Saturday, February 4, 2012

Wouldn't Trade It For Nothing!


Today was a fun day.  Lots of fun.  I just got done watching the dvr recording from the Lakers vs. Nuggets game from last night.  That was an awesome game, those games come on so late, that I gotta tape 'em, and many times avoid people throughout the day who might WikiLeak the score to us.  It was a physical, hyped up game.  They had like 16 inches of snow in Denver, and counting.  We take this 76 degree temps down here in Miami for granted!  Will say this, I love watching the Heat (though some folks don't believe that), but there is still something different watching them Lakers.  Think the Heat need some more drama to surround the team, the good kind.  I like that Hollywood type of stuff.  Joakim Noah already thinks they are, but it'll add to the saga if they had some more.  Funny stuff.

Earlier today, hit up this Subway in Kendall, Florida...walked in and my guy had that 'look'.  They got this $5 Footlong stuff this month, so we wanted to get our breakfast hookup.  An egg white sandwich on whole wheat bread, with turkey and American cheese, then u add lettuce, tomatoes, and pickles, u then toast it after everything is put on.  I joked around with the guy behind the glass counter like, "Dude u look like u was partying last night!!"  He then replied in bewilderment, "How...did u know?"  I told him, hey we used to...let's just say I know the "day after look" from personal experiences.  Brotha just need to put some refridgerated Salami over his eyes for about 10 minutes, and my guy would look like a guy from an Abercrombie poster!

Seen some wild, absolutely WILD stuff on today.  Guys taking tourist type pictures, with this gent bending down over a yellow fire hydrant!  Never seen that, all this history around South Beach, but u taking it next to a hyrdrant!  Maybe the read that Lassie or something had a famous "Sweet Pea" Wittaker there back in tha 50s!...Then we saw this one guy just riding his bicycle in the middle of the street with no hands, just cheesing smiling down Washington Avenue.  I was like that's what I'm talking about, just laughing for no reason.  Then a few hours later this happened....

Ok, we was walking back to our crib after getting a good workout in.  The good Lord is keeping us in great shape, and the workout is brutal really, but u gotta do what u gotta do.  So we walking back home, through the neighborhood, and we look ahead and notice this guy and this gal carrying a couch from an apartment building.  They dropped the couch on the sidewalk, and the gal sat on it looking she just came out of the Ultra Music Festival, truly wore out.  Both of them were directly ahead of me as I was bumping Bobby V's "Checkin' for Me" for like the 5th straight time.  I felt that song today, can relate to we walking, and as we pass them, I ask them, "Y'all need some help?"  And the babe yelled, "Yesssss!!!!"  So I hit the pause button on our Whiteberry, unhooked our earphones and asked the girl to hold my phone.  She said they just had to go to the next block...but man....

So the gent picks up one end of the white couch, the girl offered to sit on it as we carried it, gurl don't u start nothin u can't finish now!  I still got my Nike pouch on my back with my workout stuff.  Black Nike Dri-fit long sleeve, Grey Nike Dri-fit short sleeve, tank top that I took off earlier and our Nike Air Force 1 Air Max Supreme kicks that we scooped up from Barney's Co-Op.  So our journey took off in more ways than one...

For one, we ended up crossing the street and then walking like 2 and a half blocks with this couch in hand, plus we had our keys in our left hand.  A tough carry...but as the three of us were walking, baby girl started to put us under some Saturday night at the bar-type questioning..."What is your name?"...  "Austin"...."Ok, Austin, my name is Michelle, and this is my boyfriend John." ...."Where are u from Austin?"..."Indiana." ..." boyfriend is from Boston and I'm Miami born."....Began to get a little awkward cuz her man is right there, on the other end of this heavy upholstery we are carrying.   "Do you live near by?"  "(Give a heavy grunt)!...we live up tha...street on Jefferson."  "Oh, I know some people who live over there."   She then got into her crazy scheme of carrying this couch for blocks, talked about her boyfriend's "break" with his new gig.  It got kind of personal dawg.  But she was talkative.  John was "more than upset" about this whole charade, and was giving that "girl please" look as she was talking.  Michelle stated they just became a couple (didn't we talk about that in our last diary entry!), told them this was just some "growing pains", crazy.

So as Michelle is counting down, "just a half a block guys" , she begins to let her beautiful black hair down outta of her pony tail.  I was looking to load tha couch in a car, but evidently they were moving into a new apartment.  I tell John I gotta set the couch down.  He agreed.  I then looked at Michelle for the first time in HD, and was like this girl is kinda...right. She had on one of those South Beach summer dresses that has nothing holding the top but her boobs, which were out.  She reminds me of Charlotte from Sex and The City.    Pretty and cool.  No offense, John!  Then he pulled out some dineros and said, "here's something to get a beer or...something."  I denied.  Michelle then asked if we wanted a bruskie they had in their new place.  It's not about the money or anything....

After that Michelle, then makes her way over to me and puts both of her arms around our neck, and gives us this crazy hug.  She's our height maybe even an inch taller, so she hugs us....telling us thank u...and then gives us this big kiss on our cheek.  No joking.  It wasn't just a smooch or a Miami kiss when u half way are like, I don't really wanna touch u but, smooch anyhow!  No, she put her lips smacked in the middle our check and held it for a few seconds.  And then....telling u it was awkward cuz John is right there dude.  Once again, no offense!  Following her kiss, she then pulled a stunt but rubbing her hand in the middle of our abs.  Like eye was part of the Chippendales and this was her bachelorette party in Vegas!  I did used to do the baby oil thing a few years ago, but still...    She sneaked in a feely feel on us, hand fully extended , right on our pcat button,  and it was NO ACCIDENT!  So I'm like, I think this chick digs us, and I need to get the heck up out of here because she's kinda turning me on, and her "man" is right there.  Gave him dap and I was out.  She said that if I ever needed anything, that they are right there.  Like I said...Weezy never lied when he said the, block is hot, block is hot!! Ha, ha...

It was kind of cool to see a couple take a new step in their relationship.  Fits right in with our "love" talk.  Gonna say this and we gotta go.  Some of the things people do with their spouse or lover right near by is legendary.  I remember one of my college bball teammates getting his holla on with this girl, with his present chick literally 2 steps behind him.  That was crazy.  Another girl once showed us her nipple ring, and her puppies with her man right near by.  Guess sometimes folks think we are just this big kid, which we are, but some of the stuff some girls have done to us, even though they are in a relationship can be so awkward and tough on our end.

Ok.  Before I go, in honor of  "love" month on our diary, this if for the single people.  I'm gonna list the best places in Miami to find beautiful people.  The best places to find the hunks and honeys down here in the M.I.A.    Can I say honeys?  Even though girls may read this?  (Huge 'W' sign with both of my hands)  So here we go in no particular order:

1. Miami International Airport - Mentioned this before, but this is a place where u can find locals, travelers, and international peeps.  People are dressed to the nines.  It's a laid back atmosphere.  Let me keep it real, there are some really some smart, and sexy people that come through here.  It's a spot.

2.  CVS -  This is a slept on spot, but if u think about it, everybody needs something one time or another, either lotion, batteries, freakin' cotton swabs.  I know the locations down here in South Beach off of Alton Road and 5th street are like magnets for opprotunities.  They are basically 24 hours, and pre/post club rituals, what!!! U'll be surprised who comes in here late night style. Check it out...

3. Publix (5th and Alton)/ Fresh Market (South Beach, Bay Road) -
I once joked with this one gally about how Publix is the spot to pick up a date.  It really is...if we were to choose one, it'll have to be the one on 5th and Alton Road.  It's right as u enter South Beach, it's the newest location, and has a mad selection of goodies from fruits to eye candy.  Its a hub of locals and folks visiting the neighborhood.  It's within walking distance to the hotels on Collins Ave., and everyone's cool there.  Plus, it's right across from a church, and after service the ladies...I'm gonna get in so much trouble for all this stuff, but hey...U're immersed in Austino's Galaxia!...Fresh Market just opened up down here.  And if u like folks who like to be super-healthy and stuff.  Check out this place.  At times it can look like a model shoot.

Books on the Beach!  The spot, trust us!
4.  Miami-Dade County Libraries-  A library is more than just a bootleg sleeping rest area!  Once again, I think if u looking for somebody who embodies more than the physical, but can also stimulate ur mind, here's the spot.  Our location in South Beach is literally 2 mins from the sandy beach.  Our gym is a block away.  So we can really get our GTL on!! (Gym, Tan, Library!!)  That's for u Jersey Shore enthusiasts!!

5.  The Laundromat (Specifically South Beach, 6th and Meridian) - Wrote about this location before.  "Beautiful people" come here to get there clothes tossed to and fro.  We've met some cool folks in here.  More than a few really, Austin no more stories tonight...but great collection of assortmental types found inside.  Then u step outside and perhaps, the best spot to see the real South Beach, is right on that corner.  Telling u, everybody who's everybody either drives, skateboards, bikes right there.  Yoga place nearby,  a grocery store...just hang out there around 5pm and u'll see what we mean!!

(Note from author:  We're writing this list on the humbug by the way, this wasn't planned.)

6.  The Village of Merrick Park - Ok, if Miami is filled with a lot of malls for shopping and activities.  This is a tough pick to choose.  Sunset Place is kind of cool, but a younger crowd in some ways.  Dadeland Mall is cool, when u wanna see the locals and stuff.  Aventura Mall is probably the best combination of a traditional mall, but we ain't talking about that.  And according to what we've seen, if someone were to ask us, the best mall to pick up a date, it would hands down be The Village of Merrick Park in Coral Gables.  Worked over there for several years.  And some days that mall would just turn into part Real Housewives of Coral Gables (That really should be a show!!) to part college hunks and babes!  For real.  Plus, not only the upscale stores, they have an athletic club, cool restaurants, and the sexy open air space just adds to the sexy Italian vibe.  Shout out to my girl at La Estancia Argentina who I always talked to on the phone and in person as she hooked us up with our crepes.  Why haven't I ask her out yet?!!  She's cool as heck, I might have to make a drive later tonight...Definitely on our list.

7.  Lincoln Road -  One of the spots down here in South Beach.  Restaurants, stores that stay open late (sometimes rare in Miami), lounges, Movie Theaters...just a popping location.  They even have a parking garage which sometimes throw parties on the top level of it!  Dead serious.  Nice place to just walk around.  We won't steer u wrong.

8.  American Airlines Arena (A Miami Heat Gameday/night) - It has become "the spot to see and be seen" down here in Miami.  Been up there for over 6 years now, and its wild.  When I first worked for the Heat, limos used to line up in the front on Biscayne Blvd., and it wasn't just 2 or 3, it was more like fifteen or so!!  Crazy.  Now it's really off the charts.  U find guys showing off their muscles with the D Wade or Lebron Jerseys, as well as their newest kicks.  The girls are doing their best to get drafted by dressing to the nines!  So many great nights up there...check out a game!  I can tell u more, but another time.  Definitely got stories about the girls we've met up in there!!!  Believe that.

9.  The Government Center - This is not only the main transit hub of Miami (Metrobus, Metrorail)  But also is home to the main library.  This is urban beauty at its finest.  Folks dressed up in everything from fur Elmer Fudd hats to Suits to women rockin' the latest heels.  The courthouse is nearby so u can see some great...let's just say it can make u wanna commit a crime.  Maybe not a felony, but I'll take a few hours in court!  All races and's cool.  And if u're not holding ur bag, to make sure no one takes it, and really open ur eyes, u'll find that there are some slept on beauties roaming around everywhere.

Is there any question what's the last spot on our future famous list?  Clue, if u're in Miami, what' the one place u absolutely have to visit??

10.  The Beach -  Miami is all about heat.  And the sands down here are really like none other in the world.  One thing I like about the beach is that u see all varieties of people.  Yes, at times it can get too OOC and feel too much like a video shoot, but still it's a great place to see some...Usually when people say the beach, they are talking about South Beach.  Nothing has to be said about this beauty hub.  But a great spot to go is North Beach.  Its a little calmer up there and with the places to eat near by inland and on the boardwalk, a great place to enjoy some sun.  U never know what u might see on the sands down here...all I can cay is grab ur binoculars, put ur Ray Charles sunglasses on, and have ur celly on camera mode at all times, cuz u might just see a guy or girl who may be ur future guy or girl!

This is all about fun!  But trust us, these ten spots are in our opinion some great locations to be single and find unique people to kick it with.  Haven't visited, try them out.  We won't steer u wrong!  Ok.  Just about the most romantic locations in Miami.  Huh...know some spots...all in due time, I guess... All in due time.

Oh....Fabo hit us wit our exit music!

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