Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Creating A New Vogue!

Ms. Cindy Crawford.

A day like this comes along only say...once only four years so let's see what happens tonight.  We begin with a dream we had...early this morning...

Ok.  This dream began with us in the gym working out.  It was mad packed, yet we still found a spot to do our "thang"... (let's make this short)...All I remember from our dream is us being in a mall.  Walking around with one of our old childhood friends who had his "girl" with him.  I say his "girl" cuz as we were walking around the mall, they were making out, kissing and stuff.  She looked like an old 90s type of model with the dirty blond hair and thin body build that brought the grunge look of the Nirvana years into prominence.  So we are walking and then to our right we see this guy on the piano and he's tickling the ivory and ebony keys like we've never heard somebody play them.  He's getting loose playing "Sweet Love" by Anita Baker.  He got loose, as in I'm trying to get a studio contact type of loose!  So a crowd began to gather around as this guy was tearing it up!

As the crowd began to gather around like groupies to an NBA star, I look over to my left and saw Mr. Quincy Jones, one of the all-time legends in the music business.  While he was over there tapping his hand, I just remember saying I gotta take a picture of him or tell him how I loved his book or just somethin' cuz this opprotunity don't come around too often.  So the elephant man stopped playing the piano, an we began to disperse into the I go over to Mr. Jones who was walking with a wooden "third leg", and I began to say, "Mr. Jones...I wanna thank you for your book, it helped me so much."  But what got me was his response, in which he surprised me like a Lady Gaga outfit at the Grammys...he said first, "please no pictures..." (I didn't even offer to take one...yet)...and then he continued by saying, "I'm only gonna tell you this because you looking kind of snazzy..."....which was interesting because I was just Lenny Kravitzing a white tank top, some home cocaine Miami Heat shorts, and some Jordan XII's, the white and red ones...interesting.  Mr. Jones then hit us with some wisdom, I've been thinking about all day...he said, "Great things are coming to know."  So I asked him to repeat that, and he said, "Great things are coming to know."  And then he stopped walking and said, "Either you are gonna come outta left field or straight up the course.  What do you do?"  And as I was beginning to tell him my job, other people began to come around him like other old school child stars from the 50s and stuff, and they took pictures in the middle of the mall, so I didn't have a chance to respond...then I woke up...with a little smile on our face thinking, everything's about to be alright after all, and our life is about to catapult into the galaxia.

Dreams or visions can mean so much...I keep finding that our life is getting more unique like an episode of Lost and I'm determined to...we don't wanna go out like a chump, u know...I'm starting to see different aspects of life, people looking down and out, or all these life issues that are hitting home like never before, but I want the people we come in contact with or who are around us not to go out like this.  I always talk about having fun, even though...stuff happens to us all, as it does to us...but I don't want life to be sourpuss.  I refuse to, not now...if that means someone hating u cuz u living life on a different level, whatever, u can't live according 2 someone else's definition.  And I don't want to live our life as a thesaurus to somebody else's.  If u look up ours in that great book, it'll be a blank page, and that's how we want it.

Today is the last day of the month according to "Love and Relationships".  A whole month...we was gonna give a special playlist of our favorite love songs on today, but that'll been tougher than four dudes trying to get into LIV with no eye candy on the we'll just write today.  Is there anything we haven't covered? we said before, we just try to be as real as possible bro.  And talk from our heart...

Timing.  It's so crazy important when it comes to relationships and friendships.  A person can be coming outta of a relationship and their heart just isn't right to get into anything new at the moment.  So things don't hook up, which is cool, but the timing isn't right...That's an interesting topic, Can one person hurt somebody so bad that they don't even know when a good opportunity comes along because their heart is still attached to the previous heartbreak?  It happens...(huge blow)...should we get real tonight or just hangman this d-i-a-r-y and go to sleep?...

Ok.  This is the last in the "Love" series so let's just speak from the heart and tell some things we've noticed and I'm sure somebody can we go...

I have one of the wildest lives when it comes to love, and am not afraid to admit it.  I once told Moms that we are "liked by millions yet loved by none."  Not that we have such a lonely life that we're drinking bottles of E & J every night with the lights down...some ways it's the total opposite.  Come across so many different people, it's a chaos and sometime seeing "so much" can feel like a burden.  Like "Lord, no one understands us."  Or "why is it that u can talk to somebody, dig them, and then when u ask for them to kick it, they turn you into somebody who has lice?"  Just weird bro...crazy weird.  I know others feel like nobody understands them or why does it just have to be so difficult for u when it seems so simple for others.  I'm gonna tell it tonight...the Heat are in the great northwest tomorrow, and the Lakers don't play til later so gotta tell this thang cuz I feel SOMEBODY somewhere knows where I'm coming from.

That's why timing seems to be the Sesame Galaxia word of the day.  U gotta stay up and just let things happen as they should.  I hear stories all the time of folk telling us about how tough it's to find somebody out here in life or in Miami.  U never know!  Just don't...I've learned to take risks, and have the time they aren't risks, they're opportunities bro.  If that means that your singing "Water Runs Dry" cuz u never speak to that person again, it's a tough pill to swallow but so be it.  When it comes to us personally...that's why I try to release special "Love" segments (was it a success?) or say keep ur head up like 'Pac, cuz if I can survive all this stuff going on, then anybody can.

Somebody out here may be wondering am I too much of a goody too shoes?  If u a girl who looks good, who smart, has some ching-a-ling in ur pocket, then u are supposedly intimated to some guys....well, what I would say is to keep doing ur thing girl, and not hold urself back...c'mon Chingy...not hold urself back just to fit in cuz no matter what u do, guess what, u ain't gonna fit in.  It's tha truth.  So u might as well be the beacon that God has created u to be, and live it up.  I gotta say something...

If having fun, being a gentleman, being respectful, living life to the fullest, trying to give honor where honor is due, trying to bring a smile to a person who may not be having a good day is a crime, well then just lock me up and throw away, kick and bury the key.  Cuz being who u are as a person is one of the most authentic things we have in life.  The funny thing is u walk through the jail thinking ur gonna be the only one in the cell, only to find that the joint is packed with folks who feel the way u do, and aren't willing to...settle for anything but the best.

One of the toughest things is to see somebody u respect or think is cool actually walk the other way when u come into the room or are nearby.  It took me years to get over that, especially when u feel like what u represent as a person in the virtual bedroom of ur mind I the only one who tries to represent in the virtual bedroom of ur mind when thinking about certain somebodys?!

U know what that's it.  I'm shaking our head cuz when u think about "Love" and dating and all that comes along with it, it can blow ur mind.  I'm just thankful I'm still alive, probably should've killed ourself a long time ago.  U know it doesn't take much to drive u to the crazy house...but we're still here.

Just hope that folks will say, u know, the timing may not have been right but A. Galaxia was one of the rarest of the rare.  Told his heart and beyond that, wanted nothing more in life than to have fun and love.  With all this going on, I feel pretty darn good.  Like all our dues are paid and everything is paying off.

Thanks for checking out our special month.  Hope we all cherished it cuz...we won't see the likes of this month again.

Now it's really on!  Trust us, u don't wanna miss what's upcoming, it's of legend.

Love and Fun.
Austin Galaxia.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Love Enterprise.


There's so much going on right now, we absolutely don't know where to start.


It's what matters...these last 24 hours have seen what it really means.  Last night was up l.a.t.e. in Broward County for a birthday celebration for a friend.  Interacted with his fam, who treated us like fam.  Just good to see that.  Some of the things I miss at home.  Living the lifestyle I have, and with the location of South Beach, it's just so easy to get caught up into this fast lifestyle of money, parties, vanity and everything else that is around us the White Castle hours.  U can really lose touch of what's important in life...u really can.

Then tonight talked to the fam up north, heard some intriguing news, that's personal right now, but another reminder of how Robert Ficker life can be.  Sometimes when u hear news that catches u off guard of sorts, it opens up ur eyes.  Big Time, even in a positive way...just some of this stuff we, and especially eye sweat ain't that serious in the grand scheme of things.  It's really not.  Ok, someone hit ur car or...that girl didn't wanna go out wit u or ur hours are changing at the least u have one right?!  That's for real, it may not be all that we wanted or hoped for, I mean who doesn't want the champagne life where everything is howdy doody.  Man, I'm really starting to feel it in the air tonight, I don't know why, but this might be a special one tonight.

Our diary is the most personal thing we have.  It's our heart.  We've been writing a personal one for like 12 years, and now it's at the level where the galaxia can see our...heart.  U can read it anywhere...anytime...whether ur over in London...all the way up to New York City...speaking of which, Miss DJ Chelsea u messaged me saying u was gonna check this thang out, eye hope u were ready girl! Shout out 2 u homegirl!  But we feel like we have a ultra special life.  It such a contrast within us.  One moment we spitting the hottest hip hop jam...the next line u might have us quoting a Bible scripture...I preach that money isn't everything...yet constantly talking about the hottest labels, cars and clothes that I can't even pronounce.  It's pronounce "Go-Shae" or "Good-chai", whatever...I know there isn't another person like us in the world (as all of us are super special), and I just wanna share the fun we have inside.

Then we got the nerve to dedicate an entire month to a subject which has caused us the most growth through absolute mystery and pain...."Love".  I thought about that, "why am I of all people still believing that a such thing called love still exists?"  After all we've been through, then I must been on some Belvedere to even put out story after story after story, not only this month but even from the beginning of our Galaxia Takeover (Wow!  That totally so sounds like a great Saturday on the Fuse Music Network! It'll happen one day.), u find some wild stories involving the ladies.  Been thinking, is this actually gonna hurt our chances with certain girls as they read this craziness?  Glad u asked...

I look at it this way, u see every bit of our personality in these words.  As it comes to fun or music (gonna add some more pop this one. Y'all ain't ready!!)  So as us as a lover, so to speak, I rather somebody get the whole me from the get, than just not know what they may or may not be getting into.  For real.  I said this before, that from a relationship standpoint I compare myself to the New York Yankees franchise.  It's the most storied, possibly has the most money (there I go again), and most fame associated with it.  Some may dream to play for them, almost everybody has, but not every one is actually Yankee material.  Some may fall under the bright lights, and not be prepared for it.  While others, have been seemingly groomed for the big stage that surrounds them.

I like that cuz I really feel that whomever gets into a relationship would have to should I say...earned it in a way.  Meaning, they would have had to experience heartbreaks, being on top and everybody liking you yet hating behind ur back, being jolted for looking good (folks don't do that do we?) or having to spend nights alone while ur friends are holding hands with their mate of choice.  I have the coolest lifestyle around and if me telling and sharing who I am as a person means me having to spend a Friday night watching the Lifetime Network...dag gone-it, I said I wasn't gonna tell anybody that Ryan Sea..crest!  Hope u got that.  But for real, I think it's time for us all 2 start weeding out folks who we know we ain't gonna really love and stop going through the motions.  I'm willing to sacrifice a few nights of lust for a lifetime of love.  And if somebody can't handle Broadway South, then I'm willing to accept that and move on, cuz I want tha real players that can play rain, sleet or snow on my team anyway....and Yes, I know January 19th, 1977 was the only day it actually snowed down here in the Magic City, but work with us, ok!!

I wanna thank all those who earlier this month gave great insights on how it is to be a beautiful single lady, a girl-magnet single guy and insight from a young, yet happily married man.  Check out our diary entries from earlier this February, if u haven't it's good stuff!  But to hear other people's story, especially on love is so  awesome.  Been seeing a lot of holding of hands within couples, that's what I want 2 see.  Don't be afraid...u already know that I'm cut from the anytime, anyplace cookie dough.  That can be in the park...on a couch with the springs coming out of it...or even inside the P2 garage under the American Airlines Arena...ain't nothin' like a little "postgame" if u know what I mean!  Or at a picnic when u steal the barbeque sauce after ur Unc turned his head, and then u both go back behind the willow tree and begin to pour down... let me stop!  Hey, if u feel it, show it.  All we trying to say.

Alright.  Gonna do our best to bring our diary front and center into our life.  Hopefully our feelings, no matter what they are will continue to shine in these words.  Just a kid who wants to have fun and enjoy life.  Our life has been so wild as of late...very emotional.  But that's ok.  Just gonna tell our stories and see where it all leads.  Just had a thought, what if ur toughest days are actually your best.  Huh...somehow I believe our diary is about to get even more crazier...but guess what, I think we're ready...more than ready.

Austino Galaxia.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Made Solid as a Rock.

The Rock aka Dwayne Johnson

" You cannot be an exceptional person with ordinary battles."

How should I go into this on this Sunday?  This morning, I was reading the Los Angeles Times newspaper, and got a surprise of our life.  I ended up coming up on this article on Kathy Ireland, the former Sports Illustrated swimsuit model (back when women weren't photo shopped on covers, that's another topic though...).  I was looking in the image section, trying to get info on what's going on in the fashion industry, next thing I know it, a story of her was inside that led me to this.   An outstanding article from Forbes Magazine on Ms. Ireland and her mogul status within the retail sector.  An it's not for clothes, click on "this" from the above sentence to get some inspiration.  Just shows u that just because a person looks good doesn't mean he or she isn't a nerd or uses the head for more than a hat rack!  Also shows u u can make money on anything.  Not just the hyped things (Music, Sports, Real Estate), there are other ways to get ur ins.  Love to see that...

2day was a day to clear our head.  The thing that makes us so unique is that I strongly believe that "anything is possible" in life.  I mean anything!  At times that can be a burden as well cuz the other side is that our level of patience can can be short at times, especially when u feel like ur doing more while getting less.  Hmmm...wonder if anybody else feels this way at times.  Why I'm I working so hard, when they are gonna promote somebody from the outside anyway, and u still want me to teach them?  (Herm Edwards face inserted) or U want me to give my all in practice, when u aren't even gonna play me anyway in the game, even though u told me u would?  These are issues that many of us go through on a daily basis.  Especially somebody with a human nature of myself.  Why does it seem like it's so hard?  U work hard, keep the faith, take ur vitamins, why hasn't it the next level...yet?

I'm gonna be real today I say, stop reading if u don't wanna hear real talk.  I don't think I'm gonna be talking about parties on today...I'll pause for a moment for those who want to click the "x" button in the top right hand corner of the screen...(pause)........ok.  In each of our lives, I'm still an strong believer that the means of our journeys merits what the destination is gonna be.  U wanna be the most famous person in the world and have ur legend live on even when u're dead and gone, then guess what u might have to go through years, and decades of flying under the radar.  U want to have the most beautiful mate in the world to be ur partner for life, then guess what u probably have to go through some crazy experiences before you meet he or, I'm doin' all I can not to get loose off of that last one, we'll come back to that...pleasure before pain (ain't that a Trey Songz album title?)  But like we said, I think all that we go through says what's ahead of you.  It makes u better and makes u look inside and wonder how bad do you want it.

Yesterday on Twitter land, J.R. Smith (NY Knicks guard) sent a twit asking from the ladies, if a guy is told "no" when first approaching u, should he ask again or just let it go like Kay Cole.  A very interesting question. Now most of the ladies who responded said the guy should keep shootin' and keep asking until u get a "yes". Interesting.  Now we are one of the most persistent people in the world when it comes to a goal...and at times I think it does take several advances before u pass go...but now...I don't know...I'm just speaking from our personal experience, that I don't know if I can keep buggin or asking somebody who hasn't shown an interest in us, especially when I feel like ur "the catch of tha day".  U know.  It's like...u keep wanting somebody to be in to you, but during the chase (wrote about this the other day), u almost lose a little bit of urself in chasing something or someone  that either a) might not be into you or b) once they do get u, u end up chasing them all through the relationship cuz that's how the relationship all began...somebody knows what I mean.  And it works both for guys and girls.

Some girls get all pritzied up saying so and so is gonna be at this party and club tonight, so they getting geeked up, and practicing their poses in the mirror so they can get drafted for the night.  All "artificially swagged" out to meet this guy, then once they get past the VIP ropes, they find out that the guy really isn't all that interesting, and beyond or in front of the money and so-called fame, they wouldn't give him the time of day.  I know I'm right on this.  Has anyone ever wanted someone or chased someone only to find out that this person wasn't what u thought or going in the same direction u're trying to go?  It's happened to me several times, and at the end of the day, u're like, u know what this person isn't really worth the hype, and this person should actually be chasing us instead of us Nascar-ing them.

Now does that make us or anybody else who thinks like this boring?  Boy, I feel like taking out my white bicentennial gloves and slapping somebody for even entertaining that thought.  No, what I'm saying is that u should keep downgrading ur self-esteem and self, by continuing chasing somebody u "think" is all that and a bag of pop chips, by putting that person on a pedestal that they are the best thing since a plastic container of sliced almonds.  Man, the Oscars are tonight, so is the NBA All-Star game, but I just feel like writing tonight, maybe this is for us or for somebody else.

That's why I really despised when somebody says somebody is "outta their league".  What does that really mean?  If somebody looks attractive does that mean that u shouldn't approach them?  So what ur saying is that ur self-esteem in ur own great beauty has just been diminished right.  Perhaps u bring something to the game that that other person lacks, so u'll be a perfect couple.  Then on the Flip Wilson side of the coin, u just alienated the person u looks attractive by saying that God created u so beautiful no person should ever approach u?...SOLELY based on looks, money status, height or whatever...

Perhaps this is why all these things have occurred in our life, to get us to the point where superficial things don't affect us like they once did.  Well, Austino Galaticka or Galaxia, or whatever u call urself, that may be the reason why u're single?  Ah ha...perhaps.'s the reason why I'm more prepared for the future.  It's so easy to get into relationships just to get into one.  I'm tired of being alone, girls are throwing themself at me, I'm tired of seeing my friends getting theirs, so the next show of boobs means she's the one.  But it's true.  Some people don't wanna live single (not alone), and would rather suffer through firestorms 'r' us, just to say they have somebody.  Even if they aren't really for you...oh, he hits me on occasion, cusses me out every now and then too, and every time we go out I have to foot the bill, but he's all I got so...he'll change.  That's not good.  This is talk for the mature and veterans.  If u've been through some stuff with love, dating and life, u totally feel where I come from.  If u haven't and are reading this cock-eyed, like Austin is talking crazy, then just keep living and one day u'll say, "I once was blind, but now I see" what he was talking about.

I just want to tell it real, cuz I put this on Dear Abby, that somebody feels us on this.  I talk with such a strong conviction because I don't want nobody else putting themself out there, hyping somebody up...boy, I feel it tonight, and that can even happen while ur in the relationship.  I'm the ultimate when it comes to treating a girl like a queen per se, but like I said, if she's a queen then what does that make us?  That's what's goin' on with so many breakups....everything is being given but no everyone.   Meaning it's not the Louis bags or trips around the world or skybox seats at a Heat game that makes a relationship work.  When all the makeup is taken off, and the J's are kicked to the end of the bed, it's about the people themselves.  Period.  Are we willing to get to know each other?  Have to be willing...the heat of the moment can lead all of us into some precarious situations, and I'm definitely not exempt from it.  I just want true love to last, and that goes past the material.

I know we've kind of gone off, but when things are on ur mind, u have to state it.  This might be my last diary entry so...I'm gonna say this and then I'm done cuz I got stuff to do after all of this being said tonight, does this make us one of the most egotistical people in the world who thinks they've seen it all or thinks he's un-gettable or what not?  People can form their own opinion, but when u've been through it, and have spent...let's tell it like it is....tricked off money unwisely trying to impress people who don't really have ur best interests in mind, u change.  At least u better!  That's what God wants u to do anyway!  I've been in situations where ur eating out with somebody talking about everything under the sun, they rolling in ur car top is dropped, and then the very next day, they see you and act like u don't even exist.  That's not bitterness, and that's definitely not amore, that's part of the learning process.  Sometimes u get it the Penny Hardaway, and when u do, and survive u gotta tell ur lessons learned to help the next generation or ur fellow man.  Have to tell it.

So as I began this diary entry borderline ready to give up on a lot of things.  I find myself better realizing that something special is on the horizon, but before u get to it, u have to go through some crazy stuff.  It makes u examine how bad do u wanna be one of the best.  Sometimes it's not a matter of talent just how much heart u have, and are willing to put up with to reach those Kenny Lofty goals.  I think right now, I'm starting to realize if I go out, I must go out on our terms.  Knowing I did everything possible, and I mean everything possible to get the pie in the sky.  Whether that involves wealth, love,  and fun.  I wanna be able to look in the mirror and realize that we crunk it up a notch.  Sometimes I don't know how much I have left in our Lamborghini gas tank, but a funny thing just happened.  As our ride is running outta of gas, I just looked up and looked to my right and found a sign laying face down on the ground.  Think I should get out...huh..and as I do, I flip it over and it simply reads:

"Ad-Verse City 20 Miles Back"

and on our left there's a sign posted saying:

"Welcome to The Town of Fun."

I guess right when u think u can't go any further, that's when u're actually steps away from ur final destination.

And if I can't smile on that...what in the galaxia can u smile over!

Galaxia simply from the heart.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

A Bee Rabbit Tale.

B. Rabbit (8 Mile)...aka Eminem

The sights and moans of South Florida...early this morning, I was riding on the streets of Sunset Drive, and I heard this screeching noise..."Errrrrh!! Errrrh!"...I'm like, "What in the name of Daisy Fuentes is that sound??"...We look over to our left, and see this car riding, no lie, literally rollin' on the nugget of the tire.  I mean no tire rubber or even hub cap, just the metal nugget screeching!  And the thing about it, was my guy was just chillin' like he was cruising on Ocean Drive on a Sunday afternoon!  Too much bro...then later that afternoon, we usually see this chick out there on Sunset and Galloway asking for money, sticking her hand out and stuff.  But on today, her left arm was in a sling, and her arm was wrapped up in a foam cast.  I'm like, is this now part of the gimmick?  I didn't know if this was either an Candid Camera moment or if she used to be an extra on L.A. Law and had a flashback to season one, episode ten!  Whatever the case, wild stuff brohems!

Miami bro...also, as we were out today, drove past this hospital clinic, and a runaway patient was outside smoking a cigarette on the outside steps.  Aren't u 'posed to be on the run when u go AWOL!?!  This dude was so tough, he said, "Ice-T you! I'm gonna not only escape, but I'm gonna sit out here in front of the cameras and dare sum-body to come out here or they gonna get tha Kung-Fu Grip!"...all the while, he was still wearing the patented blue patient robe.  The wind was blowing so, I hope he didn't stand up!  Why is it never a girl who does these stunts...why???...ok, Ice-T's website, just literally scared me...bullets flying, chairs laying on the ground with blood on them, ain't he a cop?...mommy, they shootin'!!

Real giving credit to G.O.D. becoming the trendy thing to do?  It's awesome, just interesting, reading all these articles from athletes and baseball players in spring training (Manny Pacquiao, Manny Ramirez, Brian Roberts, Josh Hamilton, Justin Morneau).  I have no problem with folks giving honor where its due.  Just make sure it's authentic, and not just something that rolls off ur lips cuz everybody else does it or it sounds good.  Don't want this to turn into a MTV Awards speech from the 90s where folks were seemingly butter rolling "I gotta thank God" or "Before I forget let me thank God" off their lips.  Watching all those award shows as a kid, I began to think "dang gone, hasn't Puff Daddy gotten enough credit for the night?!!"  Now wonder he was dating Miss Angel Eyes!!

So much is going on in our life right now, I don't know whether to cry, dance or to hit the fast forward button on the DVR remote of our life.  We are in the gray album area of our life, where things are not only changing, but in some ways there's so much mystery of the unknown.  It's a little like...don't wanna say scary (used that word twice today, ouch!), but a good nervousness.  U know things are gonna work out, but u don't wanna mess anything up either.  Whatever I gotta write this thang, what ever happens, happens....

Just like this thing with this mad cool and beautiful girl, in whom we hopefully will kick it with very soon here in the upcoming days....u recognize a good thing, and u know that a type of gal like her doesn't come along too often, and u know any wrong chess move will have u out of tha loop.  Right now, it's a small battle like, do I need to get more aggressive, or should I lay back and be patient, almost feel embarrassed writing about this, but if our diary is gonna be real, might as well make it REAL right!  U see the signs like, she's has "it", and why nobody else has seen it.  Everybody else's eyes are blinded by Versace sunglasses, while we see her in hd living color.  I'm not jumping the gun...I've learn to take everything slow, with all the people and especially girls we meet, and there are more than a few.  Just when u see a rose in a garden of thorns, u can't help but wanna pluck it...just who I am.  Should be interesting....if she reads this, she'll now knows what's up!

Ok, now I wanna hide under a rock, but I have to tell this life of ours real time.  When we become famous and all that stuff associated with it, I want our diary to be a true view of us.  Same thing with our life in terms of friends or dating...(we're in the "love" segment of our diary by the way).  I meet so many different females and all that from different walks of life, so it would be a disservice to hold back our experiences and true feelings, to either help someone else out or even ourself.  Have we had days when we walk into the party with two quarters on our arm, u bet dude...have we had days where it seems like love is a stupid board game that I wish I could just knock over the table and kick tha chips, yes to that as well.  As guys we sometimes feel like we're paragraph.

...we're supposed to feel like, we're all super tough, and pimpish, and have a "love them then leave them" approach, and act all tough like what girls have done to us in the past hasn't affected us.  That's Buffalo Chips!    If ur experiences hasn't made u a better man or even sometimes bitter man, u aren't living.  That doesn't make u less of a man, it makes u real.  That's why I'm getting tired of all of this, as we will now call it..."artificial swag" (get used to that phrase in our diary).  Us personally am still a thug, u just can't see it under the vintage jeans and Armani underwear.  That's why I say tell ur story, cuz us as guys have one.  If u used to be a "playa" and it bit u in the romp, share that with ur cousin or something to help him not make the same mistakes.  If u think love is the greatest thing in the world, and u're a living example of how patience, preparation, and prayer works, tell a friend who just broke up with his girlfriend and now hates every woman what they stand for.  This is serious.

Our whole diary, and especially this month, is filled with so many episodes in regards to love, dating and relationships.  Our life is one-of-a kind, and that's not bragging, just how it is.  It seems lik...some people want to live a MTV type life, and I see tv shows and stuff, but few really have the opportunity to actually live it.  Everything we've been through the nights debating should we approach this beach tanned girl even though she smokes to girl asking me what faces I make while I have sex has made me who I am.  I'm sure I'm crazy for being so real, but this diary may not be for now (tears starting to form...), it may be for years down the road, and somebody will open this thing up, and see...just maybe, something special about this thang.  Maybe this is the best we'll ever come across in our lifetime.   I'm learning it's not about how many folks u can bag, or how many numbers u smash into ur's all about enjoying life and having fun.  That's what I call living.  And in terms of love...who knows.  One day, it's one week could be another.

But I will say this, it's an experience, a good one...and in terms of love and fun, u won't see anybody like us again.  Through all the heartbreaks and joys, that is one bet that I have ultimate confidence in taking.  Right now it's just you and me...but very soon, the rest of the world will be a part of our galaxia.  And then...we'll be a secret no more...

Austino Galaxia.

Friday, February 24, 2012

When I'm Gonna Be On?


Dude...our life is getting so wacky, in a good least I think so...yesterday, was straight out from an episode of Alfred Hitchcock Presents...I got sick during mid-day, and had to leave the great bread winner factory early, which is super rare, because I usually can tough it out through almost anything.  I remember the last time I got sick on the job...I was outta control really...laying on the ground, ended up taking my shirt off and having nothing but my tank top on...I know folks were like, get this cat up outta of The Gables.  But I couldn't even walk really, I remember walking through the store, looking like an ATP Volleyball player that lost his way, by going walking East to look for San Diego!  It was ruff for the kid...homegirl that was working with us, helped us out, threw me in her Mecerdes and dropped me out of her ride to our car.  And I still had to drive over to the hood of South Beach...wild.

So yesterday, as I came inside our showroom apartment, I literally just threw everything on the ground and just used to bathroom to no avail, and it got ugly.  After some time, walked down to the Walgreens two blocks away on 5th and Jefferson, limped back home since my stomach felt like Pacquaio-Mayweather going at it to tha crib, was basically on the ground, trying to open up the Pepto-Bismol...had my knees on the rug, and looking up to the table, trying to open up this pink stuff, and all I could think, was I totally look like I was doing my best video demo for VH1's Celebrity Rehab...hope no one ever sees that tape!...everyday isn't like this, but it was a total nightmare through the night.

Today, I felt better, thank the Lord for that...if u don't believe the M.I.A is the spot in the world right now, somebody might need to "Trina Toss" a drink at u right now!  I never seen anything like it.  Folks are coming down here and losing their mind like there ain't no care in the world...riding bikes while taking videos of themselves in the middle of the street, there's like a car behind u...and don't get it twisted ankled, us down here on the island will hit u and keep rollin', rollin', rollin'!! Folks riding scooters like a Ruff Ryders ain't the same on a scooter as a motorcycles, but still, a sneak preview getting us ready for Memorial Day weekend and Freaknik 2k12, oh Boy!...I love for folks to have a good time...sometimes though, it can be too much.  U gotta live down here to understand.  It's like, South Beach is a chick...and people don't really wanna be with her, they just wanna cut a few times over the week and then dip back home!  Very true statement!

Our life is moving in a very interesting direction.  I honestly don't even know what's going on.  Just pushing through it all and seeing where it all leads...changing up our eating habits and stuff.  I'm not on that A-Rod tip in terms of bring food to a restaurant for the staff to heat up (he's my dude for this!), but just part of that re-invention.  Speaking of which, is anyone else like borderline ready to reignite the LA riots of '92 over the prices some of the restaurants are charging for food?  I love to glance at menus like I'm in NY City, circa 1986, and checking out some of these new joints down here in the Magic City, I'm like...I won't do it.  Now I love to eat out and have a good time with good company.  But sometimes it's a flat out risk.  It's like playing Frogger on foot on I-95 around rush hour.  If u go into a place, and the shades are down, and nobody's in there during busy hours, and the staff is standing around arguing about who's hotter Angelina Jolie or the girl who starred as  Lara Croft in Tomb Raider , let's just say, u might not wanna try out the antipasto!  Food for thought!  Better yet don't think about it, just don't eat it!!

Alright, I don't feel like writing long tonight, gotta get some needed the subject, what's up with all these folks passed out on the sidewalk?  I was on Lincoln Road today, and two guys just layed out on the grass and one was menage a trois'd between the bottom of a restaurant wall and the crack of the sidewalk, I don't know if they were sleep, drugged up or just saw us walking a few feet away, but this not good.  Plus, with all the tourists seriously, hello...Rachel Ray is in town this weekend.  Can't have this going on... I'm sure she'd say, "This is ridiculous, it doesn't even take 30 mins to wake somebody up!"

Love...Love...what's to write about today during this ongoing special segmented month devoted to the heart...oh man, it just hit us!

Do opposites really and truly attract?

Over our years of living our personal documentary, we have seen some very interesting couples.  I person's loud, the other is quiet...the girl is tall, the guy is short in person is a vegan, the other slams racks upon racks of ribs...I think it's great, cuz it leads u to believe that u never know.  I guess that's what makes love so wild, just when u think u figured out what a person likes, they surprised you, without jumping out of a cake.   This guy likes a girl that dresses all spazzy, so u do that, only 2 find ur Ken likes dolls in half cut tees, daisy dukes, and who likes to call her "baby daddy!"  It's wild dude, I've been victim to that trying to impress somebody by attempting to play their game instead of being who we are.  U feel stupid and on top of that u feel like u wasted a opportunity that won't come around again.  And then what happens when u see a person with somebody else, just out on the town, and u like, u gotta be kidding me?

That's why u can't go by looks alone, cuz it really comes down not to who u can live with, but finding a person u can't live without.

Interracial relationships are at an all-time high.  It went from being taboo to being trendy to know just being what it is.  I love learning about different cultures and stuff, race doesn't matter.  I don't date race anyway, I date beauty.  Period.  I don't care if the chick was aqua long as she can cook flapjacks and knows the lyrics to either ODB's "I like it Raw" or Madonna's "Justify My Love", we, I hope I'm not Debra Messing up my chances with any girls...oh well, it's who we are!  We tell it like it is, and have fun doing it!

So A. Galaxia, which do u prefer, dating somebody who is like ur mirror or someone out of the realm or ur spectrum.  I still haven't figured that out...I think it's awesome being with someone who u can share inside jokes with, about things only a few people even know about.  Like someone actually getting ur jokes, when the room sounds like crickets!  But I also love to talk and interact with people who are the total opposite in terms of interests and what not.  A great couple is one whom complements each other.  Wow!  That's a double meaning get it!  But we talking about one in which each person brings something to the table that possibly the other person doesn't have.  I may not like to tell somebody off..."Oh... honey!!!"...Or she likes to dance, while the guy has three left feet (u know I like to dance, I will Tango and Cash u right now!),  I think that is the key...a combination of the two, but a strong yin and yang duet performance is the key from what I've learned.

Ok.  That's it.  I need rest...although I could write more about this...and I feel like writing about somebody, but I won't right now, the time isn't right....yet.  But I have a feeling it just might come...u'll have to stay tuned 2 see.

Austino Galaxia...signing off from the stars.

Before I go...Open ur heart to new experiences, especially concerning love.  Ur "one" might be in an unsuspecting package wrapped up in the comics section of the paper instead of a Tiffany Blue Box.

Good Night.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

History Meets Future.

The Ladies Man..Tim Meadows.

(Huge Smile!)

Today was truly a tale of two days in one.  For real.  Life is so interesting, and u never know what a day may bring forth.  Talked to some Fam on Grandma dropping that ka-now-ledge!  "It comes with a Price."  Oh boy, I feel like stop, drop and rolling and maybe even shutting down and opening up shop on that one!  She's a ruff ryder so I gotta say that one! Also, hollered my cuz up north in Michigan, what up family!  Good stuff, that added to a unique day...

Which was rare, in that during the day, I was actually thinking about what to write about today.  I usually just jot as we get in front of the screen, as we are doing right now.  It's more real time, u know.  Nothing is plotted, or scripted, just our pure emotions at the moment.  Want our "voice" to be heard as real as possible.  So with that...

Been up since like 2am in the morning.  Had like 3 or 4 dreams mashed up together like Country Crock potatoes, and I really don't remember jack daniels.  It seems like all of our recent dreams have been mad positive.  Involving...just seems like our, or it doesn't seem, our life is hitting a launching pad of sorts.  But, earlier today, I was just feeling like our life is just a fairy tale lifestyle filled with so much script, drama and sometimes heartbreak.   At times u wonder, what they really want? Is it just for us to be this "boy toy?"  A fun gas station to get filled up after every 2000 miles, and then u won't hear from them for another 2G's and u're expected to have gas waiting at the pump, while not expecting nothing in return. God's been reinventing our life, been forced too in some ways.  Which is good.  It's like a athlete adding things to his "game" to make themselves better.  U break ur right hand, so u gotta use ur left hand a whole lot more...well then looka Lupe Fiasco, when ur right hand gets better now ur even more better cuz ur left is improved.

That happens in life as well, say u get fired from a gig or u have an ugly breakup with a former love.  Ok, u break up, think the world is gonna end...start eating Funfetti cake batter (boy, if anyone can make that cake, I'll...boy!! Don't play with me!), eating that, and stay home entire weekends watching marathons of the Golden Girls or watch every viewing of What Women Really Want on TBS (even the 1am re-re-reviewing of it!), trying to figure women or guys out.  It sounds so low and crucial, but guess what...u learn how to survive by urself, u learn how to cook, or how to have fun by urself without DEPENDING on someone else for ur happiness.  And guess what, next thing u know it, that critter named Cupid (wonder if he read our letter we wrote a few diary posts ago?) drops someone in ur life, and ur on whole nother level, ur friends don't recognize u, and the relationship is even better than what it would have been if u never visited the home of the New Jersey Devils.

Took me a looong time, and I'm still learning about how tough times can work out for ur benefit.  Real quick, don't u hate it when u get used to a brand of food, and then the pull the old Roger Dangerfield "No Respect" stunt and change the makeup of the food!  I don't want a half a bag of air?  or as on tonight, "I don't wanna see potato skins on my steak fries!"  Why change...of subject, but "w made with both hands!"...

Oh, we're still in the month of "Love" right?!!...What haven't we talked about...I wanna tell this one story, but the time isn't right...what happens within' dating and relationships that we all can relate too?...humm???..Oh yeah, ba-bee!!  How about this one?

How much does a person's past relationship history, play a role in a current one?  And should it?  Like for instance if a guy's been with a lotta girls or if a guy's BEEN WITH a lotta girls should that matter?  U hear the saying, "once a dog, always a dog."...or..."lay with a dog gonna get fleas", dogs have it bad, huh?  Real talk here.  Or what about sexual experiences, not gonna lie, if a guy recycle bags a lot of girls, he's a pimp and we're gonna nominate him for an Oscar.  If a girl's, a champ in naked twister, she's title of one of Luda's classic tunes.  ( u gonna have to look that one up!)   Interesting...and of course, "...oooh...oooh...pick me, pick me."...I gotta a story...Can somebody call up a publisher or movie director for me?

Ok, so I came upon this one guy somehow, way or another, and he was telling me that we need to go out to dinner and all this and that.  I love San Francisco, and especially my baseball Giants...but I ain't from there, if u catch my drift!! So it was a little awkwardness but finally I went out...I mean I rode in a vehicle with this dude.  We stopped off at this restaurant in town.  And as we walk in, I immediately noticed this girl right as we walked in the joker.  Our eyes immediately met, and I was like, "oh my."  So another waitress, took us to sit down.  But my mind  was totally like who is this girl.  She was short in stature, but had curvaceous build, pretty hair, doll face, and a killer joe smile.  Who does she remind me off?  Let's see...she was like.. Baby Spice...but with a hotter tan.  (do I only date girls with tans?? not!)  I had a feeling this was going to be interesting night.

So this cat was sitting me down, and telling all this stuff...I was like, "ok, ok..right!...As he was trying to get me to go into the right direction of my life.  It's like when somebody tells u how to use a calculator, when u've already broken one down and put it back together urself!  (we actually did back in the day, and it wasn't one of those solar ones either!!)...felt like that old SNL skit..."I know...I know...and dog-gone it...people like me!!  ..I got it...I got it!"  But the thing was ALL, and I mean ALL of this time this Spice Girl kept walking past me and giving me a Biggie hypnotizing glance.  And I mean she would past with a plate full of water for other customers, Bam!, glance at us.  Carrying food on a! There she would go again...Just walk by with her other co-worker, and it was Bam! Bing! Triple 7 like a Vegas slot.  So as my guy was hitting me with some Nancy Reagan "Just Say No" type of stuff, that nite I didn't wanna hear about u tell me how to make this girl say "Yes!" , that way  I can blame it all on Reganomics!...being real y'all.

The dinner finally ended, and after eyeing each other more than a game of Battleship, I said to myself we gonna get her.  (I didn't even have to use my Mentos for this one...I got this!)  Ha ha!!  She was in the front, and I said something Slick Rick like (can't believe I'm writing this stuff!)..."eye noticed u looking at me..."..."what is your name?..."  Long story her number.  So I walk out with McGruff with my swag on a Cuba Gudding Jr.s at the Oscars level!

I got back to the spot...and do that phone planning..."I'm gonna call her in a day in a half...right before 9pm...cuz that ain't too late...but I can be the last thing on her mind for the night"...type tip!   I give her that call.  We talked, but she was a little slow on the speech.  Like she was hiding something, heck I don't know...I told her about where I went to college, and she started to name some names of some of the guys she knew up there.  Red flags, cuz the cats she named I knew they were on that Dirt McGirt with chicks....definitely gonna need Baby Jesus for this one!...convo ended.  So I ended up asking some of the dudes she was naming as who she's hung out with... I threw out the name, and they just smiled like my old Math teacher in high school when she passed out a test and just knew everybody was gonna flunk it! (and they did!)  After that, surprising...I said, I'm gonna leave this chick alone, I don't wanna be bothered with a girl who's been dipped more than a flamenco dancer!

Now, as I look back...I think I was sorta wrong.  Number one, she was single, and if it didn't work out with him or him, that doesn't mean she was a whore or dirty chick.  Things happen.  And u never know she might've changed her ways.  People do do that u know!  It still happens....even though folks or the media leads us to think otherwise.  I'm at a point in our life, where I almost don't even care about a person's past, cuz it just adds to the drama.  Where are u at NOW?  U start talking about what u did at the 50-yard line on the football field, and all this stuff...u start to talk about sexual history...folks give bogus numbers...they say multiply a girl's response and subtract from a man' about this...are u clean?  That's all I wanna know, for real.  My Grandpa told me to pull a Donald Trump, and have girls tested before I even go out on a first date with them!  And u wonder why I'm so crazy!!  But relationships are ruined, I mean RUINED on past history.  U want to know...u tell them...u end up on Maury!  EVERYBODY has a history, in some why not let this "new" relationship start from Bisquick scratch, and let's see where it goes....and if u do that, I feel like the sky's the limit.

A. Galaxia.

Monday, February 20, 2012

L and F.

Lovers and Friends...Vicki Vale and Bruce Wayne (Batman)

Always like to take advantage of the day, and write something down.  Just because u never know, when we're gonna hang 'em up and say "that's it", the script has been written, all the laughs and stories have been shared.  It's time to move on...but until that moment, we write.

Today was an excellent day, it really was.  This morning got caught up watching some old episodes of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and Martin.  I really miss tha 90s, and just to hear some of the old phrases they used to use like:  "U better ask somebody!" or  people "getting railroaded".  Those shows were so real.  One saying that I remember people in the hood saying that they don't say anymore is "Who in the hell left tha gate open?"  That was the saying though, comedians used to say that on the old show ComicView, cats on the block or at school used to let it rip at the oddest of times.  So I just wanted to know, where did that saying actually come from?  I've always wanted to know that.  Well, come to find out, that saying came from a sermon by a minster, Rev. B.W. Smith.  And I ended up watching that sermon on today which was very interesting.  He was telling a story of a dog who kept bumping into the gate, until on day the gate was open, and he ended up getting that Cheaters beat down, and that's what the dog said after he limped back to the porch defeated.  So many points made throughout about life and different types of people.  Good stuff!

One thing that stood out was him saying, "I'm gonna tell it!"  U know that hits my heart, because we've been begging people to tell their story of what they've been through.  It's missing nowadays.  I still think about our diary, especially now since it's so "out there" for the galaxia to read.  I know our stories of different chicks gets old...or talking about just having fun in life.  Sure some people probably think it's too good to be true.  But it's not.  We're as real as a two-dollar bill.  Just feel like we have to tell our story.  Cuz one day, it may not be now, but years down the line, u gonna type in our name in a google search and this website is gonna is gonna be the first thing that pops up.  And everyone can see for themself, all that we've been through, and all the steps...that's where the confidence comes in.  The knowledge that you have LITERALLY taken all the steps to a life beyond our dreams.  That's why I say bask (old school word) in all your trials, cuz they only make u better.  I know for a fact, this isn't some Aseop Fable or me preaching about anything.  Just our life and our experiences, many of which I didn't ask for, but they happen and we learned from them.  Period.

Interesting thing, I was in front of the Bass Museum giving a text on the phone, and this kid rolls up with a grandma it look like, and he just stopped a looked at us for like 2 minutes.  Weird site.  I didn't know if he wanted a fruit roll-up or what, but...our life is so wild.  Now we are really consumed about having fun.  Asking different people who I think are cool and beautiful.  It's not about making out or popping cherries, at this point it's about enjoying life.  I been blessed to have one of the coolest lives on the earth.  Times it's mad hard...but most the time we are like, man we are really blessed.  Time to share man, if I think someone's having a tough day, let's go out u know.  Just forget about all this stuff, and get down to what I know life is all about, which is having fun.  That can mean doing the stanky leg til 2am in the morning or it can mean a simple talk while walking down Brickell Key.  Dead serious.  Our life is going to another level...going to be interesting to see who comes with.  Maybe the Lord one.  And if so, so be it...don't think so though.

As I just got done writing a "love" topic just hit us.  Which is...Can guys and girls really, and I do mean in my Valley Girl voice, really be solely friends?  What if they are attracted to each other?  Difficult question, and since it's my party, we might as well keep it as real as possible, right...before I go on, I have to say, this diary is really rare cuz u may never in ur Maxwell lifetime come upon something that talks about the issues and experiences that we do in this manner.  Just think about that...and cherish it...I know we are, cuz we don't even know what we say from line to line! if u ask me that question around the year 2001, when my future house had blueprints for mirrors on the ceilings, I woulda said, "Hey dude... Please!"  No way a guy and girl can be just friends.  Now circa 2012, I have to say, that it is possible, but it'll take some mature folks on both sides of the fence for it to happen.

"That Moment".  If u have to ask what "that moment" is, perhaps u need to stop reading our diary and pull out a dvd of Dr. 90210 or MTV's Boiling Points.  But if u must continue to read this (yea!!), "That Moment" is when a friendship can cross the line like a fraternity and turn either into the ultimate awkward moment...or suddenly turn into a love jones like when Babs kissed Buster on Tiny Toons!  Some say the best relationships have begun where the two parties began as buds in the garden.  I think as care-free friends, u freely talk about  issues, and really get to know each other without the threat of anything turning into a Skin-a-Max flick!  This happens a lot, especially when u grow up together and stuff.  But still, as the relationship goes on...

My boy Omarion had a song out on this exact's good stuff...that's one what about guys and girls becoming friends just because of similar interests and stuff.  I think it's sometimes difficult for an attractive girl or guy...not gonna say's difficult for someone to be friends at the start when they are initially attractive to that person.  It's like if u wanna first date them, then it's tough to turn back the knob, and go into the friends category.  (The infamous f-word...uggh!)  It's easier the other way around...this ain't even on the topic, but let me just say...if u have a friend, and u want them to hook them up with one of their friends...listen close...more than likely they WON'T do it, if they a) wanna hook up with you and b) if they wanna hook up with the person u wanna hook up with.  And u can take that last one however u wanna take it!  But let's just say, I know...c'mon Jigga, I played it once but I'ma play it I said, I know.  So if they don't really make an effort for the friend intros, then they just might want them for themselves.  Our opinion, and we have stories to prove it.

Friends...let us get this out the way as well.  There's no such thing as somebody being "outta your league".  That's a bunch of buffalo chips, for real.  People are people.  There's many physically attractive or monetary surplus girls and guys just sitting around, without no dates cuz folks think their looks or pocket money or swag makes them unattainable.  I think my future wife is gonna fit in that category cuz we'll be able to relate.  I remember back in the day on those talk shows like Ricki Lake or Jenny Jones, they used to have those episodes of being "too hot for a date".  Didn't Courtney Cox just say something about no one asking her out on a date?  Oh well, but for those who think a guy or gal is unattainable, they are not.  Be yourself and be real, and the mojo will flow from there if it's meant to be.

Fin.  So yes, I do believe that guys and girls can be friends.  Some may argue on that premise, but if u're right and know the person, it's possible.  We've hung out with some cool girls, and just enjoyed each other's company.  Sometimes it's nice to do that with the opposite sex.  People are people.  And sometimes it's the getting to know a person which sparks true love.  I believe that....through all our Hollywood lifestyle, I still believe that.

Signing off,
163 XIA.
(Which is really our license plate, which is our fav. # 21 - 7 X 3, and Galaxia...and u say this ain't meant to be!)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

World...Meet...The Boy!

Remember the Show...Boy Meets World!  Classic Times!

Feeling pretty darn good right now!  Heat just got done beating the Magic...they looking tough, really tough...Hey, President Clinton was at the game!  That's cool...Boy, do we have a very, very classic story about the first time I met him face-to-face, gonna save that one for now...

Today was a day in which I realized that we are such a different person than we were even on last week...Experiences and trials and exposures to different things and people can really make u better in the long run.  Thank God for it!  Think we're at a point where, our life is about to take off and hit another level...I don't think but I know it is...It's not that we think we are invincible or anything.  Just that I honestly feel like the world has shifted in some ways, and that it has shifted our way.  May be crazy for thinking that, but...yesterday, it was like our whole life just opened up.  I sat down late in the afternoon, started to get a little upset about a certain instance that I didn't take advantage of...but then our whole perspective shifted like from a big picture standpoint, we are right in the perfect position to do some damage, and live like we want to live...which is to be high on pure fun!

That's why, even though it's tough, we need to glorify the nights alone or sights of people making out in front of you after u just had another bad love experience or sometimes the feeling of being rejected whether by a job or a person...those are the times where "star quality" and swag is born.  You began to get that "what do I have to lose" type of attitude, that fearlessness that all is possible, and if I can withstand this trial, I can do anything.  One of my guys, Billy Boy, and myself to have a saying about life that simply goes, "348!", which if u look on the telephone pad signifies the letters "F-I-T!"(That don't mean fit either!  Single out the F, and put together the I and T for our meaning!)  And it's true, u have nothing to is to be lived to the fullest.  But I must say experience can be the only way this attribute to ur system.  The Lord works in mysterious ways and many times what u once wanted u find u don't want anymore...and it wasn't what u thought it was.

Oh, I almost forgot, we are still in this month centered around "Love and Relationships".  What is in the air to talk about today?  How about we talk about the thrill of the chase.

Rubbing our hands on this one because I know "first-hand" that this is all what some people are about and then they move on 2 tha next one.  Why is that?  It's almost like, humans are programmed to want what they can't have, neglecting what they may have in front of them.  I girl is asking u to dance at a party, u keep hoping the girl across the room will ask u.  U tell the girl in front of u, "no", while waiting for the other chick, and funny thing happens..she never does. So u're in an oh two hole like the Yankees and go home talking about the party was "whack"!  U had a chance but instead lost it, by wanting to experience the thrill of the chase.  It's wild, but so true.  Somehow as we've grown up, we think that the more difficult a thing is, the better that thing is.  "Ok, ok...she's told me no 7 times, so that means she just playing hard to get.  I know she's the one."  Perhaps, she just not into u dude!  It happens...

On my basketball team, we used to have a phrase called, "taking the path of least existence."  Meaning if the other team defends u one way, don't fight and force ur way going that way, just simply take the open path that's available.  That was my problem in the past.  Instead of taking opps to make friends with those of the opposite sex, I was too busy dreaming up of hitting it outta tha park.  C'mon somebody, I ain't the only one!  Instead of taking things slow...hi-hi-convo-number-date-date-date-date-courting-meet parents-meet friends-date-engagement-wedding-jolly was more hi-hi-convo-number-I just met my future wife, and I know she's the one!  Which was totally the wrong approach.  Emotions can get the best of you, and one thing I've definitely learned was just because two people can make a great couple "physically" ("Oh u guys would make a cute couple.!") doesn't mean u two are supposed to be in an relationship with one another.  Let me tell a story...did u expect anything else?

I remember last summer (I'm throwing the has to be at least a year before I talk about an episode rule out the window!) interacting with this one girl.  She happened to live up north, like in Miramar.  Pretty mamacita...I found out that she likes hoops, and more specifically the Los Angeles Lakers.  The Heat are my squad, and help pay the bills, but it's also great to come upon someone who likes my West Coast team as well.  She seemed down.  We ended up talking through Saturday night, she dag gone kept me up all night long , her and her friend.  Just talking a flirting.  I had to jump in the shower and stuff...but I felt like, she has some Wall Street potential. I was thinking I would like to have some of her stock in my portofolio!  Feeling her...we talked another time face-2-face via Skype, with her laying on her lush carpet, barefooted, and rocking the CNBC newsanchor glasses.  She looked sexy...but guess what.  That was for some reason the last time we talked.  And I know this is our diary, but with no bias, I can honestly say, I have NO idea why!  No returned emails or talks, just nothing.  So here I was thinking that a possible relationship was forming with this doll, and instead I'm looking like Taylor Swift when K Wheezy jumped on stage!  I'm cool, but was a little taking back...and then maybe it was just the thrill of the chase.

A gent asked me the other day, which celebrity did I think was hot?  I tossed out a few names, but in my heart I realized that I cannot answer that question, due to the fact that I MUST get to know a person before I can give any adjectives like "cool" or "beautiful" or "friend".  Those words are used way too loosely nowadays.  I've been a strong advocate of the "wheelchair test" when it comes to who I'll ask out or date, or what not.  The person has the looks, and the vibe is good, but if something were to happen, could I really take care of this person if they were in a wheelchair or in a fire so their face is scarred up or whatever.  Some people I possibly could, others I couldn't.  And that's ok.  That just means my motivation was just on a physical level at that time, and how she really was as a person didn't attract me.  Deep stuff to think about, but true.

I'm getting hungry so let me wrap this up.  No pun intended!  Attention.  That's a powerful word that could be  either the most positive or the most negative thing in any relationship.  The lack of it does many of breakups bring.  That's another thing I don't get, how can u not notice a subtle change in ur mate when u sleeping next to them...from a hair style to a person wearing colors to the energy they bring wherever they go, it's good to recognize that.  Everybody likes compliments...just don't be in love with them.  Cuz what happens when u don't get them or when people take ur beauty for granted?  Or ur cooking for granted...u used to be "the best cook in the world, by making a meal. (guys included) ur greatness has stopped becoming a novelty but now an expectation.  The lack of attention can make u go out and see if u still have it tha "ka-pow-yaw!" to bring the kids to the yard.  While the abundance of it, can make a relationship last for decades.  Just to know u doesn't get any better than that!

Ok, I'm not gonna disrespect my diary and start rambling like Loyola .  It's a lot I wanna talk about when it comes to love:  age, race, previous relationships...but our mind is needing a re...NOOOO!  Please say it's not raining now!  I gotta go and hit the beach to get some food!  Oh well, what can u do?  I guess as in life, a simple delay in the action can help u in the long run.  In this journey u wanna be fresh...that makes all the difference in the world...and definitely in the galaxia.

Austino Galaxia.
Good stuff is ahead...believe us when we say that, it's a whole new level!  Oh, and I don't think that was rain outside a window, I think a cat just...I gotta get outta here!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Beach Slapped!!

Interesting day on today...wake up early as possible one can do for a Saturday...go to the great dinero factory...come back to the crib, after battling traffic (International Boat Show is in the hood this weekend), get home...heat up some chicken and eat with some unsweetened applesauce ( pimple might land me on suicide watch! U think I'm kidding!!), and some trail mix.  Pop in DVR recording of Lakers/Suns game from last until 1st timeout in 2nd quarter, then take a nap round 12:15 pm...wake up...almost in a daze...put some of our workout gear, and then head to the ath. club to break a was a fight mentally, but u gotta go through it...

Hold up...u know, South Beach during the day is so wacky on the weekends.  I'm not gonna lie, I prefer to hit the sand mostly during the weekdays, cuz on the weekends it can be too much of a "show" and not enough fun u know.  I worked at the beach for four summers up north and have seen so much "skin" and drama filled afternoons and evenings.  But down here on the island, site of Baywatch East,  its basically multiplied to the "nth" degree.  I don't understand some of it...never have.  In terms of the "exposure" and stuff.  U know what I'm talking about!  I didn't even hit the dunes today, although it was a perfect beach day.  But u know how u get the feeling of a false aura of confidence in the air.  Like folks think they look all...that's what we're gonna talk about tonight, and it fits right in with our month of "Luv".  And how about that...

Miami is one of, if not possibly the sexiest cities in the world.  It really is, u have friends who visit or have seen travelers come down, and immediately after they step into that humidity, a new aura comes upon you.  Like, in a matter of 50 steps from the plane, I've transformed into "hot".  So then...if u live in Miami, u know we're right!...u have to deal with all this superficial attitudes, like, "I'm in Miami ----h!", that anything that can be done, will be done.  I'm all about having fun, u all know that, but sometimes it just feels forced or...fake.  Ok, I gotta story...

I remember being in high school, my...what's your tenth anniversary of schooling called??...yeah, that's right my sophmore year.  I was moving into high school (10-12th grade was h.s. up north...long story)...and during the summer, it was my first year of Marching Band.  Alto Sax players, whoo whoo!!  Raise the roof!!  So I didn't know what to expect.  So during all these opening practices getting ready for the band season, we had all these upper classmen telling us new "novices" what to do and all that.  In band, we had what we called section leaders, and boy, some of them really worked their so-called power.  It was serious!!  I had no idea how I wouldn't say dedicated, some of the kids were!  I love music, and did it to stop me from slinging Mike 'n' Ikes and Sixlets on the corner!  I can still get u some for that Ronaldo price too, just meet me behind the Liberty gas station on Coral Way around 11pm and we can talk! after the summer, I'm like, these Kid Capri's here must run tha school like Ralph and, after that first week of school Lil Kim jumped off...they were as quiet as a mouse blowing wind on a piece of cotton!  I was like, u telling me, these cats are actually the shyish and mutest people in the school!  Telling u...Jay Park, am I wrong??...what it should me, was that sometimes those who make the most noise, don't necessarily the nosiest in life. So getting back to beachwear, and we have a decade's worth of experience...the more you show, the less to know..a kleenex string bikinee, takes away the mystery...and who wants to read a book, that u already know the ending too!  I don't...anymore.

South Beach is one of the most physically demanding places in the world...if u let it.  One thing that's adds to the lure, is that when u have so many physically attractiveness walking around...a) u get spoiled, and 2) there's more indirect competition among us...checking out a guy's six pack, guys pull up their shirts a lot in the gym...or what about stopping by parked cars to check urself out in the windows.  Anything is used as a mirror  from parked cars to cell phones on idle to butter knives, just anything to make sure everything is good in tha face....then wit guys u who give this look borderline stalkish look at these women is scary, but humorous.  I call it the "South Beach Glance".  Other day, I was walking, and this attractive woman was walking across the street, and then as she crossed the street, she began to run in her clog shoes.  The thing was, she had on those low hip hugger jeans, so her jeans were following down, ridiculously, and I just glance at my guy who was cuttting the grass of an apartment building, and we just smiled, and kept moving.  This one time when I was in the landromat, this guy literally almost knocked me over as he was running past me, and out the door, to literally check out this female.  Grown man...guess it would do that to u sometimes.

So how does that involve relationships?  My personal opinion is that with so much egotism from different cultures around the world, people are more close within than in other places.  I also think, that here in Miami, people, maybe even myself, have more of a "type" of someone they are gonna go out with or marry.  The girl has to be Columbian, brown hair, plus size, pretty smile...yada yada.  I think having a "type" is somewhat universal, but for instance if u go back up north...oh I like this...when u ask what does a person look for in a mate, more than likely the description is not gonna start with something physical, but more personality characteristics....ask that down here of both sexes, and whether they admit it or not, first and foremost it starts  usually with physically or ethnic related qualities.

Well, let me see, I gotta do some stuff tonight, so is there anything else?...oh yes...Another major relationship adjustment with Miami, and especially SoBe is the amount of visitors not from the area who frequent our streets.  That can be good, in terms of meeting other people, views, and the fish in sea pool is enlarged...but on the same Chuck E. Cheese token, u may not really get to know the real person.  It's like someone on one night, don't know their sexual background in terms of diseases and stuff, or even what's the kissing disease...Mono...that's true even locally, but with Miami being the ultimate big city-small town where everybody either knows or knows somebody who knows, u can get the 411 a whole lot easier than somebody from the Ukraine.  Have I dated a Ukra...(grabbing my tape recorder..."click"...note to self, add a Ukrainian woman to the list...I repeat...add a...)...I'm big trouble aren't I??

One more thing...I feel down here in Miami, there is a difference somewhat, in the people depending in the area u live in?  Now, I've heard, and that many girls find us "South Beach guys" to be sorta hot, but jerks who r only concerned about their own looks, want to hook up for a night, just want to party, yet spend cash like water expecting a night of fun.  The stereotypes are there as for "South Beach girls" (Nothing but games...golddiggerish)...but what I'm saying is that sometimes the aura of where u live rubs onto u, no matter if u want it to or not.  I know as u go more into Miami proper like Kendall, or Coral Gables, u see more of family interaction, and couples with kids in strollers, and schools everywhere...shoot, it took me 2 years to see a kid here in the neighborhood!  And I used to be like, "they have houses in Miami?"  Cuz I'm so used to just seeing condos or apartment can mess wit u psykey.  So I think that has some influence on ur dating habits, u see people settling down, friends throwing their player jersey in the rafters, u think about it urself, I think.  I see a lot of a playground for adults, so as I've found out, it's a little tougher.  Maybe that's a good line for me 2 used tonight, "Would u like to swing tonight?"

...if I could only find a beautiful girl like the hot Miss Marcie...oh, how the mind wonders.

Austino Galaxia

Friday, February 17, 2012

Y Hate?

Don't hate the success!  Cast of Friends.

Today started like so waaaaay early this morning.  Like 3 a.m. some good sleep, but had like a series of dreams.  One being us playing for the Los Angeles Lakers ball team...interesting, but it was so realistic...I was hooping with the squad like right there. I remember after the game, me getting on the team charter bus, giving some "dap" to the bus driver as I got on, then going to my seat in the back.  Kobe Bryant was back there, as was Matt Barnes, we were all just joking around and talking.  Then I remember the squad having a practice at this guys house, it was mad big, and had a court inside...just shooting around and stuff.  Mad sexy house like on the beach.  Guess u never know, but the interaction felt so real...

We've been writing about some crazy stuff as of late.  Just talking from our heart.  Today was thinking about deleting all of our social networks like Twitter and Facebook accounts...but for now gonna keep them.  

But one thing theme that was on our mind was this, and since this is "Love/Relationship" month (yes, there is still more to discuss!), this thought kept on being on our mind today....

Is it better to be loved or hated??

Now that question seems so of course.  Easy answer, right???...or is it.  It seems like a reoccurring theme, but things happen for a reason.  A lot of stuff I still don't know "why", but I believe they do.  I'm gonna get crucial conflict personal tonight, cuz this is our diary, and I have some stuff to get off our chest.  We're sacrificing tonight by staying in, getting some rest, so we gonna write "old school" style just us and our paper or should I say keypad.  Here we go...

Hate.  Definition is to dislike intensely or passionately.  As of late, personally, I feel like we are getting "hated" on in a way.  May be a figment of our imagination, but u know when something is in the air, not a standoffish "I hope ur socks burn in the dryer!", kind of hate, but a standoffish kind, where u feel like some people don't wanna be bothered with you...gotta say this...could be intimated by you.  One of our favorite songs ever is Nas' "Hate Me Now", and that sums up our feeling RIGHT NOW!  The funny thing is...we haven't even gotten loose yet!?!  Oh my...

When there's love u have to have hate.  Just has to be there.  I remember when I was hooping for the basketball squad in college...they had this website called  Like our Junior year, our team was doing pretty good...and all this talk about the success of our team was growing nationwide.  Hold on, this Wyclef Jean song's been on our mind all day, have to play it! on this national website, some people started dissing our team and all this, bout us being thugs, and our off-court  activities (we had preppy dudes, gangstas, our team was complete with all backgrounds and races) day, this guy started to call out names, many of which was not only on my team, but in my crew, and what stood out was this character saying that, and I quote, "And u have Austin Williams who thinks he's better than everyone."  I come back from class and stuff, and my boys were like, "where did that all come from"...knowing that I wouldn't hurt a fly, unless needed.  "Hate".  So it's like we've been prepared, along with other instances for whatever comes our way...even when it has no backing for it.

I know, I'm not the only one who feels like their hated on for no Bernie-Mac'in reason.  You get an A on you test in class, but that increases the Blackberry Curve the teacher has for the class, so the rest of the students wanna dip u like an Dilly Bar in the garbage can outside the school cafeteria.  U doing ur best, yet hated about this one, gonna stir up some stuff tonight ladies and gents...

...I remember listening to NPR (National Public Radio) and they were having a conversation about weddings and more specifically bridesmaids.  The talk centered around the fact how the bride would purposely sabotage the outfits of her maids just so she could be the prettiest doll of them all.  It got serious...women calling in talking about they know their girlfriends are hot and attractive and they refuse to let them steal the attention from her on her Ken and Barbie day.  I understand, but what u're saying is that the bridesmaids are basically getting hated on, for looking good (in ur own words), and instead have to wear something that looks like it came out of the dumpster of the workroom of the Ashley Twins??!!  See, it's and indirect yet direct form of hatred.  Ladies, am I wrong about many times have u gone out and know u can just rock the joint, just came from the gym, got ur nails and feet done, but since u're out with ur fellow friends decided to just "fit in" with tha gals, by how u dress, just so u won't attract attention.  Are there crickets sounding right now...I've done it, and I know I'm not the only one.

So what do u do, if ur a guy and getting attention from girls by just walking in the juke joint?  Or if u're a girl, going to the beach, and are a little shy about pulling off that beach towel, cuz u look mad good and don't want the...I've seen some crazy stuff, and folks throwing their bodies all over the place, and if they can do it, guys and girls who take care of themselves sure nuff can...but this is real out here, being afraid of success because we are concerned what other people think.

U got the ...u may wanna stop cuz it's gonna be long tonight....u got the hots for a girl who by dead poet's society's standards, u shouldn't approach or ask out.  What we've learned is that everybody has a different taste in what is attractive.  U a jock, she's a quote unquote "brainiac", so what, what do u feel about her.  If she's real, go for it.  She may like you, u never know...ur fam has some money, "my family would never accept someone of his background", ok, but what makes u happy.  Is the guy cool?  Make u laugh?  Can he juggle bowling ball pins with both of his hands blindfolded?  I'm just so tired of us, me included, being afraid of possible "hate" from friends or family or people who don't give a Flunky Jones about u anyway, that I almost wanna throw something, or karate chop the next person I see un-adulterating hating on somebody recklessly!

Especially when a person wants to better themselves.  "Oh, you're eating organic now, u think u better than us, now huh?" (Ugly face made!)..."You wanna go back to school, I don't want you to, because u just gonna outgrow me, and breakup the relationship." (Ugly face again!)..."No one's in this family has ever gone out for a team or for a band, u're not good enough to make it anyway, that's just a waste of time."  (Do I have to say it again.)...These are real issues being dealt with within families, and especially relationships.  

This if for the fellas...if u're girl or who u're taking out wants to dress a certain way that's presentable and sexy (not hoochie mama sexy, eye wondered if I should I have -----ed that??), but if she wants to dress nice, and it'll make her feel good, let her do it...please.  I say this because, all this trying to hide people up like they are one of Michael Jackson's kids, has to stop.  I'm not one for this...what's the right word...overprotection of people to the point where they have to do what u say, when u say, and by golly miss molly how u want them to do it.  U just gotta step ur game up!  It goes both ways, if u're man wants to be stylin' and profilin'...guess what, let him.  There's nothing wrong with being at ur best on the outside, and more important on the inside.  We have to stop trying to handcuff souls...there's enough handcuffing already going around, just go to the mall tonight and u'll see...

Sorry for being so long, but this "hating" thing has to stop.  I can see if someone did something controversial, ok, and perhaps...but for working hard...for trying to make someone's day on the job...for saying "hi" to a complete stranger...guess I'm so sensitive, cuz I've felt and in some ways feeling it as we write this.  That's ok, we're ready for it and as my guy once said, "I ain't going no where, so u might as well get to know me."...

And do it while u can.

Austino Galaxia.