Monday, February 20, 2012

L and F.

Lovers and Friends...Vicki Vale and Bruce Wayne (Batman)

Always like to take advantage of the day, and write something down.  Just because u never know, when we're gonna hang 'em up and say "that's it", the script has been written, all the laughs and stories have been shared.  It's time to move on...but until that moment, we write.

Today was an excellent day, it really was.  This morning got caught up watching some old episodes of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and Martin.  I really miss tha 90s, and just to hear some of the old phrases they used to use like:  "U better ask somebody!" or  people "getting railroaded".  Those shows were so real.  One saying that I remember people in the hood saying that they don't say anymore is "Who in the hell left tha gate open?"  That was the saying though, comedians used to say that on the old show ComicView, cats on the block or at school used to let it rip at the oddest of times.  So I just wanted to know, where did that saying actually come from?  I've always wanted to know that.  Well, come to find out, that saying came from a sermon by a minster, Rev. B.W. Smith.  And I ended up watching that sermon on today which was very interesting.  He was telling a story of a dog who kept bumping into the gate, until on day the gate was open, and he ended up getting that Cheaters beat down, and that's what the dog said after he limped back to the porch defeated.  So many points made throughout about life and different types of people.  Good stuff!

One thing that stood out was him saying, "I'm gonna tell it!"  U know that hits my heart, because we've been begging people to tell their story of what they've been through.  It's missing nowadays.  I still think about our diary, especially now since it's so "out there" for the galaxia to read.  I know our stories of different chicks gets old...or talking about just having fun in life.  Sure some people probably think it's too good to be true.  But it's not.  We're as real as a two-dollar bill.  Just feel like we have to tell our story.  Cuz one day, it may not be now, but years down the line, u gonna type in our name in a google search and this website is gonna is gonna be the first thing that pops up.  And everyone can see for themself, all that we've been through, and all the steps...that's where the confidence comes in.  The knowledge that you have LITERALLY taken all the steps to a life beyond our dreams.  That's why I say bask (old school word) in all your trials, cuz they only make u better.  I know for a fact, this isn't some Aseop Fable or me preaching about anything.  Just our life and our experiences, many of which I didn't ask for, but they happen and we learned from them.  Period.

Interesting thing, I was in front of the Bass Museum giving a text on the phone, and this kid rolls up with a grandma it look like, and he just stopped a looked at us for like 2 minutes.  Weird site.  I didn't know if he wanted a fruit roll-up or what, but...our life is so wild.  Now we are really consumed about having fun.  Asking different people who I think are cool and beautiful.  It's not about making out or popping cherries, at this point it's about enjoying life.  I been blessed to have one of the coolest lives on the earth.  Times it's mad hard...but most the time we are like, man we are really blessed.  Time to share man, if I think someone's having a tough day, let's go out u know.  Just forget about all this stuff, and get down to what I know life is all about, which is having fun.  That can mean doing the stanky leg til 2am in the morning or it can mean a simple talk while walking down Brickell Key.  Dead serious.  Our life is going to another level...going to be interesting to see who comes with.  Maybe the Lord one.  And if so, so be it...don't think so though.

As I just got done writing a "love" topic just hit us.  Which is...Can guys and girls really, and I do mean in my Valley Girl voice, really be solely friends?  What if they are attracted to each other?  Difficult question, and since it's my party, we might as well keep it as real as possible, right...before I go on, I have to say, this diary is really rare cuz u may never in ur Maxwell lifetime come upon something that talks about the issues and experiences that we do in this manner.  Just think about that...and cherish it...I know we are, cuz we don't even know what we say from line to line! if u ask me that question around the year 2001, when my future house had blueprints for mirrors on the ceilings, I woulda said, "Hey dude... Please!"  No way a guy and girl can be just friends.  Now circa 2012, I have to say, that it is possible, but it'll take some mature folks on both sides of the fence for it to happen.

"That Moment".  If u have to ask what "that moment" is, perhaps u need to stop reading our diary and pull out a dvd of Dr. 90210 or MTV's Boiling Points.  But if u must continue to read this (yea!!), "That Moment" is when a friendship can cross the line like a fraternity and turn either into the ultimate awkward moment...or suddenly turn into a love jones like when Babs kissed Buster on Tiny Toons!  Some say the best relationships have begun where the two parties began as buds in the garden.  I think as care-free friends, u freely talk about  issues, and really get to know each other without the threat of anything turning into a Skin-a-Max flick!  This happens a lot, especially when u grow up together and stuff.  But still, as the relationship goes on...

My boy Omarion had a song out on this exact's good stuff...that's one what about guys and girls becoming friends just because of similar interests and stuff.  I think it's sometimes difficult for an attractive girl or guy...not gonna say's difficult for someone to be friends at the start when they are initially attractive to that person.  It's like if u wanna first date them, then it's tough to turn back the knob, and go into the friends category.  (The infamous f-word...uggh!)  It's easier the other way around...this ain't even on the topic, but let me just say...if u have a friend, and u want them to hook them up with one of their friends...listen close...more than likely they WON'T do it, if they a) wanna hook up with you and b) if they wanna hook up with the person u wanna hook up with.  And u can take that last one however u wanna take it!  But let's just say, I know...c'mon Jigga, I played it once but I'ma play it I said, I know.  So if they don't really make an effort for the friend intros, then they just might want them for themselves.  Our opinion, and we have stories to prove it.

Friends...let us get this out the way as well.  There's no such thing as somebody being "outta your league".  That's a bunch of buffalo chips, for real.  People are people.  There's many physically attractive or monetary surplus girls and guys just sitting around, without no dates cuz folks think their looks or pocket money or swag makes them unattainable.  I think my future wife is gonna fit in that category cuz we'll be able to relate.  I remember back in the day on those talk shows like Ricki Lake or Jenny Jones, they used to have those episodes of being "too hot for a date".  Didn't Courtney Cox just say something about no one asking her out on a date?  Oh well, but for those who think a guy or gal is unattainable, they are not.  Be yourself and be real, and the mojo will flow from there if it's meant to be.

Fin.  So yes, I do believe that guys and girls can be friends.  Some may argue on that premise, but if u're right and know the person, it's possible.  We've hung out with some cool girls, and just enjoyed each other's company.  Sometimes it's nice to do that with the opposite sex.  People are people.  And sometimes it's the getting to know a person which sparks true love.  I believe that....through all our Hollywood lifestyle, I still believe that.

Signing off,
163 XIA.
(Which is really our license plate, which is our fav. # 21 - 7 X 3, and Galaxia...and u say this ain't meant to be!)

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