Friday, January 13, 2012

Post #100!!! (Special Edition)

Let's Celebrate!

Happy Birthday to my brother Anthony, who's celebrating his bee day on today.  So mad cool, just got done talking to him.  Love him so.  Great stuff...and it's our honor to celebrate this very special post on his day.


Can u believe that this is our hundredth entry on our diary post?!!!  What a journey this has been.  I've cringed so many nights as I open myself to the galaxia.  Wondering if we've done the right thang.  It's so different when u talk about ur life in such an open form.  Not only from the present sense, but also when u consider that years from now, people can pull up this a hopefully get a laugh, tear or thought from our crazy experiences...So on this special edition of our diary, we are gonna be a little reflective on how all this got started, and some of the events that have transpired since we first got started.  Consider this a kinda "Best Of" special of sorts of our blog.  Today should be very, very fun!!

How did all this come about?  Mentioned it a few times before, but worth noting again for those who are just reading our diary for the first time...As we've stated we kind of combined two of our favorite and most personal aspects into this thang.  Those aspects are our love of autobiographies and my decade long journey of keeping a diary/movie script of our life.  I adore  reading about people's lives and all the success and struggles they had along the way.  For a very long time, we've been learning that our life would make a great book or TV show.  So much that happens on the daily in our life, and so many intriguing people who make a pit stop along our road to fun.  Our diary has always been like, a private sector in our life.  I used to hide it, when people would stop by my room, and it was in sight.  Just personal emotions, that few could relate too...yet I knew it had special stories inside.   Very special...

So I guess the good Lord, hit us with the idea of why not share some of our thoughts on life with the rest of the Galaxy.  How did that name come about?  Still really don't know, wanted something unique and something that described us, so one of our surnames (Austino), then u match that up with, not world, but the word galaxy in Spanish (Galaxia) and there u have it!  And everything has worked out...but it wasn't always that way...let's explain!

When we first started in late April of last year.  Our goal was to share different aspects of our life.  From our favorite basketball games to Austino's Excerpts, which was a segment about an upcoming book in which we tell crazy stories about girls that have cross our path from the past.  Some interesting stuff if u look in the archived posts (Which I hope u do!!)  But to tell about a love life, unlike no other, isn't easy...dag sure ain't easy.  But I feel there are some feelings that people can relate to and also some entertainment that's one-of-a-kind.  We also included musical playlists, and what we thought was "hot" at the time in fashion, and throwback items such as old TV shows and just having fun.  Now all that was under an old template of this blog, so many of our lists (except the playlists...check out our post with the headphones for our old playlists) aren't available.  But the main dish was to make sure that every looney part of our personality would be exposed, because I know we are one of the kraziest people on this earth.

Austino Galaxia...the TV Channel.  I also dabbled with our own mini-tv show.  Remember those things?  Oh, I can't even look at them...but they were fun!  And still our videos have become more personal, for being included in our diary posts.  Once again...I want everyone who may read this to feel every emotion that we have as we write.  That's the reason we included so many sneaky links in our blog.  Mostly songs, but I want this to be like nothing u've read before.  I have to say this...In our book reads, we've come across so many stories about how people got to where they got, but no one...NO ONE, I feel told the story while they were climbing the ropes, or going to auditions, or got their heart broken...I mean what did u really feel?  When that girl dissed u...u more than likely didn't say, "That's alright girl, I'm not good enough for you."  U more than likely, were thinking this.  As I began, I even talked to my Pops about how to keep this clean with the language we use and the content talked about.  And it as a battle royale, as to how to tell our life story without offending or coming off snobbish or being too overt in our thoughts.  I think now, we're realize that being real counts.  And if u read us as of lately...can't get any more real...or can we?

So all that was in our thoughts as we began.  So many people have crossed our path.  We've already reminisced about our last calendar year.  U have to read our entries from the end of last 2011 to see what we mean.  Everybody has made us so much better, and I'm thankful for so many's encouraging words or for taking the time out to read.  If five minutes out ur day, can make u smile, then that's cool.  We've had some tough days too, like days I wish never were included in my life.  Period.  Our ride's been hit, I met my future wifey about 20 times, our format has gone from just a blog to now a literal unplugged diary, the Heat have lost in the Finals,  We've been included on Twitter, have changed workouts and eating habits several times, met other cool people who blog, and have had days in which the party felt like it would never end.  That's another goal of releasing encourage somebody to tell their story.  It's so unique to be able to look back on how your life changes from days to months to years.  Its fun when u've gone through a situation and u don't even remember it cuz it's so far remove from ur mind.  Or if u were super interested in a guy, and u look back like, "OMG, I forgot all about him...glad I didn't mess with him...I fount out he was creeeeepy!"  Real talk.

Ok.  So what do we have in store going forth...see this is what I'm talking about, one of my guys just sent a "message" of somebody talking slick in the mouth about us via the web...think somebody hacked his stuff, how can somebody talk feo about us, when I talk about God, Money, Girls, Fame and Clothes??  Duh!!!  Anyway, lots of fun in store, and our goal is to make this the most enjoyable and real lifestyle captured in cyberspace.  It's all about having fun, and I want others to join the revolution, cuz that's what it is.  This is special.  And I think that what's about to happen in our life is about to be even more mind blowing.  I don't even know what to expect...but I sense change and fun and tears wiped away.

Two things before I go.  One, we are in the midst of one of the most difficult periods in our life.  This is a true test of if we can survive this period, we gonna reap some great harvest upcoming.  But sometimes in life u gotta go through events, situations and certain people beefour (where's spell check when u need it?!) u can move to the next level.  This is one of them.  Tested socially (don't ask, we'll tell u later), financially and spiritually now.  We all go through it, might as well tell it, this is a diary.  So that's one.

Two.  I like this new Nike Kobe Bryant ad about the Kobe System (Kobe Bryant's shoe).  I kind of feel it cuz when u've been exposed to so much, and u think life has nothing left to offer (can we keep it real peeps), u have to search inside for another level, or different challenges.  That's why, I know in our life, as in others, God puts different things in ur view to keep u motivated, humbled, and appreciative about things.  Sometimes the trials are just there to keep u hungry, and to be like, "Now...I'm just gonna leave no doubt in ur mind....(fill in tha blank)"  I guess that's how snobs like me think.  Oh well...  Check out this commerical.

Have fun and enjoy life.
And Thanks for absolutely everything.
Austino Galaxia...The Original.

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