Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Unreleased Tapes!

Diaries from 2005...Should we release the unreleased?!!

(Huge Smile!)  Gonna have fun writing this one, because this one is for us.  So, shall see where this all leads, u know how that goes.  Staying in on this night.  Got some needed rest, earlier with an extended nap, woke up just in time to see FSU beat Duke at the buzzer in college hoops!  Planning on this being a fun night (when is it isn't?!), more on that later.

Watched the movie, The Devil Wears Prada, which is an fun movie to watch, which has a lot of underlining tone to it.  Is working toward this quote unquote ultimate goal, really worth it in the end if u forsake personal relationships or become just a -----. Due to the FCC, I had to erase what I wanted to say, it started with a "p" and ended with a "k", so whatever.  But, something to think about...trying to reach ur dreams, and then when u get them, u like, "is this it?".  My boy T-Gib say something like this when it comes to relationships.  So true.

Alright...we are about to go into a flat out 180 degree turn from what "I" felt I needed to write about, and tell a story.   Been fortunate, as I glance into the tape room of our life motion picture room, I find so many people who have touched our heart in one way, shape or fashion.  I gotta write this as real as possible...there's a feeling in our soul right now, that somebody out there has given up on finding true love.  Now, if u've read our diary, u know that our whole life has been kitty littered with episodes that although are entertaining, have been quite puzzling and quizzical, when it's come to the opposite sex.  Many have left us staring at the stars, like u tell me this has happened...again.  Or "What else can we do?" or "U tell me she can't give a simple 'yes' or 'no' answer?"

And what about those classic, as I like to call them, "one-on-one confrontations".  And I'm not talking bout no Federer vs. Nadal or Kylie Minogue vs. Ms. Louise Ciccone for the dance queen title, type stuff baby!!  We're talking about when u going to class, on campus, and u look 25 yards ahead, and u see that person who just DJ Screwed u over, and they're walking directly ur way.  C'mon somebody, I know I'm not the only one who's been like, ok, do I...a) Speak...b) Look the other way...c) Give a mean, ugly glance at the person...4) Cuss them out using words that actual don't even exsist, "U Mutha-Dufus!  And I can't stand it when u play Gwen Stefani's 'Blow Ur Mind' over...and over...and I'm glad u didn't return my calls, u saved my minutes!  So u actually did me a favor!!  And u know what else...", all that kind of stuff.  Anyhow, this stuff happens.  But, through it all, u have to still remain positive, and know that anything is still possible.  As is anyone...u may think that Love is impossible, but u just never know.  If I can survive all these stories, there's no doubt, anybody can.  Cuz, trust me, the episodes people dream about, we've in many ways experienced.  Still fight and realize u're right around the corner from u're dreamboat...

Here's another one for the book...

It began at the airport.  Chicago's O'Hare airport to be more specific.  On my way back to the MIA after a trip back up north to Indiana to see the fam.  I went through the usual security checks and stuff and now was just in a let me chill til I get back to tha crib type mode.  If I remember correctly, I got something to eat like a wrap or something from Micky Single D's.  I sat down and was eating in the lobby of the gate or whatever.  I was there for some time, just thinking about life, probably the usual stuff that runs through our mind.  A song, a cartoon,  La I was fantasizing...I'm sorry, "considering" a few things, I look up at this row up in front and am like, "who is that?"  I see this really pretty gal, get up to throw something away, and then she went back to her seat.  She had her back turned from us, but man...she had this like Juicy Couture  jumpsuit on, I mean the whole velour suit!  A full-figured woman, and she really looked like Vanessa Marcil, just with a fuller figure and a more cinnamon skin tone.  The old adage that we been told and have learned is that, "a woman is never as beautiful as u remember her."  She was physically attractive...but I got to know her as a person, u know...

So I think, she got up once again, and I Twin Peeked up and saw her, and still was like, "huh, I think she's going to be on this flight back to the 'ultimate singles pick up spot', other wise known as the Miami International  Airport.  She gets up before we do, and leaves or whatever...they begin to call out the group numbers.  I mean does that really matter anyway, u can be in like group 2 and still not have room for ur bag up top, how's that possible??  So they called our group, and I checked in an got on tha plane.  I was located in the front, to the right as u enter the aircraft, and my seat was a middle seat of three.  Odd position for our standards, I'm chillin' there for several minutes, not really concerned with who's gonna take the seats surrounding us.  Just wanna get home safely, ya dig...I look up, and see this beauty coming up the row...and we like, "ah boy..."...yep, u guessed it.  This gal, pauses in our row, and is like, "I have the window seat."  So I get up, let her slide in to her cushion, and no I didn't stick my hand down in her seat as she was about to sit down!!  But I just sat down there and felt like, "this could get interesting...".

Now, I was really cool as usual, nothing beats experience, just have to say that.  When u've gone threw so much and seen so much, u tend not to over-analyze certain situations.  That's why u have to embrace the pain sometimes, cuz it may b preparing u for some instance or better person in ur near future...I absolutely did not say a word to here except a "Hi" or something.  The plane took off and I'm not gonna lie, I was thinking about should we "Talk" to her or just ride this thang out , u know.  O decisions, decisions...but frankly speaking, she made it for us.  She laid her head on the window and began to go into total nap mode.  "Shoot!"  Then again, whatever, but she's ultra right u know.  Guess it's not meant to be.  Let me get out my book, and just educate myself...

Alright.  So we're like, "it is what it is."  About and 1/2 - Jordan 45 minutes into the flight, the stewardess came around with food and snacks.  Low and behold our angel woke up out of her sleep.  Hmmm (with a finger to our lips!)...she comes by and asks if we wanted anything.  I said just give me some water.  Homegirl order like a meal on the ritz!  Obviously, she was a vet in air culinary spreads.  They deliver...I'm reading, and she's eating while looking out of the window.  Something told me pull out my diary...forget it, God led us to pull out or diary to capture this moment with us sitting next to this beautiful girl.  So we begin to write about should we say something to her...if we do, what should we say...ladies, this is what guys think about.  So as we writing about her, with her next to us, she asks, "What are you writing?"  She spoke 2 us, yeahh!!! (Totally just kidding!)  We told her that we "keep a diary" about our life and such.

Then she started to hit us with the typical Miami woman's questions in rapid fire order...and u better be quick and have some good answers or else as u'll have, "No Chance!"...  "What do you do?", she asked..."I work two jobs...I work for Nordstrom and the Miami Heat."..."Huh...Where do you live?"..."I live in the South Beach area."  Then she went on to say that she also lived in South Beach.  She lived in The Floridian condo.  we got to talking about the neighborhood and stuff, as well as the flight.  So I asked her what she did for a living, let me ask some questions dag-gone it!...she said she was a host for a TV show down here in Miami.  Got to talking about that lifestyle and stuff.  Found out she was mad cool, even offering me some of her food. No joke!  We got comfortable, and was about to get even more comfey...

After some air chit chat, we then went back to our own worlds...she had a book with her, so I asked her what she was reading.  She said she was reading a book on phyical feelings and how it can be influenced by the mind.  *Parential Guidance Advised for the next few sentences, but I have to tell this story as is...*  Kids hidden, alright...She went on to tell me about her man, and their sexual escapades.  How she wanted to "put it on him" so well, that when her man sees her, he begins to twitch or get a tingly feeling about her just from her sight.  She even gave me percentages on how she acts during sex, like holding out 70%, and how she's going to go in like 90% or something to make sure she got her man.  I've heard a lot, but she was serious!!  A lesson (#1) well taken on our part: The power of a woman, and the games some play.

We went on to talk about their relationship.  He was an handsome TV guy, I believe, who had bazooka money.  He traveled a lot...she told me of all these women wanting to nab him, but she was the girl, and she wanted to make sure no one would ever be a close contest.  Lesson #2:  If u're a good catch, guy or girl, sooner or later someone will notice, more than likely more than one.  Plus, #3:  U never know how many people may be plotting to approach u.  Always remember, "Game recognizes game."  This is a lot of writing, but I gotta tell this story...

So ONCE AGAIN, I'm listening to a gorgeous girl tell me about their drama with their man. It was cool, though, just sometimes...all the while we are talking and becoming extra friendly, she keeps on singing the lyrics 2 that Kayne classic featuring Ray.  Man, u don't understand, she sung "Gold digger", throughout our WHOLE convo.  She was OOC (out of control)!!...the plane landed.  And we walked out together through  Club M.I.A. and to go to the luggage pickup.  Before we left the plane she asked me, if we wanted to take a cab together back to our homes on South Beach.  We said, "sure."...So get our luggage, and once again, I felt all eyes on both of us as we were walking.  We got our stuff, and then caught a cab.  During the ride, we was talking the entire way, laughing, she telling us how crazy we are and stuff...get to tha hood, and they dropped me off first.  We exchanged phone numbers, and it was kosher.

We text her onced...and she replied and stuff....didn't really holla at her that often, she did have a man, and our lifestyle is sometimes tough for those girls who have bf's...awkward...but months, and I mean months after we met, I get a's from the personal assistant (she told me she was gonna get one!) of homegirl.  He was inviting me to a party she was throwing on Lincoln Road.  I think it was at the Set nightclub.  It was supposed to be jumping wit celebs and stuff, but I ended up not going.  She taught me enough, but she was cool...more than anything, I learned that u just never know who u might meet.  Anything's possible at any particular time.  Trust me!

However we feel, specially about relationships or what not, still gotta fight through and believe.  We met and are meeting some of the most beautiful people inside out/outside in, on a daily basis.  Blessed in that regard.  Also, let's u see it's a lot out here.  Don't know why I wrote this, but another part of us in cyberspace.  Another episode...another girl...another lesson...The diary of Austino Galaxia.  One day...and it just may be today.  U never know!


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