Sunday, February 12, 2012

Love's Es-po-say!!!

Girl, it's been a long, long time comin', 
But I, I know it's been worth the wait.
It feels like springtime in winter, 
It feels like Christmas in June.
It feels like Heaven's has opened up It's gates,
For me and you....

The last few diary posts has been wild.  And today we have another special treat.  We've been getting some really good insight from different people on their view of life and dating game.  But what about if you're already married?  That's where we come in.  I know their are several issues that tackle those who are married, are enraged, I mean,  engaged to be married, or have fast forwarded their life in warp speed when they first saw that special person across the room.  Today we have insight from a real gentleman who is young guy (late 20s, early 30s) in age, but mature in experience.  He's witness some crazy stuff, from memorable parties, being the toast of the town, to dating some very top shelf type of women (Trust me I know!).  Our guy is a perfect person to spill on what goes on in the minds of a husband.  All true...all real....and spoken with much love.  So the next voice you hear...I sound like I'm introducing a king don't I!?!....the next voice are the words from the heart of a true love.  

Enjoy and let's see what he had to say....

Do I need to keep it PG??!!...(Austino's note:  When I heard that, I knew my guy was gonna come real!!)

Thoughts on Attraction...

In looking for a female to be with, there are several things I looked for.  There is no question that I have to be physically attracted to this person.  There always has to be something that catches the eye.  But in the end, it is more about the person and what she has to offer in a relationship, as opposed to flat out beauty.  Many times beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  If she has a beautiful personality, that goes a long way.  I am a sucker for a beautiful smile.  When  I see a smile that sparkles, I am willing to go a step further.  

On love at first sight...

I first met my wife when I was in high school.  Being 15 yrs. old, you never think that you will start dating the one you will be with the rest of your life.  When I first set sights on her, I just knew I wanted to hook up with her.  I wouldn't call it, "love at first sight", but I would call it lust.  There was something so intriguing about her and see what happens.  15 years later...we have been married for 8 years, and the rest is history.

Has the dating game changed?

The dating game is something I wouldn't even know how to attack.  There are so many ways to look people up via dating sites, social media outlets, etc.  Gone are the days where you just see someone and just "holla" at them.  Now you got to check out their Facebook status and get the low down on their personal situation.  A crazy idea just crossed my mind, when u see a female just ask her out and see what happens.  Everything else is hot garbage!!

On finding a soul mate...

A soul mate...great question.  In certain situations I believe that there are such things as soul mates.  But there are also times where the person you are with, or married to, may not be the one you are supposed to be with...or your soul mate.  I would love to think that God has a plan for each of us, which includes placing each of us with our soul mates.  Unfortunately, this may be left up to one's perception, and the meaning to them.  In my case, I am with my soul mate and something I am very secure with.

On girls digging a sports star...

Being a "jock" growing up definitely helped me with the female game.  By playing sports and being popular, I was always with the "in" crowd, and was subjected to many things.  I had many friends of the opposite sex, and that led to many interesting parties and social interactions.  This also gave me confidence and did not deter me from speaking to a female or walking into a room and letting everyone know that I had arrived.  I was always mistaken for being a stuck up prick.  When really all I am is a confident individual who is not afraid to carry myself that way.  I am proud of how sports and those I surrounded myself with shaped me to be who I am today.  

Thoughts on dating/marrying someone older than you...

Being married to an older woman is not a big deal to me.  When I was younger I only dated older women.  I was constantly shooting for the stars.  I wanted to get that one female who nobody thought I could get.  I looked at it as a challenge and loved to prove people wrong.  I also feel that by dating older women and being married to one, helped me mature at an earlier age as a teenager.  

What about interracial dating?

I have no problem dating someone of another race or seeing anyone who does.  If you have an attraction to someone or love someone...who the hell cares!!  I would be more than willing to date anyone as long as there is an attraction between matter what the color of their skin is.

Is there a right age for kids to date?

If I had children and they were interested in dating I would have to think very hard about what the right age to begin.  I am sure if I had a son, I would be there every step of the way and helping him through the process.  If I had a daughter, I am sure I would have a totally different approach.  I know how guys think and I would not like someone who thinks like me with my daughter.  But every family is different and it would be up to the child to show they are mature enough for that process.  It is a part of growing up and something every kid needs to experience.  

Do girls come at u harder once you're married or in a relationship compared to when you were single?

For some reason I feel that females are more prone to come across at me and flirt more since I have been married.  Even with the wedding ring on the finger, "married me" appears safe and approachable.  I have not met one guy that has felt differently.  It might be different for some because they put up a wall and are not as inviting, but I have seen it first hand that more comes your way when you are least expecting it and not actively shopping.  

The single guys need some advice....

The only advice for those single fellas would be to stay patient and don't settle.  There are plenty of fish in the sea.  It doesn't hurt to get out there and see what is out there...but when you meet that one special person you will know...Live every day likes it's your last and give 'em hell!!

Any personal thoughts on love...

Love does not have one specific meaning to me.  It is more than a physical and emotional attraction to someone.  It is friendship and creating an unbreakable bond with someone.  And most of all it is an un-explainable feeling that only you know when it's love!!!

Whew...wee!!  That's some really good stuff about the true feelings of love, marriage and life.  I hope we all realize how special and difficult it is for our special guest to reveal themselves about a subject that sometimes leaves you speechless.  Yet...they have helped me, I know, and others by giving some tips or insights about what love is all about.  

Bro, I got nothing but love for you.  I know u are part of this fun revolution, and a charter member of the one involving true love.  

Our diary is getting wild, telling u...stay tune cuz it's only gonna get better.  Hope u likes!!  Oh, and if u've wondered where I got that stanza from to begin today's entry...we went back to 1996 and pulled out this classic!

Thanx for joining in our life journey.
Remember, It's not just simpy a's an experience!

Austino Galaxia.

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