Sunday, February 19, 2012

World...Meet...The Boy!

Remember the Show...Boy Meets World!  Classic Times!

Feeling pretty darn good right now!  Heat just got done beating the Magic...they looking tough, really tough...Hey, President Clinton was at the game!  That's cool...Boy, do we have a very, very classic story about the first time I met him face-to-face, gonna save that one for now...

Today was a day in which I realized that we are such a different person than we were even on last week...Experiences and trials and exposures to different things and people can really make u better in the long run.  Thank God for it!  Think we're at a point where, our life is about to take off and hit another level...I don't think but I know it is...It's not that we think we are invincible or anything.  Just that I honestly feel like the world has shifted in some ways, and that it has shifted our way.  May be crazy for thinking that, but...yesterday, it was like our whole life just opened up.  I sat down late in the afternoon, started to get a little upset about a certain instance that I didn't take advantage of...but then our whole perspective shifted like from a big picture standpoint, we are right in the perfect position to do some damage, and live like we want to live...which is to be high on pure fun!

That's why, even though it's tough, we need to glorify the nights alone or sights of people making out in front of you after u just had another bad love experience or sometimes the feeling of being rejected whether by a job or a person...those are the times where "star quality" and swag is born.  You began to get that "what do I have to lose" type of attitude, that fearlessness that all is possible, and if I can withstand this trial, I can do anything.  One of my guys, Billy Boy, and myself to have a saying about life that simply goes, "348!", which if u look on the telephone pad signifies the letters "F-I-T!"(That don't mean fit either!  Single out the F, and put together the I and T for our meaning!)  And it's true, u have nothing to is to be lived to the fullest.  But I must say experience can be the only way this attribute to ur system.  The Lord works in mysterious ways and many times what u once wanted u find u don't want anymore...and it wasn't what u thought it was.

Oh, I almost forgot, we are still in this month centered around "Love and Relationships".  What is in the air to talk about today?  How about we talk about the thrill of the chase.

Rubbing our hands on this one because I know "first-hand" that this is all what some people are about and then they move on 2 tha next one.  Why is that?  It's almost like, humans are programmed to want what they can't have, neglecting what they may have in front of them.  I girl is asking u to dance at a party, u keep hoping the girl across the room will ask u.  U tell the girl in front of u, "no", while waiting for the other chick, and funny thing happens..she never does. So u're in an oh two hole like the Yankees and go home talking about the party was "whack"!  U had a chance but instead lost it, by wanting to experience the thrill of the chase.  It's wild, but so true.  Somehow as we've grown up, we think that the more difficult a thing is, the better that thing is.  "Ok, ok...she's told me no 7 times, so that means she just playing hard to get.  I know she's the one."  Perhaps, she just not into u dude!  It happens...

On my basketball team, we used to have a phrase called, "taking the path of least existence."  Meaning if the other team defends u one way, don't fight and force ur way going that way, just simply take the open path that's available.  That was my problem in the past.  Instead of taking opps to make friends with those of the opposite sex, I was too busy dreaming up of hitting it outta tha park.  C'mon somebody, I ain't the only one!  Instead of taking things slow...hi-hi-convo-number-date-date-date-date-courting-meet parents-meet friends-date-engagement-wedding-jolly was more hi-hi-convo-number-I just met my future wife, and I know she's the one!  Which was totally the wrong approach.  Emotions can get the best of you, and one thing I've definitely learned was just because two people can make a great couple "physically" ("Oh u guys would make a cute couple.!") doesn't mean u two are supposed to be in an relationship with one another.  Let me tell a story...did u expect anything else?

I remember last summer (I'm throwing the has to be at least a year before I talk about an episode rule out the window!) interacting with this one girl.  She happened to live up north, like in Miramar.  Pretty mamacita...I found out that she likes hoops, and more specifically the Los Angeles Lakers.  The Heat are my squad, and help pay the bills, but it's also great to come upon someone who likes my West Coast team as well.  She seemed down.  We ended up talking through Saturday night, she dag gone kept me up all night long , her and her friend.  Just talking a flirting.  I had to jump in the shower and stuff...but I felt like, she has some Wall Street potential. I was thinking I would like to have some of her stock in my portofolio!  Feeling her...we talked another time face-2-face via Skype, with her laying on her lush carpet, barefooted, and rocking the CNBC newsanchor glasses.  She looked sexy...but guess what.  That was for some reason the last time we talked.  And I know this is our diary, but with no bias, I can honestly say, I have NO idea why!  No returned emails or talks, just nothing.  So here I was thinking that a possible relationship was forming with this doll, and instead I'm looking like Taylor Swift when K Wheezy jumped on stage!  I'm cool, but was a little taking back...and then maybe it was just the thrill of the chase.

A gent asked me the other day, which celebrity did I think was hot?  I tossed out a few names, but in my heart I realized that I cannot answer that question, due to the fact that I MUST get to know a person before I can give any adjectives like "cool" or "beautiful" or "friend".  Those words are used way too loosely nowadays.  I've been a strong advocate of the "wheelchair test" when it comes to who I'll ask out or date, or what not.  The person has the looks, and the vibe is good, but if something were to happen, could I really take care of this person if they were in a wheelchair or in a fire so their face is scarred up or whatever.  Some people I possibly could, others I couldn't.  And that's ok.  That just means my motivation was just on a physical level at that time, and how she really was as a person didn't attract me.  Deep stuff to think about, but true.

I'm getting hungry so let me wrap this up.  No pun intended!  Attention.  That's a powerful word that could be  either the most positive or the most negative thing in any relationship.  The lack of it does many of breakups bring.  That's another thing I don't get, how can u not notice a subtle change in ur mate when u sleeping next to them...from a hair style to a person wearing colors to the energy they bring wherever they go, it's good to recognize that.  Everybody likes compliments...just don't be in love with them.  Cuz what happens when u don't get them or when people take ur beauty for granted?  Or ur cooking for granted...u used to be "the best cook in the world, by making a meal. (guys included) ur greatness has stopped becoming a novelty but now an expectation.  The lack of attention can make u go out and see if u still have it tha "ka-pow-yaw!" to bring the kids to the yard.  While the abundance of it, can make a relationship last for decades.  Just to know u doesn't get any better than that!

Ok, I'm not gonna disrespect my diary and start rambling like Loyola .  It's a lot I wanna talk about when it comes to love:  age, race, previous relationships...but our mind is needing a re...NOOOO!  Please say it's not raining now!  I gotta go and hit the beach to get some food!  Oh well, what can u do?  I guess as in life, a simple delay in the action can help u in the long run.  In this journey u wanna be fresh...that makes all the difference in the world...and definitely in the galaxia.

Austino Galaxia.
Good stuff is ahead...believe us when we say that, it's a whole new level!  Oh, and I don't think that was rain outside a window, I think a cat just...I gotta get outta here!

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