Monday, January 9, 2012

Insane in the Brain!

Cypress Hill on The Simpsons

Our mind has been twisted, flipped, and thrown the last 24 hours.  Trying to keep our composure from exploding.  Not joking.  A very emotional several hours.  I wonder if sometimes we bring all this stress on ourself.  Like is there an easier way to live, or if simply everything we have to go through have to be hard.  Perhaps I'm just become the ultimate dice roller when it comes to taking risks or having the ultimate faith in God above.  That whatever we do is gonna work itself out, no matter what.  It can be a little tiresome at times...just have to get through it.  Wonder has anyone else had those nights where u just couldn't sleep...thinking about the lack of Pillsbury dough u got stored away in the cupboard....or thinking about the near relationships that may or may not have worked out.  Then when u finally go to sleep u start to dream, and people appear in your life that u may or may not want to!  Crazy but...

This is gonna be simple 2day, no links or pics...and heck, people may tune us out after reading this, but u reach a point where it's like, I gotta speak from our heart.  This diary isn't entertainment, this is our life that we're talking about.  And my way from not going insane in the brain!  So what do we do when we feel like we've been feeling as of late.  When u feel the money all of a sudden got funky or when u've hit a stretch where fun is nowhere to be found.  Its like when u go out and party hop from this place to that place, and then it finally hits u that its just not in the air tonight.  Guess u have to...get so egotistical that everything's gonna work out, that u really become insane in the brain!

How can u say that you're wealthy or rich, when u only have like $23 in the bank and it has to last you til pay day?  Or how can u one of the sexiest people in the world, when u feel as if you're the only single person left on earth?  Why do u feel like u have nothing to wear, when u're closet is feel with clothes and kicks that u've barely, heck, haven't even tried on yet? (that's personal...all our stuff is kinda ready-to-wear without the trying them on)  Then where do u wear them too?  Our diary is used to be as real as possible, I MEAN REAL!  Yes, and I may write awhile, but so much is bottle capped inside right now...yes, our life is movie like/fairy tale-ish in many aspects, in others its like we really don't feel like dealing with this right now.  For real.  And I KNOW I'm not the only way who feels like this at times.  If u haven't just keep on living pally!

Egotistical Confident.  That's a made up phrase just now that has to sum up your attitude when it feel like the powers, but not The Power, are against you.  It may take talking to urself in the mirror.  I got a cartoon, drawn by ur's truly that surrounds our bathroom mirror that says, 'I have the best job in the world.  I get to look at the most beautiful people walking the earth.'  Which is true.  Whoever's looked in that mirror does look beautiful...hey, if u don't feel confiden...if u're not feeling this right now, just stop cuz I gonna get loose about this thing called life.  Someone needs to hear this...and I think this someone may be myself.

It's time that we get up and start walking our talk.  I tell people all the time, beauty comes in so many colors, shapes and sizes, its almost sickening great!!  A stocky guy, weighing 2 fitty, dress in a nice polo, jean shorts, and crisp Nike's, looking right...a gal dress in a simple white tee wit workout shorts and fit flops, looking right...Seen so many, 65 year old women (saw 1 at the triple A yesterday) that's like u know what u're beautiful, not just on the outside, but the inside illuminates ur outside beauty even more.  I refuse to pigeon hole myself into this or that.  And if you're reading this as a young kid, no matter what anybody says, keep ur mind open.  I'm telling u, it'll make ur life a whole lot more enjoyable.  If u're a athlete, don't just sit wit other athletes at the lunch table.  Sit with other folk as well.  Your a girl, folks have a little cheddar, don't just say what's up to tha rich girls, say 'hi' to all the girlies.  U never know who may become ur best friend in the future.

There's an old saying that says 'If u know better, u'll do better.'  Very true.  That's what we've been searching for as of late, people who can make me better.  I like love songs, but this person like Country music, how can I learn from this person.  I grew up in the Midwest, u grew up in Spain or Peru (If I meet another girl who's Peruvian....), u can't tell me a 5 minute convo between us too, can't expand each other's minds.  I really feel strong when I say this, how do u know when u found 'the one' in terms of it is..  When that person can make love to your mind, body, and soul.  Not just one, and two outta of the three won't get it.  I think those who are married or heavily in a relationship would agree...I'm far from it, but I think that true.  I'm starting to feel a little better...Ne-Yo sing another hook for me!

Music is a autobiography of all of our lives.  That's why I like to sneek them in throughout our posts.  Try to keep it clean.  One day its all hip hop, another we feel jazz or pop or rock.  We all can  It's about "We".  So I guess to get back to what we began with...just when things are going topsy turvy in ur life.  We have to self-motivate to that Egotistical Confident state (I'm gonna copyright that one!) that things are gonna work out.  As in hoops, one bad game does not put u in a slump.  Get a rejection letter from a job u wanted, that don't mean u ain't qualified.  You at the ultimate party, and u standing all alone by the punch bowl, where it seems like no one's asking u to dance, that don't mean u're not a hottie and u have to go under the knife just to get, it may be that a beauty like yours is hard to define, and only the real winners need to apply anyway.  Can I get a Amen!

I say this stuff, cuz...the last few hours I've been wanting to absolutely Justin.  I mean like for hours, bro!  But, the Lord's been telling us to hold those tears in.  Maybe it's because I don't have any Kleenex in my place and it'll be a shame to use the Miami Herald as tissue paper!  But I don't know what's gonna happen by the end of today or by next week, if we see it.  But if I'm gonna go out, I must go out with the hope that things are gonna turn our way.  That must be the thought matter what.  Everything works itself out in life.  And we're due.  Next time we write, may be about the greatest day of our life.  Wouldn't that be cool...matter of fact, perhaps I don't have to wait.  And what tough emotions brought to us today, one day looking back, may make this one, the best of them all.


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