Saturday, January 7, 2012

Eye see myself in you!

Messi and Ronaldo
Man, I've been thinking about this all dia...Many times in life people and situations cross our eyesights in which we take for granted.  Put there are rare instances where certain people cross your path in which, you feel like, hummm...we have a similar vibe with one another.  It's during those moments where emotions can run rapid from a mutual love affair...all the way to a hatred for one another.  Ok, I got like 40 minutes to finish this up, cuz our night is really just beginning.  But how do we as a people feel when u've met somebody that can get down as well as u can.  Good question...

LBJ and Kobe
I know on a sports level, it can get Minnesota Wild.    I think when two elite athletes meet on their playing field of choice, you know there's an extra 'aura' in the air.  As a competitive person, as myself can attest to, you should want to see how you stack up against other people who many consider to be the best.  That's why I like to pick the brains of people who have experience, in not only a craft, but in life in general.  How did u get this?  What would you do in that situation?  You can learn so much from experiences...I think that's what's missing from our society 2day.  People just telling what they've been through.  One, I think the quote unquote Oldheads, don't want to tell the young people about certain things.  Sometimes u don't have to lecture, just give a quote or giggle...that can in and of itself lead to some great conversing.  On the other side of the pickle, I think us young folk, are reluctant to take the effort to search out people who've been in the game.  I know they claim, "an ounce of experience is more than a pint of advice", but that pint sometimes could save u from wasting that ounce.  

The Line Is Drawn!
I like to ask questions to intellectually advanced gents and sexy dolls, just to learn about this thing call life...As of late, there have been so many breakups in relationships.  Things do happen...I've never been in a long, true relationship, so perhaps why I haven't is because of what I'm about to write.  As a single gent, who appreciates all types of mamacitas, I've always wondered, especially more than ever...for me personally is it better to date someone who is exactly or very similar to myself.  Or would it be better to relation-alize with (ha!) someone who is totally opposite to me.  They claim opposites attract.  Interesting really.   My college basketball coach told me, "O (my nickname), you'll know u met the one when you have so many things in common, and you'll be like, 'What, you like that too?!"  True...for some.

But why are there so many breakups?  I asked this one scallywag about if two very attractive people, who get strong attention from the oppostie sex, stay together in a relationship.  We can take it a step further, what if both folks are strong-willed...or obsessed with spending money...or both like to party's different strokes for different folks.  And that makes the world so special.  Sometimes people change or people try to change the other mate.  In my opinion, this should be interesting...I think that we don't get to know people on a 'deep' level before we automatically make an assumption about other people.  Does that make sense.  I know myself, has been guilty many a times of being like, alright (I wrote about this before I think)...alright, she has the look of my future girlfriend.  Heck, I remember telling somebody once, that "I just met my wife!"  Haaaa!!!  I feel like rolling around like a kitten on the kitchen floor, b/c that didn't work out.  And ain't even more funny when say the person u either have an interest in or dating or marry ends up getting with somebody else, and u like, "Are u serious?"  He or She got rid rid of me for....this?  (as I'm making the ugly face as I write that!)...I mean, "Seriously."  But, as someone once said, perhaps that person wasn't who YOU thought they were!  I know somebody knows what I'm talking about.  Trading in Prime Rib for Steak-umms...that actually sounds good right now...with the cheese melting over while it cooking...what!!

Just thoughts.  Someone may need to hear, hey, we've all been sorta heartbroken in one way or another.  If u haven't...u may or u may not, just know it does happen.  You know what...I'm going over my time limit, and gotta get ready for a great dinner, but gotta tell this story...again.

I'll keep this short.  I was once attracted to this one young lady.  Killer smile, and mad cutie pie.  Short in stature, but u could tell she was perhaps different.  We used to exchange small talk here or there.  To make a long story short...she later told me that she didn't believe in dating.  Never heard that before, but not too much knocks me off my feet anymore.  It kind of hurt me to hear her say that.  Anyhow, the experience with us two, must have sparked something, because not too long after denying us, she ended up dating this other guy that I've known for years!!  No wonder this beautiful Colombian mother once told me, "Don't date Miami women!"  If a woman/mother tells u that then....and that's not the kicker.  The Dalai Lama about this whole thing was that the guy she was dating, soon after ended up giving me a ride.  So I'm in the backseat of this guy's car while he's telling his friend in the passenger seat, stuff like, "She's awesome!" "She amazing!" "I'm changing because of her" and all this Gnarls Barkley kind of talk, holding my Tupac ego in, listening to all this jabbering!

And u wonder, why I am why we are...Movie scene the car, with tha dude, who 'got' the girl, u 'dug', but 'did u wrong', and not say anything about it.  Other people have been through stuff, that's why I say, tell it.  It can help people.  Help me, heck...I can ALWAYS use tips on life, love, whatever.  Its about getting better.  It hasn't happen yet...but why do I feel like...huh.  Stay tuned.


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