very far from the Paul Pierce  truth, but its interesting when friends think they know ur love interests.  U can seemed to be one thing, but on the lovey dovey tip dig an entirely different sector of true, and with that...

We are out.  This is gonna be so enjoyable talking about a fav topic.  May even have a story or two left to share (u think!!)..this is gonna be a lot of fun!


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