Monday, January 30, 2012

...I am a Funaholic!

MTV's True of my fav shows!

A new day.  Those three words can mean a lot, especially to us right now.  U know it's intresting, when we have our diva moments.  Guess it's just who we are as a person.  One day we feel like we have the confidence to become the next great one, the next I feel like I only got 1 1/2 stars on Star Search!  That's how life is though, our life (as do all of ours) has so many twists and turns and for us to feel like Rebecca Bloomwood at a sample sale, 366 days this year, would just be totally uncivilized.  I rather get our bumps n a dumps outta the way right now, than for it 2 be late December and us crying over what might've been.  I have a really strong feeling that it's not going to be that way.

One more added thing, the thing about feeling "torn" over ur feelings or what in Reader's World is going on, that it's normal to feel that way, before ur "breakthrough" of life is about to happen.  Listened to Dr. Chris Hill today, and so much of what was said hit us on today.  Talking about the process of having a baby ("You're having twins") , with females.  Lots of great stuff mentioned, but we just gonna talk about that process.  Its a tedious process...going around for 9 months, trying to eat right (I hope), exercise, read to the baby, anticipating that day when all oochie walley bang bang breaks loose!  Nothing can really prepare u for all the pain that u go through, especially on the first time.  So many wild stories of how mother have reacted from cussing up a perfect storm to yelling at there husband and the doctor, "TAKE...IT...OUT!!"  or "SEE WHAT U DID! THIS IS ON U!"...but in the end, oh boy, one of the joys of life....since this is my diary I have to add this, since we're talking about pregnancy.

People may argue me all they want, but me personally...I still DO NOT want to know the gender of our baby until I see it's head creep out with apple pie fillings on the top of his/her head!! That's for real, and we're living I no the first thang people say is "u gotta prepare for tha baby" or "Get the room together and all this stuff".  I truly understand that...but I feel that in a world where everything is a click, text or twit away, just wouldn't it be nice to actually be surprised???  It may be one of the few remaining secrets that we can still hold on too in life.  Caller id...the world wide all have made everything as accessible so quickly...heck, u can find out if a person lost their job or if a athlete got traded quicker than the actual person!  That's real tizzy!  I wonder who else feels that way, it's not many by the number of people I ask on this topic.  Life is better sometimes when u're suprised.  I just wanna keep the aspect of enjoyment with this special event.

Also, different subject, heard again on today about what u say, can determine ur life.  Meaning watch what u say.  Talking to myself now...If u don't believe it, and start talking negative, then guess what...u can have a c-note worth of money, I'm sorry, we live in a new generation...u can have racks on racks on racks, still talk like a broke man, then all of a sudden u're money flies away like the dude in the Red Bull commercials.  All of us do it, most of the time unknowingly, just have to work on cutting that down and being positive....Man, I remember for a period of time being around so many girls and what they would say about themselves.  I'm a "pig"..."a fat lard"...I was like, this is really getting outta wack with these comments.  Especially since I wanted to get at a few of them who was talking so recklessly at the mouth.  I don't come at just anybody, and how they were talking, heck, I started to get insulted cuz in a way u saying I don't got taste!!...Cheri Oteri from SNL just yelled for me to "Simmer Down!!" so I will...but really, if u think ur unattractive as a person, and speak that junk, then it ain't nothing any Romeo can say to make u think any different.  I know we right on this one.  Ok, u wear a size 6 instead of ur patented size 4, that shouldn't make u go all Kramer, just use what u got.  They claim real women have curves anyway...debatable statement cuz a "real woman is a real woman" no matter if she has hips, tats, small boobs, belly rings, blonde hair or whatever...point made, let's move on.

Getting back to who we are...which is a Funaholic!  I want that to be absolutely associated with us, as in that's the first thing that comes to mind when u think of us.  Whether its hanging out...talking....on a date...u can say this or that but one thing u won't say, is that u didn't have fun.  Really unique in that u get a geek, thug, athlete, romantic, beach mimbo, fashion nut, music dj,  all that in one.  Not to toot our own horn, but all of us need to embrace (oh, I luv that word) who we are.  All of us are unique in our own ways...the quicker we embrace ourselves, the quicker others can embrace u, and u can make an impact on this life.  If u don't love urself, then how's somebody els...I don't say these things like some kind of Yoda or something.  I mention these quotes cuz we been through them.  Still going through these aspects of life.  This is the ultimate psych study on a human being.  This diary.  U can study a course on human behavior or alien behavior just from reading this.  Who we are man, and we are learning if u can't accept the whole me from us talking about God to crazy episodes involving the search for love, then...that's ok.  Just enjoy the moment, cuz jokes aside...this thang is a part of unique history.  And one day, we can gurantee... all of us can say..."Remember when...."

Air Jordan Pic of the Day:
These high schoolers were rockin' these joints earlier today.
Air Jordan 3 'Fusion' (Left) & AJ 12's (Right)

We gonna have fun with this.  If u don't know why we showing this pic, check out the video in our last diary entry.

 Our level is fun is about to rise even more.  And as always...

Stay tuned!
Austino Dot.

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