Wednesday, February 22, 2012

History Meets Future.

The Ladies Man..Tim Meadows.

(Huge Smile!)

Today was truly a tale of two days in one.  For real.  Life is so interesting, and u never know what a day may bring forth.  Talked to some Fam on Grandma dropping that ka-now-ledge!  "It comes with a Price."  Oh boy, I feel like stop, drop and rolling and maybe even shutting down and opening up shop on that one!  She's a ruff ryder so I gotta say that one! Also, hollered my cuz up north in Michigan, what up family!  Good stuff, that added to a unique day...

Which was rare, in that during the day, I was actually thinking about what to write about today.  I usually just jot as we get in front of the screen, as we are doing right now.  It's more real time, u know.  Nothing is plotted, or scripted, just our pure emotions at the moment.  Want our "voice" to be heard as real as possible.  So with that...

Been up since like 2am in the morning.  Had like 3 or 4 dreams mashed up together like Country Crock potatoes, and I really don't remember jack daniels.  It seems like all of our recent dreams have been mad positive.  Involving...just seems like our, or it doesn't seem, our life is hitting a launching pad of sorts.  But, earlier today, I was just feeling like our life is just a fairy tale lifestyle filled with so much script, drama and sometimes heartbreak.   At times u wonder, what they really want? Is it just for us to be this "boy toy?"  A fun gas station to get filled up after every 2000 miles, and then u won't hear from them for another 2G's and u're expected to have gas waiting at the pump, while not expecting nothing in return. God's been reinventing our life, been forced too in some ways.  Which is good.  It's like a athlete adding things to his "game" to make themselves better.  U break ur right hand, so u gotta use ur left hand a whole lot more...well then looka Lupe Fiasco, when ur right hand gets better now ur even more better cuz ur left is improved.

That happens in life as well, say u get fired from a gig or u have an ugly breakup with a former love.  Ok, u break up, think the world is gonna end...start eating Funfetti cake batter (boy, if anyone can make that cake, I'll...boy!! Don't play with me!), eating that, and stay home entire weekends watching marathons of the Golden Girls or watch every viewing of What Women Really Want on TBS (even the 1am re-re-reviewing of it!), trying to figure women or guys out.  It sounds so low and crucial, but guess what...u learn how to survive by urself, u learn how to cook, or how to have fun by urself without DEPENDING on someone else for ur happiness.  And guess what, next thing u know it, that critter named Cupid (wonder if he read our letter we wrote a few diary posts ago?) drops someone in ur life, and ur on whole nother level, ur friends don't recognize u, and the relationship is even better than what it would have been if u never visited the home of the New Jersey Devils.

Took me a looong time, and I'm still learning about how tough times can work out for ur benefit.  Real quick, don't u hate it when u get used to a brand of food, and then the pull the old Roger Dangerfield "No Respect" stunt and change the makeup of the food!  I don't want a half a bag of air?  or as on tonight, "I don't wanna see potato skins on my steak fries!"  Why change...of subject, but "w made with both hands!"...

Oh, we're still in the month of "Love" right?!!...What haven't we talked about...I wanna tell this one story, but the time isn't right...what happens within' dating and relationships that we all can relate too?...humm???..Oh yeah, ba-bee!!  How about this one?

How much does a person's past relationship history, play a role in a current one?  And should it?  Like for instance if a guy's been with a lotta girls or if a guy's BEEN WITH a lotta girls should that matter?  U hear the saying, "once a dog, always a dog."...or..."lay with a dog gonna get fleas", dogs have it bad, huh?  Real talk here.  Or what about sexual experiences, not gonna lie, if a guy recycle bags a lot of girls, he's a pimp and we're gonna nominate him for an Oscar.  If a girl's, a champ in naked twister, she's title of one of Luda's classic tunes.  ( u gonna have to look that one up!)   Interesting...and of course, "...oooh...oooh...pick me, pick me."...I gotta a story...Can somebody call up a publisher or movie director for me?

Ok, so I came upon this one guy somehow, way or another, and he was telling me that we need to go out to dinner and all this and that.  I love San Francisco, and especially my baseball Giants...but I ain't from there, if u catch my drift!! So it was a little awkwardness but finally I went out...I mean I rode in a vehicle with this dude.  We stopped off at this restaurant in town.  And as we walk in, I immediately noticed this girl right as we walked in the joker.  Our eyes immediately met, and I was like, "oh my."  So another waitress, took us to sit down.  But my mind  was totally like who is this girl.  She was short in stature, but had curvaceous build, pretty hair, doll face, and a killer joe smile.  Who does she remind me off?  Let's see...she was like.. Baby Spice...but with a hotter tan.  (do I only date girls with tans?? not!)  I had a feeling this was going to be interesting night.

So this cat was sitting me down, and telling all this stuff...I was like, "ok, ok..right!...As he was trying to get me to go into the right direction of my life.  It's like when somebody tells u how to use a calculator, when u've already broken one down and put it back together urself!  (we actually did back in the day, and it wasn't one of those solar ones either!!)...felt like that old SNL skit..."I know...I know...and dog-gone it...people like me!!  ..I got it...I got it!"  But the thing was ALL, and I mean ALL of this time this Spice Girl kept walking past me and giving me a Biggie hypnotizing glance.  And I mean she would past with a plate full of water for other customers, Bam!, glance at us.  Carrying food on a! There she would go again...Just walk by with her other co-worker, and it was Bam! Bing! Triple 7 like a Vegas slot.  So as my guy was hitting me with some Nancy Reagan "Just Say No" type of stuff, that nite I didn't wanna hear about u tell me how to make this girl say "Yes!" , that way  I can blame it all on Reganomics!...being real y'all.

The dinner finally ended, and after eyeing each other more than a game of Battleship, I said to myself we gonna get her.  (I didn't even have to use my Mentos for this one...I got this!)  Ha ha!!  She was in the front, and I said something Slick Rick like (can't believe I'm writing this stuff!)..."eye noticed u looking at me..."..."what is your name?..."  Long story her number.  So I walk out with McGruff with my swag on a Cuba Gudding Jr.s at the Oscars level!

I got back to the spot...and do that phone planning..."I'm gonna call her in a day in a half...right before 9pm...cuz that ain't too late...but I can be the last thing on her mind for the night"...type tip!   I give her that call.  We talked, but she was a little slow on the speech.  Like she was hiding something, heck I don't know...I told her about where I went to college, and she started to name some names of some of the guys she knew up there.  Red flags, cuz the cats she named I knew they were on that Dirt McGirt with chicks....definitely gonna need Baby Jesus for this one!...convo ended.  So I ended up asking some of the dudes she was naming as who she's hung out with... I threw out the name, and they just smiled like my old Math teacher in high school when she passed out a test and just knew everybody was gonna flunk it! (and they did!)  After that, surprising...I said, I'm gonna leave this chick alone, I don't wanna be bothered with a girl who's been dipped more than a flamenco dancer!

Now, as I look back...I think I was sorta wrong.  Number one, she was single, and if it didn't work out with him or him, that doesn't mean she was a whore or dirty chick.  Things happen.  And u never know she might've changed her ways.  People do do that u know!  It still happens....even though folks or the media leads us to think otherwise.  I'm at a point in our life, where I almost don't even care about a person's past, cuz it just adds to the drama.  Where are u at NOW?  U start talking about what u did at the 50-yard line on the football field, and all this stuff...u start to talk about sexual history...folks give bogus numbers...they say multiply a girl's response and subtract from a man' about this...are u clean?  That's all I wanna know, for real.  My Grandpa told me to pull a Donald Trump, and have girls tested before I even go out on a first date with them!  And u wonder why I'm so crazy!!  But relationships are ruined, I mean RUINED on past history.  U want to know...u tell them...u end up on Maury!  EVERYBODY has a history, in some why not let this "new" relationship start from Bisquick scratch, and let's see where it goes....and if u do that, I feel like the sky's the limit.

A. Galaxia.

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