Friday, February 17, 2012

Y Hate?

Don't hate the success!  Cast of Friends.

Today started like so waaaaay early this morning.  Like 3 a.m. some good sleep, but had like a series of dreams.  One being us playing for the Los Angeles Lakers ball team...interesting, but it was so realistic...I was hooping with the squad like right there. I remember after the game, me getting on the team charter bus, giving some "dap" to the bus driver as I got on, then going to my seat in the back.  Kobe Bryant was back there, as was Matt Barnes, we were all just joking around and talking.  Then I remember the squad having a practice at this guys house, it was mad big, and had a court inside...just shooting around and stuff.  Mad sexy house like on the beach.  Guess u never know, but the interaction felt so real...

We've been writing about some crazy stuff as of late.  Just talking from our heart.  Today was thinking about deleting all of our social networks like Twitter and Facebook accounts...but for now gonna keep them.  

But one thing theme that was on our mind was this, and since this is "Love/Relationship" month (yes, there is still more to discuss!), this thought kept on being on our mind today....

Is it better to be loved or hated??

Now that question seems so of course.  Easy answer, right???...or is it.  It seems like a reoccurring theme, but things happen for a reason.  A lot of stuff I still don't know "why", but I believe they do.  I'm gonna get crucial conflict personal tonight, cuz this is our diary, and I have some stuff to get off our chest.  We're sacrificing tonight by staying in, getting some rest, so we gonna write "old school" style just us and our paper or should I say keypad.  Here we go...

Hate.  Definition is to dislike intensely or passionately.  As of late, personally, I feel like we are getting "hated" on in a way.  May be a figment of our imagination, but u know when something is in the air, not a standoffish "I hope ur socks burn in the dryer!", kind of hate, but a standoffish kind, where u feel like some people don't wanna be bothered with you...gotta say this...could be intimated by you.  One of our favorite songs ever is Nas' "Hate Me Now", and that sums up our feeling RIGHT NOW!  The funny thing is...we haven't even gotten loose yet!?!  Oh my...

When there's love u have to have hate.  Just has to be there.  I remember when I was hooping for the basketball squad in college...they had this website called  Like our Junior year, our team was doing pretty good...and all this talk about the success of our team was growing nationwide.  Hold on, this Wyclef Jean song's been on our mind all day, have to play it! on this national website, some people started dissing our team and all this, bout us being thugs, and our off-court  activities (we had preppy dudes, gangstas, our team was complete with all backgrounds and races) day, this guy started to call out names, many of which was not only on my team, but in my crew, and what stood out was this character saying that, and I quote, "And u have Austin Williams who thinks he's better than everyone."  I come back from class and stuff, and my boys were like, "where did that all come from"...knowing that I wouldn't hurt a fly, unless needed.  "Hate".  So it's like we've been prepared, along with other instances for whatever comes our way...even when it has no backing for it.

I know, I'm not the only one who feels like their hated on for no Bernie-Mac'in reason.  You get an A on you test in class, but that increases the Blackberry Curve the teacher has for the class, so the rest of the students wanna dip u like an Dilly Bar in the garbage can outside the school cafeteria.  U doing ur best, yet hated about this one, gonna stir up some stuff tonight ladies and gents...

...I remember listening to NPR (National Public Radio) and they were having a conversation about weddings and more specifically bridesmaids.  The talk centered around the fact how the bride would purposely sabotage the outfits of her maids just so she could be the prettiest doll of them all.  It got serious...women calling in talking about they know their girlfriends are hot and attractive and they refuse to let them steal the attention from her on her Ken and Barbie day.  I understand, but what u're saying is that the bridesmaids are basically getting hated on, for looking good (in ur own words), and instead have to wear something that looks like it came out of the dumpster of the workroom of the Ashley Twins??!!  See, it's and indirect yet direct form of hatred.  Ladies, am I wrong about many times have u gone out and know u can just rock the joint, just came from the gym, got ur nails and feet done, but since u're out with ur fellow friends decided to just "fit in" with tha gals, by how u dress, just so u won't attract attention.  Are there crickets sounding right now...I've done it, and I know I'm not the only one.

So what do u do, if ur a guy and getting attention from girls by just walking in the juke joint?  Or if u're a girl, going to the beach, and are a little shy about pulling off that beach towel, cuz u look mad good and don't want the...I've seen some crazy stuff, and folks throwing their bodies all over the place, and if they can do it, guys and girls who take care of themselves sure nuff can...but this is real out here, being afraid of success because we are concerned what other people think.

U got the ...u may wanna stop cuz it's gonna be long tonight....u got the hots for a girl who by dead poet's society's standards, u shouldn't approach or ask out.  What we've learned is that everybody has a different taste in what is attractive.  U a jock, she's a quote unquote "brainiac", so what, what do u feel about her.  If she's real, go for it.  She may like you, u never know...ur fam has some money, "my family would never accept someone of his background", ok, but what makes u happy.  Is the guy cool?  Make u laugh?  Can he juggle bowling ball pins with both of his hands blindfolded?  I'm just so tired of us, me included, being afraid of possible "hate" from friends or family or people who don't give a Flunky Jones about u anyway, that I almost wanna throw something, or karate chop the next person I see un-adulterating hating on somebody recklessly!

Especially when a person wants to better themselves.  "Oh, you're eating organic now, u think u better than us, now huh?" (Ugly face made!)..."You wanna go back to school, I don't want you to, because u just gonna outgrow me, and breakup the relationship." (Ugly face again!)..."No one's in this family has ever gone out for a team or for a band, u're not good enough to make it anyway, that's just a waste of time."  (Do I have to say it again.)...These are real issues being dealt with within families, and especially relationships.  

This if for the fellas...if u're girl or who u're taking out wants to dress a certain way that's presentable and sexy (not hoochie mama sexy, eye wondered if I should I have -----ed that??), but if she wants to dress nice, and it'll make her feel good, let her do it...please.  I say this because, all this trying to hide people up like they are one of Michael Jackson's kids, has to stop.  I'm not one for this...what's the right word...overprotection of people to the point where they have to do what u say, when u say, and by golly miss molly how u want them to do it.  U just gotta step ur game up!  It goes both ways, if u're man wants to be stylin' and profilin'...guess what, let him.  There's nothing wrong with being at ur best on the outside, and more important on the inside.  We have to stop trying to handcuff souls...there's enough handcuffing already going around, just go to the mall tonight and u'll see...

Sorry for being so long, but this "hating" thing has to stop.  I can see if someone did something controversial, ok, and perhaps...but for working hard...for trying to make someone's day on the job...for saying "hi" to a complete stranger...guess I'm so sensitive, cuz I've felt and in some ways feeling it as we write this.  That's ok, we're ready for it and as my guy once said, "I ain't going no where, so u might as well get to know me."...

And do it while u can.

Austino Galaxia.

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