Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Mission Possible!

Tom Cruise checking us out as we write!

Feeling pretty good...more on that later.  U know we really have to take advantage of every possible moment that we have to have fun and enjoy life.  Today, heard some intriguing news from those close to us about certain aliments...driving home on US-1 saw two car accidents basically...u just never know.  That's what we're learning to do.  When our song comes on, I'm gonna dance and enjoy it, cuz u just never know what a moment may bring.  I almost feel like getting loose on that subject...why not....

Nothing is impossible in life!  I mean nothing!!  Things happen, I know, trust us been there done that...girl says she's gonna call, doesn't call...days later hear she was out wit this other guy, on the day u were 'posed to have a talk, but got dissed...I know...u on a job, seems like everyone's getting promoted but you, yet u feel like you've been done wrong like a dismissed chick on Flavor of Love, I understand...but what all of us, and definitely including myself, has to realize is that all of your so called disappointments can be for the good.  U can smack it up, flip it, and rub it down into some great motivation that can propel to higher heights.  Still reaching, and trust me all that we've been through is inspiring us to push through and really show how much fun life can be.  That's who we are as a person.

Have to get that outta the way, cuz as our life is transforming as we speak, I want to get out the basis of who Austino Galaxia is.  Determined to enjoy life, and have fun, and want to bring as many people who want to do the same into our stratosphere.  We're a rare breed.  What's so different?  Glad u tweeted that question, kinda loco in many ways.  Like I said before, the difference between a guy rockin' a Prada suit, and me rockin' that same suit, is that other guy may be afraid to get dirty, or mess up his hair.  Us on the other hand, ain't afraid, if it means getting on our knees to wipe up a spill, or shoot doing a b-boy spin that ends with our hand on behind our neck, so be it.  Guess that's what's makes a diary...a diary.  U write in the moment.  We are going to tell more of our crazy tales about life, dating, sports, whatever, but I don't want anybody who may find this diary post buried in the dust of cyberspace later to lose focus on our goal.  Which is to share our experiences, make a difference, and most importantly have fun!!  Stop doing the same ol', same ol', and L.I.V.E!

Alright!  We have a platypus full of surprises coming up in our diary.  Everything's real-time of course, but I'm not gonna say anything now, just keep reading everyday, and if you like this unfolding drama slash Dean Martin comedy act, tell somebody.  We all need a laugh now and again...I survive on it.  Like fish and water...Hershey and chocolate...TMZ and Hollywood stars...U know what I should do one day...should walk down Ocean Drive, and hired a fake group of Paparazzi photographers to flashdance their cameras just to see what would happen.  Will other people run over to gawk?  U gotta practice before the real thing right! (wink!)

"Love" is still the scent roaming the air of our diary.  Our special topic for the month.  What shall we briefly talk about today...U know what, this is probably gonna be the one that's gonna stop people from reading our stuff, but I have to keep it real as can be, and this topic seems to be jumping out at us right now 3-D style...Can u find real love in a club or bar?  Oh boy, this could get interesting...

First let me get settled in my seat.  Mr. Raymond is gonna supply us with our writing theme music and we're off...I had a college basketball coach, his name was Bill Lavery.  Cool dude, intense and had stories for days.  So it was early in our bball training for the season and I had a chance to go up to his office just to chit chat for the upcoming season.  Our relationship was cool, and I was chosen as one of the tri-captains for the team.  He stepped on campus the same year I did, so we endured a horrible season my freshman year to now, my senior year being a strong team to beat...nationwide!  Lavs hit me with so many one-liners from "just weeding them out", which indicated how difficult our training camp has been (Love does that sometimes, just sees who's for real or not).  Then as I was sitting there, I got to talking about my love life a little bit.  So many tape sessions....I mean "episodes", that really don't sound any better, but whatever...after all was said and done we really didn't have anything to show for it.  Not even a teddy bear that u can win from those 50 cent  toy machines at Denny's.

So I asked him, how did he meet his beautiful wife.  His response was that he met her at a bar. That kinda threw me for a loop, cuz guys what do u hear, "U can't find no good girl in no bar or club."  So in my best Wolf Blitzer voice I was like, "Can u please expound?"  He did.  He talked about seeing her in the joint, and going up to talk to her.  Then finding out the had a Trump amount of things in common with this future wifey.  He told me just to wait, and one day u'll find someone who'll like the same things as u, and it'll work out.  So as I'm waiting like Tebow, I find what he said to be interesting.

Live down here in Miami, more specifically South Beach.  One of the coolest places in the world, especially to get your party on.  I don't where this is going so let's just type...I think the biggest thing for people who are single, as myself, is to have the most openest heart in terms of you never know where u might find that special someone, yet...u must not go looking for him/her.  Does that make sense?  Usually when I go out, I like to just have fun in terms of dancing and hearing the latest jams.  Not a huge drinker, but if I would to dabble, it'll be something light.  Is it ok, if I keep it real tonight!  This is a life, that God's bless all of us to live...enjoy it!  And I'm not gonna lie, when I step into the joint doing the roger rabbit, the cabbage patch and the harlem shake (I can't for the life of me wonder why no girl will dance wit me?!!), I do wonder or should I say scope the place out to see if this is gonna be a night where I'm gonna juke for 2 songs, speak to few people and be out.  Or if it's gonna be one of those nights when I need to go to the bathroom and ask Garcon if he has any of that Armani Code left in the bottle.  All the while leaving him a heafty tip of "look both ways before u cross the street!"  Hey, it cost me $40 to get in this discoteca, dude I think ur tip is included in that!

What I'm noticing in these spots, is...not as much interaction with genders as they used to be.  U see a group of girls, one is catching ur eye, and u gotta do one of those old N'Sync to squeeze in between to talk to her, hoping she doesn't say "Bye, bye, bye!" before u even open ur mouth!  By all means don't grab her hand to dance!  I made that mistake on this pretty dime up in Chicago once, never again.  (I should play Tha Bieber on that, huh!)  But u never know...clubs are usually loud, so u either have to bark out you name...ha, ha!!  somebody knows what I'm talking about..."What is your name?"  "I'm sorry I didn't hear you?"  "WHAT IS YOUR NAME?"  "HUH??" (all the while she holding that drink!!), that's when u gotta find a spot in the corner or something.  It's so funny, but it could be worth ur while in the end.

One thing u have to realize is that sometime fate could be in ur favor.  U may not have been out in awhile, but little did u know that he/she hasn't either, and was forced or po-po dragged into going out for a night on the town!  U just never know...plus, as I'm finding out life is so stressful sometimes and the pulse of music and being with friends could be the only thing keeping some folks sane.  I rather have them do that, then tapping out their vains in a secluded bedroom.  Am I right?  Now am I saying just go buck wild, and lose prospective of life and just party all the time like Eddie Murphy, no!  But, what I'm saying is, as we talk about love, and dating, we cannot limit our opportunities to meet somebody.  Talking to myself now.  We close some doors before they even open.  That girl is under headphones so I'm not gonna talk to her.  That happen to me, not too long ago (here we go again...)...this girl was doing her thang, and I had an opportunity to a hot event and had an extra ticket.  So I approached her with my Baywatch swag, and asked her would she like...she claimed that she had to ask her friend if she could go, I couldn't really wait, which was all good, but what I'm saying u gotta ask.  She had a nice French accent too...oh well.

Almost done...open minds is the key.  Whether u're single or married or whatever.  You just never know.  My parents met at a basketball game.  Some folks have met on blind dates.  Others online, anything is possible, especially when it comes to love.  And the one whom u least expect to be your type, just may be your type.  That's for guys and girls.  There are some unique couples out here, which is so cool.  Height, age, race, tattoos on calves, pocket protectors...it's true when they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  I've learned to embrace our life, lessons and experiences, knowing they have helped us become better, and more prepared for the future.  But u can't be prepared if you don't at least have an open mind to people, and open ur heart and be willing to experience the new.  Can love occur in a club?  Absolutely.  They claim love is one in a million...why can't that one be you?  Somebody has to be the one...why can't it be you?

Get ready for some great additions to our diary.

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