Monday, January 16, 2012

The Attractive Mind.

Mr. Miyagi

I'm up here watching a old episode of Batman The Animated Series, and it completely ties in to what's been our thought throughout the day.  The episode is taking place in Japan, and Batman has to fight an old nemesis.  This karate Sensei, looks like Mr. Miyagi (pictured above) from The Karate Kid movie series.  Those movies had so much ka-nowledge in them. does it tie in to our theme for today.  It's simple...Geeks, Nerds and the "Wise" are coming back in style.  Let's explain...

Our fighting mantra has been all about having fun.  But hopefully people have seen that there are an unlimited amount of ways to have fun, and many of which involve the use of the mind.  Libraries have once again become great places to not only get a great nap, but also a free forum to learn about life.  I remember going to the great book gymnasium basically every Saturday as a kid.  Me and my brother would not only check out the new books but also, take that card to the kids counter and get that bag of Checkers.  What!!! I think I can still hit folks with that ------ move (can't tell all my secrets now!) that would have u wincing in defeat after I utter those infamous words "Lebron Me"!!  But yeah, always been a fan of brainiac type games.  Game shows, Scrabble, Battleship, Win, Lose or Draw, u name it, and we was probably on it.  Just great fun, and the awesome thing was u learned as well.  Can't beat that.

The face of Swag.
I wonder if anyone's seen that movie, I.Q.  U know anytime you mix great mind filling quotes with the aspect of love.  I'm down.  But it solidifies the notion of how a smart mind can make someone super sexy.  Real quick, I know I've seen some interesting couples, and have been like, how did they get with each other.  Did they get some kind of setup like in the movie Outsourced, or what really was it?  Perhaps it was the board meeting of the minds that made them fall head over Christian Louboutin for. Oh, yes, that's what makes life so fun...and it can make life a little, "eh!".  That's why I think its so cool when u meet people who talk about real issues about all sectors of life.  Freakin' talk shows about "baby daddys" and folks marrying their cousins are so patience for that kind of stuff in my life is used up.  I only have so much time in my life, and so much KB in my cranium, and I'm determined to use it for positive, fun and geeky stuff.  That's why I like that cut by Half a dollar and Dylan Harper so much, cuz they are tired of all this Ayo Technology.  I wish people could get back to socializing face to face u know.   I hope people will listen to those lyrics of that classic banger.  "Ayo, I'm tired of using technology/ I need you right in front of me."  Nothing else to say...

I'm noticing people expanding their vocabulary also.  Comedian Tracy Morgan had me rolling today, by repeatedly using the word, "ferocious" in his description of the New York Knicks.  But, its about the big words.  "Scintillating"...what about the word "Interacting" or "Saucous" (that's a Galaxia word, meaning looking good).  But I love it bro.  Now u can tell when someone is just bulling a using words just cuz it sounds good.  People acting all Olympiad, thinking concoctions are the way to instigate conversations, I mean confabulations that can enlighten our fibulas and membranes.  It's wild out here!

Think I'm done writing for today.  Boy, we got some fun stuff ahead for our diary.  Want this to really give a great look into this crazy dudes life.  Everything is game, and we have some fun places, pics and little things that's gonna make this unique.  Its kind of turning into a diary/yearbook type of thing.  I hope people will listen when we mention about capturing the moment.  Whether it's a picture with a friend or freak...ur choice, and it may be one in the same down here in Miami, but anyhows, or just writing down something about ur day.  This person was talking crazy today.  I was in Publix tonight and almost gave a two-piece meal with a side order of red beans and rice...Oops!  I forgot where I'm at...Ok, so I almost gave this Oye an order of Arroz Con Pollo cuz he didn't want to move outta my way.  I have no problem George Duking it out in front of the Organic section.  That's where the ring girls are usually at anyway!  So rude!  But now it's written in our diary, so months and years later I can laff about it.  Should I write about that one ...but trust us, DO IT!  We only get one life, and u'll be surprised how much we forget.  So get that napkin out and get started.

We out.  Get ready.  Our diary is on remix mode right now.  Better stories. More fun.  Living it up.

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