Saturday, February 25, 2012

A Bee Rabbit Tale.

B. Rabbit (8 Mile)...aka Eminem

The sights and moans of South Florida...early this morning, I was riding on the streets of Sunset Drive, and I heard this screeching noise..."Errrrrh!! Errrrh!"...I'm like, "What in the name of Daisy Fuentes is that sound??"...We look over to our left, and see this car riding, no lie, literally rollin' on the nugget of the tire.  I mean no tire rubber or even hub cap, just the metal nugget screeching!  And the thing about it, was my guy was just chillin' like he was cruising on Ocean Drive on a Sunday afternoon!  Too much bro...then later that afternoon, we usually see this chick out there on Sunset and Galloway asking for money, sticking her hand out and stuff.  But on today, her left arm was in a sling, and her arm was wrapped up in a foam cast.  I'm like, is this now part of the gimmick?  I didn't know if this was either an Candid Camera moment or if she used to be an extra on L.A. Law and had a flashback to season one, episode ten!  Whatever the case, wild stuff brohems!

Miami bro...also, as we were out today, drove past this hospital clinic, and a runaway patient was outside smoking a cigarette on the outside steps.  Aren't u 'posed to be on the run when u go AWOL!?!  This dude was so tough, he said, "Ice-T you! I'm gonna not only escape, but I'm gonna sit out here in front of the cameras and dare sum-body to come out here or they gonna get tha Kung-Fu Grip!"...all the while, he was still wearing the patented blue patient robe.  The wind was blowing so, I hope he didn't stand up!  Why is it never a girl who does these stunts...why???...ok, Ice-T's website, just literally scared me...bullets flying, chairs laying on the ground with blood on them, ain't he a cop?...mommy, they shootin'!!

Real giving credit to G.O.D. becoming the trendy thing to do?  It's awesome, just interesting, reading all these articles from athletes and baseball players in spring training (Manny Pacquiao, Manny Ramirez, Brian Roberts, Josh Hamilton, Justin Morneau).  I have no problem with folks giving honor where its due.  Just make sure it's authentic, and not just something that rolls off ur lips cuz everybody else does it or it sounds good.  Don't want this to turn into a MTV Awards speech from the 90s where folks were seemingly butter rolling "I gotta thank God" or "Before I forget let me thank God" off their lips.  Watching all those award shows as a kid, I began to think "dang gone, hasn't Puff Daddy gotten enough credit for the night?!!"  Now wonder he was dating Miss Angel Eyes!!

So much is going on in our life right now, I don't know whether to cry, dance or to hit the fast forward button on the DVR remote of our life.  We are in the gray album area of our life, where things are not only changing, but in some ways there's so much mystery of the unknown.  It's a little like...don't wanna say scary (used that word twice today, ouch!), but a good nervousness.  U know things are gonna work out, but u don't wanna mess anything up either.  Whatever I gotta write this thang, what ever happens, happens....

Just like this thing with this mad cool and beautiful girl, in whom we hopefully will kick it with very soon here in the upcoming days....u recognize a good thing, and u know that a type of gal like her doesn't come along too often, and u know any wrong chess move will have u out of tha loop.  Right now, it's a small battle like, do I need to get more aggressive, or should I lay back and be patient, almost feel embarrassed writing about this, but if our diary is gonna be real, might as well make it REAL right!  U see the signs like, she's has "it", and why nobody else has seen it.  Everybody else's eyes are blinded by Versace sunglasses, while we see her in hd living color.  I'm not jumping the gun...I've learn to take everything slow, with all the people and especially girls we meet, and there are more than a few.  Just when u see a rose in a garden of thorns, u can't help but wanna pluck it...just who I am.  Should be interesting....if she reads this, she'll now knows what's up!

Ok, now I wanna hide under a rock, but I have to tell this life of ours real time.  When we become famous and all that stuff associated with it, I want our diary to be a true view of us.  Same thing with our life in terms of friends or dating...(we're in the "love" segment of our diary by the way).  I meet so many different females and all that from different walks of life, so it would be a disservice to hold back our experiences and true feelings, to either help someone else out or even ourself.  Have we had days when we walk into the party with two quarters on our arm, u bet dude...have we had days where it seems like love is a stupid board game that I wish I could just knock over the table and kick tha chips, yes to that as well.  As guys we sometimes feel like we're paragraph.

...we're supposed to feel like, we're all super tough, and pimpish, and have a "love them then leave them" approach, and act all tough like what girls have done to us in the past hasn't affected us.  That's Buffalo Chips!    If ur experiences hasn't made u a better man or even sometimes bitter man, u aren't living.  That doesn't make u less of a man, it makes u real.  That's why I'm getting tired of all of this, as we will now call it..."artificial swag" (get used to that phrase in our diary).  Us personally am still a thug, u just can't see it under the vintage jeans and Armani underwear.  That's why I say tell ur story, cuz us as guys have one.  If u used to be a "playa" and it bit u in the romp, share that with ur cousin or something to help him not make the same mistakes.  If u think love is the greatest thing in the world, and u're a living example of how patience, preparation, and prayer works, tell a friend who just broke up with his girlfriend and now hates every woman what they stand for.  This is serious.

Our whole diary, and especially this month, is filled with so many episodes in regards to love, dating and relationships.  Our life is one-of-a kind, and that's not bragging, just how it is.  It seems lik...some people want to live a MTV type life, and I see tv shows and stuff, but few really have the opportunity to actually live it.  Everything we've been through the nights debating should we approach this beach tanned girl even though she smokes to girl asking me what faces I make while I have sex has made me who I am.  I'm sure I'm crazy for being so real, but this diary may not be for now (tears starting to form...), it may be for years down the road, and somebody will open this thing up, and see...just maybe, something special about this thang.  Maybe this is the best we'll ever come across in our lifetime.   I'm learning it's not about how many folks u can bag, or how many numbers u smash into ur's all about enjoying life and having fun.  That's what I call living.  And in terms of love...who knows.  One day, it's one week could be another.

But I will say this, it's an experience, a good one...and in terms of love and fun, u won't see anybody like us again.  Through all the heartbreaks and joys, that is one bet that I have ultimate confidence in taking.  Right now it's just you and me...but very soon, the rest of the world will be a part of our galaxia.  And then...we'll be a secret no more...

Austino Galaxia.

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