Sunday, January 22, 2012

Brad Pitt a la Mode.

B. Pizzle!

The last few hours we have been in pure Brad Pitt Mode.  What is that u might ask?  Well, I'm glad u asked...This special mode is one in which you are chameleon your personal style in one way, shape or fashion.  You can also be enlisted in this 1%, by changing a lot of aspects of your life.  That can be diet, people u hang around, deodorant u use, taking daily walks at night time with holding a "piece"...anything that can be impactful to your life.  B. Pizzle is the spokesperson for this, cuz Pizzle always seems to change his look.  One day, he has a beard.  The next a goatee.  Rocking the "Moses Look" at one shoot, then see him at a Lakers game looking like a Midwestern farm boy.  That's awesome!  Life is about having fun, and anytime you can change up your style, only makes life more interesting.  Whether its a haircut or whatever, changing up things can give life that little oregano that can spice things up.  Suggest we give it a try sometime...

The people in our life...Books 'r' us!
Right now, we are in full throttle.  Been straightening up our pad.  "European Luxe", is still the theme.  But is just interesting to see how much u have accumulated.  And we don't have junk, I'm not on an "cleaning out my closet" type tip.  Just wanna...u know when ur mindset has changed so much, and u're like 'eh', I can't wear this or that.  A certain fragrance reminds you of that rough night u had.  Or a  shirt u once wore, took u back to someone u don't want to recollect about.  It's not like u've held grudges, it's just that when u've moved on, u've moved on.  As I say, just like when u exercise or something.  Sometimes, you can look like you've buffed up, or even lost weight.  But sometimes it's not that look, it's just that your body is configured in a different way.  Think that's relative to life too.  You can still be the same person at heart, but different experiences and instances can configure your life in different ways.  A "10" can always be a ten.  I'll let that one sink in...

The Will To Live.  Heard this phrase, from former college football head coach, Lou Holtz, when describing the life of JoePa (Joe Paterno), who passed away this morning.  Holtz stated that after all this drama with Penn State Football , JoePa lost The Will To Live.  U know, u don't have to 85 yrs. of age to have that happen 2 u.  U can have motivation taken away from u at anytime, u know.  I think that's why sometimes things happen to us in our lives.  They can spur us into entering new stages of fun in our lives.  If u go on to know us, u'll know that I DESPISE, doing the same stuff.  I like spontaneity.  Matter of fact I LOVE IT!  Now I do have certain things that I am, say loyal to, but to go the same places...going to the same restaurant every Friday night or taking the same walk everyday for days on doesn't work for us.  Why not go this way on ur walk instead of the same route.  Or going to a drive-through movie instead of the traditional sit-in.  Makes life more fun.  Just who we are.  But I know it can make all the difference in the least in our Galaxia.

 Not gonna write much today.  Cuz I have stuff to do...earlier today thinking still if I release too much of our life.  Telling these personal stories about life, girls or whatever.  Still isn't easy, thing I feel, is u know when something is in tha works.  U can sense when the tides are turning a different course.  So often, I used to wonder, why did we experience this or that.  It sounds so easy yet left u with a taste in ur mouth that was a little bitter and u like, "That's weird.".  Now, we feel ready to go, to really live life in a ultra way.  Almost to tough to control myself.

Just think about's like being a kid, and being told to put a penny away in ur piggy bank everyday.  The only catch is that u can't spend anything until u reach a $1 Million dollars.  Nor u can't do anything with it until u reach that Lil' Kim magic stick.  So u go by, watching ur pennies stack "racks on racks on racks".  You're friends are out there spending, dropping chulapas on nights out and certain chicks, while u like at the crib like, man I wish u can hit this plateau quicker.  Then u hit that $900,000 dollar mark, and u like we close, but still have to wait.  Years continue to pass, and u get to $990 Thousand, and now u can see u're only $10 G's away.  And the funny thing is u're now getting more than a penny a day.  U finding 10 pennies at a time, people are now giving it to u in 50 penny rolls, and u like I can now taste it.  That's how we feel, we know we've been on the shelf (top one of course) for some time.  So we just gonna c how the good Lord leads us and live it up.

Wait a minute, I'm getting a call from my accountant..."Uh-huh!...fa real...almost"...Good news, the bank numbers now read, $999, u see why I feel so good...almost there son!...and trust me when it hits, it's really going to be something never seen before.  Believe me.

Austino Period.

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