Friday, February 3, 2012

Good Times Ahead!

The Cast of Good Times

A night of rest, preservation and calm...does it get any better than that?!!  Been going really hard here as of late, no just gonna get back to who we are.  Do us, and have fun doing it, Yao Ming!  It's been so busy, that we haven't even gone out this week, unlike us, taking care of the things that we need 2 do.  It's about to change, believe that, and our diary will be filled with more of our typical South Beach type of lifestyle.  Right now it's been in peace status...

U know, this "Love" segment this month is quite interesting.  Used to just wonder, cry, question, whatever, at the moment, why are we going to this crazy stuff?  Here u have someone who is one the ultimate believers in this thang, yet it's was if we were the muse in this artistic drama which has twists and turns at every beating moment.  All these stories we share...kind of weird, we keep saying, even told our Moms that no one has more stories involving cool and really beautiful women, except maybe one person...Hugh Hef of Playboy.  I was dead serious, didn't ask for this lifestyle it kind of alley jumped us.  It's cool, but's just interesting.  

Other post discussed love and technology with the Social networks.  Facebook and Twitter shall I put this...really adjusting the lifestyles of those involved in relationships.  You have to watch who u message...people put crazy stuff on ur wall.  That can mess u all up.  Mentioned before how this one "chick" like tagged me, and put all these pictures up on my wall.  The pictures, they weren't even pictures it was a whole centerfold spread album of this girl posing showing her 'Bron 'Bron's  all over the place.  Nice pics, but can't have all that stuff on my 21 Jump Street (How many people know that movie is a remake of the TV show?!).  It's so crazy...then what about the whole defriend thang?  Hurry up, hurry up, start a new paragraph on this one.

Is there a rule that once u get in a relationship or become pinned down like the 1-2-3 Kid, that u must defriend all the friends of ur opposite sex?  Some people have no idea what I'm talking about, others know EXACTLY what I'm talking about!  The funny thing is personally we believe that it's the spouse on the other end putting the pipe bursting pressure on their mate to rid them of the past.  Maybe they should be more interested in laying pipe than trying to get rid of people who have been with that person through thick and then.  Seriously.  I don't take this whole social networking thing so serious that....bout to get loose on this, so just bear with us, cuz we gotta spill our heart on this milk! 

I haven't been in a serious relationship since I really joined the social networks on last year, but we've seen and heard some stuff.  Boy o boy...four words can shake the room, "In...a...relationship...with...".  This is like some serious stuff.  U're announcing to the world that u are officially a couple.  I gotta tell this story, today may be long, but this is our diary (once again), may be our last one, u never know, so gotta talk...

I used to work with this one girl.  Little bit and her got along extremely well from the Plymouth Rock.  Joking around with each other and stuff.  She was our age, and actually got it.  I remember once, I wore my glasses, and a lot of her female co-workers were joking around with us about our studious look, where she just said, "U just put ur glasses on because u were too tired from being out last night!!"  I thought, ok she knows what's up, she could be the Audi in my fast lane.  She may can hang.  We really used to joke around a lot with each other, one time we really got into a deep...deep conversation.  Boy, we laughing right now, please excuse us...but we talked about her childhood and how she has lived dag gone near all over Los Estados Unidos, due to her family and stuff.  What's so interesting is that, whenever we were near each other we would try to play off that 'feeling' u get, when u are in the presence of somebody's sometimes like a magnet, no matter what u do, it's there.  (it's somebody right now, that we can't even be in the room 2 seconds with cuz...that's another day. )

But we would do our thang, and then the inevitable opening up between us two will occur.  Cool talk...she had a true, how should we put this, a very sexy rich boat girl look about her.  Tall in a good way, black hair, natural girl, but dressed very much in a hot yacht club type of way.  So after all this Tom and Jerrying around, we like we got to get our Joe Friday on and learn some more about this doll.  Thus, one day, we asked one of her confidants.  "U know about Crissy (call her that for the sake of the story)?" "Yeah..." "Let me ask you, is she a cool girl?"  Insert pause....Now!!  We usually, sometimes, maybe, seldom, yet always like to ask people about a person before we get involved in a romantic tip.  Just because we've learned that people act different perhaps when they're not around that person of interest.  Thus, I wanna know everything short of a DNA test, though now that I think about it, I may need 2 add that to my investigation profile, before I bring someone into our dream life. 

 I say that because for one...I don't wanna end up on Maury.  Two...I don't want anybody trying to getting Lil' Kim freaky on me, just so they can get my 401K years later.  Let me have that one, I worked too many 20 hour weeks to let someone get me for my onions just by showing hers and leaving me crying!...getting back to I ask her if Crissy is cool.  "Oh yeah, she's mad of the coolest girls...why?"...Then told her that I was feeling her, and bla zay blah...("Gimme, Gimme More...Gimme... More...Gimme, Gimme More", that's the joint no matter what any1 says...if u know who sings that song, throw ur hands up pleaze!) So her friend then says, "Oh man, u're too late...her and her boyfriend just made it OFFICIAL like last week."  I was like, "huh, really."  We then saw her like the next day, and I walked into an environment that could only be rivaled as too when Ashton Kutcher made his first apperance on Two and A Half Men, expected, but still a  little awkward to be around this girls, and u just knew homegirl told Crissy about our conversation.  It was cool, yet different...

So getting back to our point, just to announce through Facebook or whatever u in a relationship, is like a fireplace burning in the living room kind of discussion.  Some people don't even put their mates on their pages or friends list. That's all personal.  If u know me, I really don't give a Wiz Khalifa on if someone knows if I'm dating somebody or not.  Sooner or later it's gonna come out anyway.'s another guy tip moment:  If another guy tries to get at ur girl, then I take that as a's 10:01pm, but we feeling good, so if u have to go to bed, don't let the bed bugs bite.  For all u late night MIA never sleep owls, let's continue...

It's a compliment if someone wants ur girl.  Don't take it personal. And on the flip side, if u're treating ur girl right then there ain't no way she's leaving.  If u aren't then, u may have to put up protective measures to block her from the world.  I don't believe in harboring people.  Here's a free one that we've learned:  If u are dating a very attractive girl, she wants to go out, and u need to take her out.  I won't accept any debate on that one! reason...what gets us the most is when people have unique people in their life, and they waste some very prime years having their top player sit on the bench while the game is moving on.  Some people (i.e.- myself) would love to find a cool babe who is the one and stuff, yet u would rather resort to playing Scrabble and/or Double Trouble, 3 times a week instead of going for a nice walk, or going to get a polish sausage or something?  Doesn't make sense.  This is for real...there may come a time when u have a kid or two and u may not be able to do those things at least with the freedom u have now.  Gents if u reading this now or 20 years later, treat ur lady.  It's not the cost, it's the thought.  

Hopefully, somebody feels this thang, cuz that's what's missing nowadays...and people wonder why divorces are at an all-time high or why people wake up from an afternoon nap only to find a tweet that simply says #itsover.  I know we are in that 2.7% who loves love, and don't care about taking chances when it comes to having fun, but we've seen too many dime pieces who are accepting mediocrity, and too many guys who are getting comfortable in their position with their "relationships" that they won't try something new.  If u're married, it's great to play naked twister in the bed every Friday night, but wouldn't it make it just a little more exciting to do it in the least once.  I absolutely don't know it all when it comes to Cupid's little game, but I know what's exciting and what can turn boring into ecstatic!  That's one thing.  And we aren't afraid to say it, cuz it works.  Don't ask how we know...then again if u are presently modeling, or have ever graced the cover of Italian Vogue or if u've ever drunk a glass of cold water, and u wanna know how we know...our number is:  786.263.38...ha, ha!!...Hey, u know what, what the heck, we got caller Id!!...1-5.  Folks ain't ready!

Being shown the cut throat sign from above.  This is how we feel.  It's not the blueprint for all, but hopefully we can all think about some things.  We despise seeing relationships breaking apart cuz of staleness or the none willingness to grow...together.  

We out.

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