Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Rounding The Bases.

Simply known as The Captain...Derek Jeter. Blackberry is having some major problems connecting to this new update desktop software.  This is crazy...guess sometimes new doesn't mean better...

Today is gonna be short and sweet...just because, we have stuff to do.  So let's just hit this thang wit some tidbits...talked to Moms, always great to her from her, love the fam so much.  Convo while walking down here in the South Beach 'hood on a flat out picure perfect beach day.  78 degrees, sunny, good stuff...u know what is tickling us right some people talk to us or say things to us like we're not "experienced" or are a junior high schooler....I've always say that I'm just a huge kid, but it amuses me sometimes when people tell u things, and inside u're like, "I already know what about that stuff..."...Don't they read our diary????...anyways, it's all good whenever folk want to give advice on our life, just part of what surrounds us I guess....

Something just hit us on a personal tip...I don't know if we should write about this, but, u know me, I really could give two billy beans, this is a diary so here we go.  Just speak from ur heart Austin...

I love sports.  I really LOVE sports.  Played it our entire life.  Isn't it weird when u have trophies at home who are older than some of the folks u come in contact with??  And we are getting younger by the minute still, just wanted to throw that in.  Our personality is a combination of so many athletes, and I'm gonna list them on today, why not...

(In no particular order)

Barry Bonds, Dennis Rodman, Deion Sanders, Michael Jordan, Steve Nash, David Beckham, Alex Rodriguez, Andre Aggassi, and Kobe Bryant to name a few.  In those personalities you'll find our workout habits, nutritional diets, party habits, snobbery, work ethic, smarts, mystery vibe, love for flash, as well as style, as well as a passion for life and their particular field of interest.  If u combine those above mentioned athletes, u basically have us in a nutshell.

But since this it still "Love" month here on the diary, there is one athlete or celebrity who I feel kind of mirrors our relationship experiences...and that athlete is...

Mr. Derek Jeter .

DJ is one of our all-time favorite athletes.  To be able to do what he's done, how he's done, especially under the spotlight of the "Evil Empire", the New York Yankees, has been amazing.  Consistency, work ethic, grace and humbleness is something to be modeled for years and generations to come.  But we aren't talking about on the field, we're talking off of it.  I don't personally know Mr. Jeter, but I have to wonder, how come Jeets ain't married yet? Ah, good question.  I need a song before we move on...let's go with about Jewel, and give a sneek preview into a future Austino's Vault in our diary...classic song!

From what we've heard he's still single, which is cool, trust us...but still.  One thing is that I feel like Dee Jeter has this "everyone's guy" aura around him.  Meaning, he's treated more like a brother or family member, more than a person it seems. It's weird...I remember watching this documentary on Wayne Gretzky and his wedding up in Canada.  And they said something like, everyone was checking out the girl he was marrying because she was not only marrying Gretzky but the entire country of Canada!  He was "theirs" so to speak, and I think Jeter has some of that with his life.

Some of the girls that have been "linked" (didn't that used to a game show???)...oh yeah...The Weakest Link...anyways, some of the dolls Jeter's been rumored or has dated or whatever (This isn't gonna turn into Access Hollywood, believe u me!) is intriguing to say the least some pretty girls, but looks aren't everything to say the least....I think I'm gonna get in trouble for writing this post tonight, but what-eva!..So it's just so interesting to be in the circle of so many women and not be rung around the roses, just yet!  Or is it...

Can't believe I'm writing this...we have a strong conviction, and we keep saying how many people of the opposite we come in contact with or know or have see, it's really staggering.  And for me to sit here on my Daria , and think that I've seen it all and know girls inside and out would be blasphemous and a Tampa Bay Lightning bolt would soon proceed outta of the sky for me to think that!  But....ah, that but...we have see a WHOLE lot.  So as my mother was talking to me as I was strutting around the beach today, about girls and such, I thought briefly like, "I'm meeting all these girls that guys would give two pecans for, but nothing is should I say on the horizon." And that's not a depressed or lonely type of statement, just a statement from a , and in some ways, the ultimate free agent on the market right now.   For real...

Sometimes speaking from ur heart can really make u cringe...we classify certain guys and girls sometimes without really getting to know them.  Guys has long hair and wears bell bottoms, so he must get "stoned" every weekend and jams to Steely Dan when he's not.  Or a cool doll, wears long sweaters, and glasses, with  a gumby long dress, and a guy thinks she's no fun to hang out with.  And I think that sometimes as u get to know somebody, even that can be wilder...there's a term for a person who thinks another person is too like Mother Teresa or Ghandish that they won't have sex with that person...simply because they look up to that person or respect that person too much.  Boy if I could find that term.  If someone knows, please twitt or facebook me.

What the Dane Cook?  I think Ron Jeremy is turning over in his...let me stop.  That's totally mind blowing.  Shouldn't a person's abilities and goodwill towards mankind be a major turn-on?  (That's totally a Seinfeld episode on this EXACT topic!)  Heck, it is for me, especially with all this make shift drama going on nowadays.  How come life can't be like an episode of City Guys?  If a girl is mad cool, a beauty and wants to change the world, tell me that ain't sexy...u know why, because it's...rare!

And always remember, no matter what anyone says, "Different is sexy."

I started out talking about Jeter and now is leading to this...but I think this stuff is so true.  So if u are in the company of a lot of females, sometimes (speaking of myself...and girls who hang around a lot of guys too), when it comes to relationships u tend to look for different things that makes a person attractive.  If u've grown up in a garden ur life, and all u've seen are bunnies, then what are u gonna be attractive to...bunnies.  But on the same token, sometimes u can get used to the outer fluff of a bunny so u look to other characteristics that seperate one bunny from the next.  So if u're a girl, and have a Dean's list of physically attractive hunks who u've either been around or dated, sooner or later u start to look for more than just the physical looks and u start to try to get to know guys on a personality basis.  Which is awesome!  That leads to another recurring theme of our diary, "The more you're exposed to, the better ur life will be!"  Get out there and see the world, cuz, if u do, u'll see...u won't trip over stuff as easy.  Ok, this girl (guy) did u wrong, but trust me, there's more out there. Now more than ever, there's more out there, and u never know.

I don't know why I write some of our opinions, it's a diary, but to open urself up like we do and some heartfelt topics...(huge blow)...our life is really jumping off right now, and we're gonna just enjoy this ride.  It's "Love" month, and we gonna talk, if we don't do it...then who??  And after all we've experienced...I better share...tell ur story, please.  The world needs to hear your voice.  Heck, I do!!  I love to read other people's diaries or blogs, it helps me.  Like the saying says, "Game recognizes Game." , and I love to hear from other vets in the game.  Get ready...some wild stories are a coming...De-rek Je-ter huh....wild stuff.

Now batting,
The Left Fielder,
Aus-tino  Gala-xia...#21

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