Sunday, February 26, 2012

Made Solid as a Rock.

The Rock aka Dwayne Johnson

" You cannot be an exceptional person with ordinary battles."

How should I go into this on this Sunday?  This morning, I was reading the Los Angeles Times newspaper, and got a surprise of our life.  I ended up coming up on this article on Kathy Ireland, the former Sports Illustrated swimsuit model (back when women weren't photo shopped on covers, that's another topic though...).  I was looking in the image section, trying to get info on what's going on in the fashion industry, next thing I know it, a story of her was inside that led me to this.   An outstanding article from Forbes Magazine on Ms. Ireland and her mogul status within the retail sector.  An it's not for clothes, click on "this" from the above sentence to get some inspiration.  Just shows u that just because a person looks good doesn't mean he or she isn't a nerd or uses the head for more than a hat rack!  Also shows u u can make money on anything.  Not just the hyped things (Music, Sports, Real Estate), there are other ways to get ur ins.  Love to see that...

2day was a day to clear our head.  The thing that makes us so unique is that I strongly believe that "anything is possible" in life.  I mean anything!  At times that can be a burden as well cuz the other side is that our level of patience can can be short at times, especially when u feel like ur doing more while getting less.  Hmmm...wonder if anybody else feels this way at times.  Why I'm I working so hard, when they are gonna promote somebody from the outside anyway, and u still want me to teach them?  (Herm Edwards face inserted) or U want me to give my all in practice, when u aren't even gonna play me anyway in the game, even though u told me u would?  These are issues that many of us go through on a daily basis.  Especially somebody with a human nature of myself.  Why does it seem like it's so hard?  U work hard, keep the faith, take ur vitamins, why hasn't it the next level...yet?

I'm gonna be real today I say, stop reading if u don't wanna hear real talk.  I don't think I'm gonna be talking about parties on today...I'll pause for a moment for those who want to click the "x" button in the top right hand corner of the screen...(pause)........ok.  In each of our lives, I'm still an strong believer that the means of our journeys merits what the destination is gonna be.  U wanna be the most famous person in the world and have ur legend live on even when u're dead and gone, then guess what u might have to go through years, and decades of flying under the radar.  U want to have the most beautiful mate in the world to be ur partner for life, then guess what u probably have to go through some crazy experiences before you meet he or, I'm doin' all I can not to get loose off of that last one, we'll come back to that...pleasure before pain (ain't that a Trey Songz album title?)  But like we said, I think all that we go through says what's ahead of you.  It makes u better and makes u look inside and wonder how bad do you want it.

Yesterday on Twitter land, J.R. Smith (NY Knicks guard) sent a twit asking from the ladies, if a guy is told "no" when first approaching u, should he ask again or just let it go like Kay Cole.  A very interesting question. Now most of the ladies who responded said the guy should keep shootin' and keep asking until u get a "yes". Interesting.  Now we are one of the most persistent people in the world when it comes to a goal...and at times I think it does take several advances before u pass go...but now...I don't know...I'm just speaking from our personal experience, that I don't know if I can keep buggin or asking somebody who hasn't shown an interest in us, especially when I feel like ur "the catch of tha day".  U know.  It's like...u keep wanting somebody to be in to you, but during the chase (wrote about this the other day), u almost lose a little bit of urself in chasing something or someone  that either a) might not be into you or b) once they do get u, u end up chasing them all through the relationship cuz that's how the relationship all began...somebody knows what I mean.  And it works both for guys and girls.

Some girls get all pritzied up saying so and so is gonna be at this party and club tonight, so they getting geeked up, and practicing their poses in the mirror so they can get drafted for the night.  All "artificially swagged" out to meet this guy, then once they get past the VIP ropes, they find out that the guy really isn't all that interesting, and beyond or in front of the money and so-called fame, they wouldn't give him the time of day.  I know I'm right on this.  Has anyone ever wanted someone or chased someone only to find out that this person wasn't what u thought or going in the same direction u're trying to go?  It's happened to me several times, and at the end of the day, u're like, u know what this person isn't really worth the hype, and this person should actually be chasing us instead of us Nascar-ing them.

Now does that make us or anybody else who thinks like this boring?  Boy, I feel like taking out my white bicentennial gloves and slapping somebody for even entertaining that thought.  No, what I'm saying is that u should keep downgrading ur self-esteem and self, by continuing chasing somebody u "think" is all that and a bag of pop chips, by putting that person on a pedestal that they are the best thing since a plastic container of sliced almonds.  Man, the Oscars are tonight, so is the NBA All-Star game, but I just feel like writing tonight, maybe this is for us or for somebody else.

That's why I really despised when somebody says somebody is "outta their league".  What does that really mean?  If somebody looks attractive does that mean that u shouldn't approach them?  So what ur saying is that ur self-esteem in ur own great beauty has just been diminished right.  Perhaps u bring something to the game that that other person lacks, so u'll be a perfect couple.  Then on the Flip Wilson side of the coin, u just alienated the person u looks attractive by saying that God created u so beautiful no person should ever approach u?...SOLELY based on looks, money status, height or whatever...

Perhaps this is why all these things have occurred in our life, to get us to the point where superficial things don't affect us like they once did.  Well, Austino Galaticka or Galaxia, or whatever u call urself, that may be the reason why u're single?  Ah ha...perhaps.'s the reason why I'm more prepared for the future.  It's so easy to get into relationships just to get into one.  I'm tired of being alone, girls are throwing themself at me, I'm tired of seeing my friends getting theirs, so the next show of boobs means she's the one.  But it's true.  Some people don't wanna live single (not alone), and would rather suffer through firestorms 'r' us, just to say they have somebody.  Even if they aren't really for you...oh, he hits me on occasion, cusses me out every now and then too, and every time we go out I have to foot the bill, but he's all I got so...he'll change.  That's not good.  This is talk for the mature and veterans.  If u've been through some stuff with love, dating and life, u totally feel where I come from.  If u haven't and are reading this cock-eyed, like Austin is talking crazy, then just keep living and one day u'll say, "I once was blind, but now I see" what he was talking about.

I just want to tell it real, cuz I put this on Dear Abby, that somebody feels us on this.  I talk with such a strong conviction because I don't want nobody else putting themself out there, hyping somebody up...boy, I feel it tonight, and that can even happen while ur in the relationship.  I'm the ultimate when it comes to treating a girl like a queen per se, but like I said, if she's a queen then what does that make us?  That's what's goin' on with so many breakups....everything is being given but no everyone.   Meaning it's not the Louis bags or trips around the world or skybox seats at a Heat game that makes a relationship work.  When all the makeup is taken off, and the J's are kicked to the end of the bed, it's about the people themselves.  Period.  Are we willing to get to know each other?  Have to be willing...the heat of the moment can lead all of us into some precarious situations, and I'm definitely not exempt from it.  I just want true love to last, and that goes past the material.

I know we've kind of gone off, but when things are on ur mind, u have to state it.  This might be my last diary entry so...I'm gonna say this and then I'm done cuz I got stuff to do after all of this being said tonight, does this make us one of the most egotistical people in the world who thinks they've seen it all or thinks he's un-gettable or what not?  People can form their own opinion, but when u've been through it, and have spent...let's tell it like it is....tricked off money unwisely trying to impress people who don't really have ur best interests in mind, u change.  At least u better!  That's what God wants u to do anyway!  I've been in situations where ur eating out with somebody talking about everything under the sun, they rolling in ur car top is dropped, and then the very next day, they see you and act like u don't even exist.  That's not bitterness, and that's definitely not amore, that's part of the learning process.  Sometimes u get it the Penny Hardaway, and when u do, and survive u gotta tell ur lessons learned to help the next generation or ur fellow man.  Have to tell it.

So as I began this diary entry borderline ready to give up on a lot of things.  I find myself better realizing that something special is on the horizon, but before u get to it, u have to go through some crazy stuff.  It makes u examine how bad do u wanna be one of the best.  Sometimes it's not a matter of talent just how much heart u have, and are willing to put up with to reach those Kenny Lofty goals.  I think right now, I'm starting to realize if I go out, I must go out on our terms.  Knowing I did everything possible, and I mean everything possible to get the pie in the sky.  Whether that involves wealth, love,  and fun.  I wanna be able to look in the mirror and realize that we crunk it up a notch.  Sometimes I don't know how much I have left in our Lamborghini gas tank, but a funny thing just happened.  As our ride is running outta of gas, I just looked up and looked to my right and found a sign laying face down on the ground.  Think I should get out...huh..and as I do, I flip it over and it simply reads:

"Ad-Verse City 20 Miles Back"

and on our left there's a sign posted saying:

"Welcome to The Town of Fun."

I guess right when u think u can't go any further, that's when u're actually steps away from ur final destination.

And if I can't smile on that...what in the galaxia can u smile over!

Galaxia simply from the heart.

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