Thursday, February 2, 2012

Love's Gift and Curse!

Can u hear me Now?

Welpt, to be completely honest, we have no idea whatsoever where this diary entry is going to go.  We are totally blankman right now, so we just gonna write about today.  Just got done talking to tha crib...oh my goodness, it just hit us what we gonna talk about...but yeah, cool talk wit tha's like 50 degrees up north in Indiana.  Which is quite summerly considering that this is February, and snow is tha usual.

Speaking of which did the Groundhog see his shadow on today?  That's a uniqu...let me check........(google:  groundhog shadow...) Wow, I didn't even know this rodent had a name.  According to the Washington Post, Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow, meaning that it's gonna be 6 more weeks of winter.  How did they come up wit that name?  I'm referring to the name Phil by the way!  I mean so many Phil's in the world, and they had to choose that name for a groundhog!?!?  Wow....what else on today...took an extremely long way home, through the city for real.  Plus, we was mad low on gas.  Am I the only one who would drive clearly across town to save two cents on ur galloon?  What about when u all geeked up like, man, I'm bout to break off this gas station, they got the deals, ain't nobody know about this spot.  Then as sure as Gizmo Duck on wheels, u get up to the station, and the price has been inflated and u've been hoodwinked.  Crazy down here, and everywhere....

Alrighty then, hey, we still having fun, and guess what time it is..wait, we need a theme song for today, how about this...we still on the topic of "L-O-V-E", as we will, Lord willin', this entire month.  On today, we are going to briefly discuss love slash social networks.  Oh boy.

Now not braggin' but I firmly believe that we are part of the best generation, one reason we say that is because in terms of love or dating, we seen how it was when it was no cell phones or texting, how about those 2 way pagers (ouch!) all the way to now.  Did u know that babies actually bbm the mother's when they are about to come out at birth!  I mean really it's true!  If I see it on TMZ it has to be true right?!!  But for real, all this technology and social networking has changed the game with relationships, perhaps for the better, but in many ways for the worse.

Boy folks used to be hyped to go to school, and check out that apple of ur eye in class.  I used to always sit in the front of class, not just in the front but specifically that seat right next to the door, so as the teacher was talking about the biological theorem of Christopher least that's what I thought he was talking about....u could check out the scene and see ur boys and girls walking and be like, "what up!" or try to get their attention, eye no somebody knows where we coming from.  Then passing period, OMG, that was like the junior high version of going to Mansion on a weekend.  Everybody interacting talking about all subjects from sports to what's going on tonite, to outfits.  People posted up on lockers, I usually liked to enter the class and the last absoulute seconds as the bell rung.  Like, "bam" right as the bell rung, we enter the fray, just because I liked interacting with everybody and stuff.  But what we getting too, is that other than the phone, or close friends, this was the real time u saw somebody.  U had an eye on a girl, u only had her in one class, u couldn't wait for 4th Hour AP Calculus (which if passing period was the club, then truly Calculus and Government were like the after parties!!)...cuz that was it.  Now u have social networking, which we'll talk about in a few, where it's like everybody is connected.

Here's another "love" tip:  Being available all the time is sometimes not sexy.  Girls know this better than guys. Girls will look at their phone ring, and not pick it up.  Then see their "interest" call again, and think about it, but then hear their girlfriends be like, "3 times girl...let him call again...u gotta make him work for u, Okay!!! (snap included!)"  But guys, man, we be in the middle...check out Super Bowl parties this weekend.  Brady is gonna be driving the Pats all the way to the 10 yard line, and some guy's phone is gonna go off, and he's gonna look at his boys like should I...his boys are gonna give that c'mom it's the Super Bowl look and he's gonna say I gotta go to the bathroom, knowing he just used it 5 mins ago!  Then stays in there for 20 mins, while another guy is feeling the pain from Bob's Doritos Nacho chili dip and has to lean wit it, rock wit it on the couch cuz this cat's caked up with his girl!  I can write about this cuz, been there done that.  And if this one girl that I think is mad cool and sexy, Facebook messages me RIGHT NOW this diary entry will come to an arrupt end!!

I'm in a mood, right now, long day, time to vent some fun.  Let's just go through the gauntlet.  The use of cell phones.  Not too many people have home phones, so cellys are that connect.  We remember asking a doll, "if u don't really like the guy, then why do u give him ur number?"  She kind of humpty danced around the answer like, "don't wanna hurt his feelings" and stuff.  Down here in Miami, I know Girls, and maybe even guys will just hit that ignore button in their head and won't even acknowledge ur presence.  Like they having a conversation within themselves, so funny!  MIA am I lying?  Either that or they may not speak english...gotta tell a mini story...

This is going to be a two-part involving love and technology...too much.  I remember this one time we was in the gym about to begin our workout.  I always stretch before we get it in, and it's kind of a thorough I was in front of this big mirror, and this other girl was right next to me.  I kind of was like, she's a naturally attractive gal.  She looked like, she was from a South American country.  So I was stretching, and she was next to me on the ground, but what got me, was that she was literally STARING at me in the mirror. It wasn't a glance, it was a none blinking stare through the mirror directly at us.  Now we thinking, Lord, this girl is transmitting some mad body language our way.  Let me lay down and stretch out my legs...glance up, and her eyes are just fixated on us in every shape of the imagination.  Now being the playbo...I should say guy we are, how in the Sam Edelman can I let this opportunity pass by.

So then we like, u know what this is too perfect, its about to be on and poppin on this mat.  By the way she was hypnotizing us, shoot, I didn't even have to pull out any Icebreaker mints for this one.  When then thinking what to I'm really in full workout mode, and that's pretty focused, but it's wild what a beauty in spandex can do...after some consideration and thought, I'm like, we bout to hit her with a line she just can not refuse, our A plus stuff.  After a few more stretches we hit her wit that Neil Strauss ka-nowledge:

(Cough, Cough!)..."So how many exercises do u do for ur abs?!!"

Man, I can pull anybody with that line, Miss Universe participants, actresses, freakin' girls working at Miami Subs, no one can so "no" to that! (Can't believe we talking about this story!  So embarrassing...)  After that classic  Young Jeezy Go Getta, she was like, "eh cues me".  I'm like, she doesn't speak clearly, then me in my oblivious to reality ego, actually repeated the same line to her, I said, "how many exercises do.." ...I can't even write it again.  (my hands totally over my face!!)  Then she replied, those infamous words, "I don't 's-peek en-gliz!"  Ain't this about a...blip.  After that I just continued to stretch, and was buggin out laughing like, man our life.  Here we have this very attractive spanish beauty "eye-Wedding Crashing" the mess out of us, and she don't speak one of our fluent languages.  So funny!

I should have told her I speak fluently the language from the land of body.  Snap, oh well!  These episodes...

It's late, didn't even talk about what we wanted to talk about.  Lesson learned from today's entry:

One, U never know who has an eye for u, he/she may be on the other side of the globe.
Two...I gotta find out how to say "abs" in Spanish...once I know that we'll be unstoppable!!!


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