Saturday, February 18, 2012

Beach Slapped!!

Interesting day on today...wake up early as possible one can do for a Saturday...go to the great dinero factory...come back to the crib, after battling traffic (International Boat Show is in the hood this weekend), get home...heat up some chicken and eat with some unsweetened applesauce ( pimple might land me on suicide watch! U think I'm kidding!!), and some trail mix.  Pop in DVR recording of Lakers/Suns game from last until 1st timeout in 2nd quarter, then take a nap round 12:15 pm...wake up...almost in a daze...put some of our workout gear, and then head to the ath. club to break a was a fight mentally, but u gotta go through it...

Hold up...u know, South Beach during the day is so wacky on the weekends.  I'm not gonna lie, I prefer to hit the sand mostly during the weekdays, cuz on the weekends it can be too much of a "show" and not enough fun u know.  I worked at the beach for four summers up north and have seen so much "skin" and drama filled afternoons and evenings.  But down here on the island, site of Baywatch East,  its basically multiplied to the "nth" degree.  I don't understand some of it...never have.  In terms of the "exposure" and stuff.  U know what I'm talking about!  I didn't even hit the dunes today, although it was a perfect beach day.  But u know how u get the feeling of a false aura of confidence in the air.  Like folks think they look all...that's what we're gonna talk about tonight, and it fits right in with our month of "Luv".  And how about that...

Miami is one of, if not possibly the sexiest cities in the world.  It really is, u have friends who visit or have seen travelers come down, and immediately after they step into that humidity, a new aura comes upon you.  Like, in a matter of 50 steps from the plane, I've transformed into "hot".  So then...if u live in Miami, u know we're right!...u have to deal with all this superficial attitudes, like, "I'm in Miami ----h!", that anything that can be done, will be done.  I'm all about having fun, u all know that, but sometimes it just feels forced or...fake.  Ok, I gotta story...

I remember being in high school, my...what's your tenth anniversary of schooling called??...yeah, that's right my sophmore year.  I was moving into high school (10-12th grade was h.s. up north...long story)...and during the summer, it was my first year of Marching Band.  Alto Sax players, whoo whoo!!  Raise the roof!!  So I didn't know what to expect.  So during all these opening practices getting ready for the band season, we had all these upper classmen telling us new "novices" what to do and all that.  In band, we had what we called section leaders, and boy, some of them really worked their so-called power.  It was serious!!  I had no idea how I wouldn't say dedicated, some of the kids were!  I love music, and did it to stop me from slinging Mike 'n' Ikes and Sixlets on the corner!  I can still get u some for that Ronaldo price too, just meet me behind the Liberty gas station on Coral Way around 11pm and we can talk! after the summer, I'm like, these Kid Capri's here must run tha school like Ralph and, after that first week of school Lil Kim jumped off...they were as quiet as a mouse blowing wind on a piece of cotton!  I was like, u telling me, these cats are actually the shyish and mutest people in the school!  Telling u...Jay Park, am I wrong??...what it should me, was that sometimes those who make the most noise, don't necessarily the nosiest in life. So getting back to beachwear, and we have a decade's worth of experience...the more you show, the less to know..a kleenex string bikinee, takes away the mystery...and who wants to read a book, that u already know the ending too!  I don't...anymore.

South Beach is one of the most physically demanding places in the world...if u let it.  One thing that's adds to the lure, is that when u have so many physically attractiveness walking around...a) u get spoiled, and 2) there's more indirect competition among us...checking out a guy's six pack, guys pull up their shirts a lot in the gym...or what about stopping by parked cars to check urself out in the windows.  Anything is used as a mirror  from parked cars to cell phones on idle to butter knives, just anything to make sure everything is good in tha face....then wit guys u who give this look borderline stalkish look at these women is scary, but humorous.  I call it the "South Beach Glance".  Other day, I was walking, and this attractive woman was walking across the street, and then as she crossed the street, she began to run in her clog shoes.  The thing was, she had on those low hip hugger jeans, so her jeans were following down, ridiculously, and I just glance at my guy who was cuttting the grass of an apartment building, and we just smiled, and kept moving.  This one time when I was in the landromat, this guy literally almost knocked me over as he was running past me, and out the door, to literally check out this female.  Grown man...guess it would do that to u sometimes.

So how does that involve relationships?  My personal opinion is that with so much egotism from different cultures around the world, people are more close within than in other places.  I also think, that here in Miami, people, maybe even myself, have more of a "type" of someone they are gonna go out with or marry.  The girl has to be Columbian, brown hair, plus size, pretty smile...yada yada.  I think having a "type" is somewhat universal, but for instance if u go back up north...oh I like this...when u ask what does a person look for in a mate, more than likely the description is not gonna start with something physical, but more personality characteristics....ask that down here of both sexes, and whether they admit it or not, first and foremost it starts  usually with physically or ethnic related qualities.

Well, let me see, I gotta do some stuff tonight, so is there anything else?...oh yes...Another major relationship adjustment with Miami, and especially SoBe is the amount of visitors not from the area who frequent our streets.  That can be good, in terms of meeting other people, views, and the fish in sea pool is enlarged...but on the same Chuck E. Cheese token, u may not really get to know the real person.  It's like someone on one night, don't know their sexual background in terms of diseases and stuff, or even what's the kissing disease...Mono...that's true even locally, but with Miami being the ultimate big city-small town where everybody either knows or knows somebody who knows, u can get the 411 a whole lot easier than somebody from the Ukraine.  Have I dated a Ukra...(grabbing my tape recorder..."click"...note to self, add a Ukrainian woman to the list...I repeat...add a...)...I'm big trouble aren't I??

One more thing...I feel down here in Miami, there is a difference somewhat, in the people depending in the area u live in?  Now, I've heard, and that many girls find us "South Beach guys" to be sorta hot, but jerks who r only concerned about their own looks, want to hook up for a night, just want to party, yet spend cash like water expecting a night of fun.  The stereotypes are there as for "South Beach girls" (Nothing but games...golddiggerish)...but what I'm saying is that sometimes the aura of where u live rubs onto u, no matter if u want it to or not.  I know as u go more into Miami proper like Kendall, or Coral Gables, u see more of family interaction, and couples with kids in strollers, and schools everywhere...shoot, it took me 2 years to see a kid here in the neighborhood!  And I used to be like, "they have houses in Miami?"  Cuz I'm so used to just seeing condos or apartment can mess wit u psykey.  So I think that has some influence on ur dating habits, u see people settling down, friends throwing their player jersey in the rafters, u think about it urself, I think.  I see a lot of a playground for adults, so as I've found out, it's a little tougher.  Maybe that's a good line for me 2 used tonight, "Would u like to swing tonight?"

...if I could only find a beautiful girl like the hot Miss Marcie...oh, how the mind wonders.

Austino Galaxia

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