Thursday, February 16, 2012

Why Can't I Have a Simple Life?

Oh, the days of Paris and Nicole's Simple Life!

Oh boy...some interesting stuff going on down here at the spot tonight.  U know, South Beach is a really unique neighborhood...I don't think words can really due it justice league, by describing it.  U get a little bit, or should I say, I lot of everything down here.  Been living down here in the land of the beautiful people for over six years, and we have seen some crazy stuff.  Seen it jumping, seen it being slept on, only to now it has to be one of the most visited spots around.  A lot of people live in great places, but there's not too many places where literally people all over the world come to visit.  Still has us shaking our head like a 2 yr. old baby, cuz we came from a kinda medium sized Midwestern town up in Indiana. A lot of people visited our area of Michigan City aka Vice City, especially with Chicago being so close by.  (63 miles west)   But to pull up London newspapers, and hearing an ever present French dialect now being spoken (it's crazy right now), and now even seeing more visitors from Asia, it really it one of a kind.  And it can be easily taken for granted.

We've been talking about some crazy things about this thang about "love".  I know some people think I'm crazy for talking about such a complicated issue.  A few days ago, I've been kinda fighting to keep talking about it, just because I felt I'm telling all these wild stories in our public diary, nobody's probably reading it anyway, plus our stories can make us out to be just a preppy gangsta playboy who only cares about sniffing panties and playing hip-hop.  Which is not true...I like jazz as well!  But love is has been such a crazy aspect in our life that...

U know what, I just heard some stuff, that directly relates to our feeling on love and life, here we go this is personal:

"The higher the treasure....the more expensive the lock."
That's so timely right now.  Meaning if something is really worth something special, it's a little tougher to get it. As guys we talk about these "Top notch" girls (girls on guys too).  If something...starting to feel this right now...if somebody is really worth something special, it should not be easy to get them.  Now feelings do mean something, but if u're trying out for the Olympic duo naked tumbling competition on ur first go round...then perhaps, that person isn't what u think they are.  Monica help us out.  Also, I can talk for years on this...if u are going through a lot of stuff during your relationship career, and are just dumbfounded why u haven't found that special someone, then perhaps someone special is on the horizon and u have to go through ALL the steps before u reach that person.  I love to hear stories about love...and many hook up in high school or found their mate in preschool during break time while eating applesauce, but there is just something special to hear somebody talk about all the bad relationships and horrible dates they been on and then...all of a sudden "the one" popped up outta nowhere.  I get chills off of that stuff.  I dig it cuz they survived the pain...and now look at them.

"Not to get mad at the person."
Last night, I laid in bed, with the lights on, on my phone, and before I checked out this cool girl's diary/blog, I decided to look on my list of friends on Facebook.  I was like, I wonder if this girl is still our "friend" on there.  Let me scroll..."H...I....J...ok...K....L..hold naw!!" was our reaction.  Because I was on the receiving end of the infamous "defriendment action lawsuit".  Meaning, I've been dropped like a bad, the first thang that went through our mind, was "ok" that she's done got rid of me like NBC did one of my favorite shows, LAX, several years ago, does that give me the $200 pass go-ahead to write about our episode this past summer, and put all the cards on the table for the world to see?  But, then I thought about it, even just now, how much better I am because of this chick.  She motivated me to higher heights just because her silence toward me, for no reason I've done, made me hungrier and more determined to show that u just don't do that...especially to someone who's so manically in tune on making an impact on this world.  While working out, when I was getting tired during an already brutal workout (people really just don't day, we'll reveal our secret workout from above!), thoughts crept in like, "U ain't done!  Remember how ---- couldn't even reply to you....she thinks she's better than you"...even had to call out her name a few times (that's not the only place I like to shout a girl's name...fyeye!!!)  But...motivation.  So how can I be mad at somebody who helped me in the long run....duh!!

"All pain is purpose."
If ur hurting right now, that might mean a something big is about to happen, and all these tears or bewilderment is just so u can lose focus on u special breakthrough of sorts.  Things can happen that can throw u for a loop...I got money all saved up for this concert, and then ur car gets in an accident.  U all geeked up that ur life is gonna change, riding on a high, step into ur place and turn on the light only to find ur roof collapsed on the floor.  (nightmare night there)...I remember (i.e., I have a girl story...will we ever run out?!!)

So I was interacting with this one girl, quite a bit.  She was a pretty girl of Puerto Rican decent...long black hair, thin build, reminded me of...that's funny, a little like Nelly Furtado but with more of a cinnamon tan we got to be comfortable with each other and such...she joked around with us, we took it basically...talked about going out for lunch..."we'll talk about it..." here u are doing all this flirtatious motions toward us like an extra on a set of a video of Mr. 305 himself, now we getting brand I asked her for the last time, and no lie she hit me with, " boyfriend is coming to pick me up..and.."....and y'all this was one of the few times the WORLD STOPPED!! It was like a scene from The Matrix using that FX Camera... I mean we both stood there looking at each other, both of us were speechless, and while both of us were Ron Artest suspended in time, the world was still going on around us!  I can laugh about it now, took awhile for us to talk, she avoided us for a minute, I didn't wanna see her face either, cuz she was doing this "boy toy" stuff with us, that...ugggh!!!...but we made up in our own way later down the line.  It's tough when u face pain face-to-face, and especially with people all around you, but there's a purpose.  Sometimes it's cool for embarrassing moments to happen in public and not over the phone or behind close doors.

Our life is one of lure...wild stuff.  Somebody may feel what we're talking about.  Now don't get it twisted, please don't think we're some lonely goof just telling heartbreak story after another with kleenex in one hand, and a remote ready to flip to the Soap Network to catch up on a mini-marathon of this week's episodes of The Young and the Restless!  Believe me, we're cool...but as we're going through the process...I guess all we've been through, is to share for the present and the future that somebody understands the pain and those moments of doubting urself when nobody is around.  I'm weird and I know day that weirdness is gonna be what separates us...and I have a feeling ur weirdness will too.

Austino Galaxia.

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