Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Love Enterprise.


There's so much going on right now, we absolutely don't know where to start.


It's what matters...these last 24 hours have seen what it really means.  Last night was up l.a.t.e. in Broward County for a birthday celebration for a friend.  Interacted with his fam, who treated us like fam.  Just good to see that.  Some of the things I miss at home.  Living the lifestyle I have, and with the location of South Beach, it's just so easy to get caught up into this fast lifestyle of money, parties, vanity and everything else that is around us the White Castle hours.  U can really lose touch of what's important in life...u really can.

Then tonight talked to the fam up north, heard some intriguing news, that's personal right now, but another reminder of how Robert Ficker life can be.  Sometimes when u hear news that catches u off guard of sorts, it opens up ur eyes.  Big Time, even in a positive way...just some of this stuff we, and especially eye sweat ain't that serious in the grand scheme of things.  It's really not.  Ok, someone hit ur car or...that girl didn't wanna go out wit u or ur hours are changing at the job...at least u have one right?!  That's for real, it may not be all that we wanted or hoped for, I mean who doesn't want the champagne life where everything is howdy doody.  Man, I'm really starting to feel it in the air tonight, I don't know why, but this might be a special one tonight.

Our diary is the most personal thing we have.  It's our heart.  We've been writing a personal one for like 12 years, and now it's at the level where the galaxia can see our...heart.  U can read it anywhere...anytime...whether ur over in London...all the way up to New York City...speaking of which, Miss DJ Chelsea u messaged me saying u was gonna check this thang out, eye hope u were ready girl! Shout out 2 u homegirl!  But we feel like we have a ultra special life.  It such a contrast within us.  One moment we spitting the hottest hip hop jam...the next line u might have us quoting a Bible scripture...I preach that money isn't everything...yet constantly talking about the hottest labels, cars and clothes that I can't even pronounce.  It's pronounce "Go-Shae" or "Good-chai", whatever...I know there isn't another person like us in the world (as all of us are super special), and I just wanna share the fun we have inside.

Then we got the nerve to dedicate an entire month to a subject which has caused us the most growth through absolute mystery and pain...."Love".  I thought about that, "why am I of all people still believing that a such thing called love still exists?"  After all we've been through, then I must been on some Belvedere to even put out story after story after story, not only this month but even from the beginning of our Galaxia Takeover (Wow!  That totally so sounds like a great Saturday on the Fuse Music Network! It'll happen one day.), u find some wild stories involving the ladies.  Been thinking, is this actually gonna hurt our chances with certain girls as they read this craziness?  Glad u asked...

I look at it this way, u see every bit of our personality in these words.  As it comes to fun or music (gonna add some more pop jams...like this one. Y'all ain't ready!!)  So as us as a lover, so to speak, I rather somebody get the whole me from the get, than just not know what they may or may not be getting into.  For real.  I said this before, that from a relationship standpoint I compare myself to the New York Yankees franchise.  It's the most storied, possibly has the most money (there I go again), and most fame associated with it.  Some may dream to play for them, almost everybody has, but not every one is actually Yankee material.  Some may fall under the bright lights, and not be prepared for it.  While others, have been seemingly groomed for the big stage that surrounds them.

I like that cuz I really feel that whomever gets into a relationship would have to had...how should I say...earned it in a way.  Meaning, they would have had to experience heartbreaks, being on top and everybody liking you yet hating behind ur back, being jolted for looking good (folks don't do that do we?) or having to spend nights alone while ur friends are holding hands with their mate of choice.  I have the coolest lifestyle around and if me telling and sharing who I am as a person means me having to spend a Friday night watching the Lifetime Network...dag gone-it, I said I wasn't gonna tell anybody that Ryan Sea..crest!  Hope u got that.  But for real, I think it's time for us all 2 start weeding out folks who we know we ain't gonna really love and stop going through the motions.  I'm willing to sacrifice a few nights of lust for a lifetime of love.  And if somebody can't handle Broadway South, then I'm willing to accept that and move on, cuz I want tha real players that can play rain, sleet or snow on my team anyway....and Yes, I know January 19th, 1977 was the only day it actually snowed down here in the Magic City, but work with us, ok!!

I wanna thank all those who earlier this month gave great insights on how it is to be a beautiful single lady, a girl-magnet single guy and insight from a young, yet happily married man.  Check out our diary entries from earlier this February, if u haven't it's good stuff!  But to hear other people's story, especially on love is so  awesome.  Been seeing a lot of holding of hands within couples, that's what I want 2 see.  Don't be afraid...u already know that I'm cut from the anytime, anyplace cookie dough.  That can be in the park...on a couch with the springs coming out of it...or even inside the P2 garage under the American Airlines Arena...ain't nothin' like a little "postgame" if u know what I mean!  Or at a picnic when u steal the barbeque sauce after ur Unc turned his head, and then u both go back behind the willow tree and begin to pour down... let me stop!  Hey, if u feel it, show it.  All we trying to say.

Alright.  Gonna do our best to bring our diary front and center into our life.  Hopefully our feelings, no matter what they are will continue to shine in these words.  Just a kid who wants to have fun and enjoy life.  Our life has been so wild as of late...very emotional.  But that's ok.  Just gonna tell our stories and see where it all leads.  Just had a thought, what if ur toughest days are actually your best.  Huh...somehow I believe our diary is about to get even more crazier...but guess what, I think we're ready...more than ready.

Austino Galaxia.

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