Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Newest Bad Boy!

Will Smith.
Thank God!  Just got back from doing some grocery shopping...and really came accross some deals in which we saved $25.99 according to receipts and stuff.  That's a great deal of money, especially considering our eating habits from Turkey Burgers to Alaskan Wilderness trail mix to Chicken Patties to Rozoni Whole Wheat pasta...good stuff.  Thank Heaven above for the deals, now we can tell our dates they can not only order those Super Size fries, but I can even chip in for the pepper and salt!! I mean, who else does things like that!  And they tell me chivalry is dead!  Ha!!

A lot is on my mind and heart tonight...I mean mucho feeling-enzos, and thought toros...this is something different.  I got to say it this way...and from the heart.

Just gonna say this as we go,
As usual where this end no one knows.
Seemingly a lot of emotions have been on our mind,
But that's just part of the journey, which is truly fine.

This week has been so very wild,
I know somebody knows what I mean.
I knew it'll one day be like this,
As if it's an Oscar movie scene.

But, Oh, wait a minute, that did happen,
I was walking just trying to pick up this book.
Low and behold, cameras surrounding the library,
And for some unknown reason the director didn't give me a look.

I should have went up to just somebody, or anybody,
And, at least, introduced my name.
Though I'm just a kid still,
One day these cameras will just be a part of our fame.

So I get my book, and scan it out,
Which is aptly titled Miami Babylon
How can u go wrong reading about deceit,
Wealth, and the tans on a smokin' hot blond.

Now I could spend a whole day, on that topic,
Don't think I ran outta stories to tell.
All shapes, creeds and colors,
And u get it all on our blog...for no sale.

Some even from this summer,
People that exceeded the hype.
I wish I could talk to this Miramar girl,
In which our last convo came via Skype.

Things have been cranked up a notch,
Just had a feeling all the trouble would pass.
When so many strange and tough things happen to u,
How can u blame me for sayin', "I'm having no blast."

But what makes u the strongest is often the most painful,
To my grave, this word I will take.
U have to wait and be patient, and not rush,
To eat the batter of the unfinished cake.

I keep on saying this time and again,
What I want my life to become.
N-U-F spelled backwards,
And to laugh until its done.

I have to write this about somebody,
If she reads this, she'll know who it is.
This even more personal, no joke,
And no it's not about you Liz!

I just wanna get things straight,
And I hope everything's cool.
I hope there's nothing in the air next time we meet,
And u don't push me in ur mental pool.

I think that u were a mad cool girl,
Sexy in ur style and with a lot of sass.
I hope the invite wasn't weird, or anything,
Cuz I understand if you simply have class.

For that reason I asked u in the first place,
Nothing crazy, simply just to hang.
See this is more than about sex or desire
This is becoming a part of the ultimate gang.

Enough about that, point made,
I've learned everything works out how it should.
I like that analogy, I just used,
Its like the little engine that just could.

I'm possessed at finding the coolest people in the world,
and we doing that on a daily basis.
I don't care if you're a dude with 60's bell bottoms,
Or if Maybelline does all your family's faces.

I've come to believe that our life is so unique,
Times it feels so hazy.
But for me to just sit down and lay back,
Man, please, that'll be so crazy.

I recently said in our diary,
That it's Clark Kent no more.
Now it's like the cemented entrances,
Now have nothing but open doors.

Money is no object, trust me on this,
My mind goes far beyond that thought of 2k.
Now it's about acting goofy, living life,
And to see a simple smile, will make my day.

When all is said and done,
You just only have one life to live.
I keep on saying, tell your story,
I know there are lessons to give.

So now let's get back to our above title,
And how it fits into this sexy new gang.
Where else does this a gang have geeks, true thugs,
And models who rock Marc Jacobs' Bang!

This thing is so much bigger than us,
It's more than just the usual diary.
Read our future posts, and our past blogs,
And u see this is like the life of Mike Lowery!

Don't let the attitude fool you,
We're gangsta to a tee.
So what if I love Jeopardy!
Or if I have an eargasm to Scripps Spelling Bee!

Think that's enough, people are probably getting bored,
Saying shut up would u, I'll even give u a buck.
But I can't...God has brought be through too much,
And now I really don't give a ----!

You must go through the steps, you may be lonely,
But soon u'll see that's ok.
Frankie S, once said it, so did Mr. Raymond,
Sometimes it's just part of your way.

Getting emotional right now,
Cuz I really know this only happens once in a blue moon.
It ain't braggin',  its confidence from our trials,
No more questions of how soon?

So as this wraps up, don't treat me like some have,
As some kiddish, underused beach toy.
But look at me now in the unique realm,
Of Diddy, and Rodman,
My name is just simply Austin.
And I'm the world's newest Bad Boy.

Austino Galaxia.

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