Tuesday, January 10, 2012

"Bare Exposure!"

The Beatles.  The Legends.

This has been a very funny night.  They say that South Beach really has two personalities.  Which it does.  The beautiful, sunny beach life that entraps the daytime.  And then u have the unparalleled life that comes out when the sun goes down.  I just came in from being out and about.  It seems as if everybody is out walking around, getting their new year's exercise on...actually the neighborhood has to be one of the fittest in the nation, it's really crazy, but in a good way...people out walking dogs.  Nobody walking cats though, that was interesting.

Some other funny moments include:
- Guy getting his hustle on by walking into laundromat selling bootleg spanish hip hop cds.  U can't make this up!  I thought this stuff only happened back in the hood, but this was true la hustlando! (ha!)'
- I was walking on Lincoln Road, and they had this band performing outside and they was playing some Moroccan type music, after they got done with their song.  The lead singer, looked  to the heavens and yelled, "Thank You, Miami!!"  Which was kinda gangsta, but the thing about it, was it was only 3 people standing in front as their audience!!  Oh, how I luv the M-I-A....
- I noticed a lot of people skateboarding 2nite.  Not just holding them, but actually kicking and pushing.  Frankie that's for u bro!  But I really have to learn how to skateboard, it's so cool...as is body surfing in a crowd in which I will do very soon...just don't steal my wallet!

Today was filled with some interesting topics being overheard by our ears.  The difference of how guys and girls talk when describing the opposite sex.  A girl when describing another girl usually uses like, "short" "cute", when guys use more direct physical elements, "sexy long hair" or "juicy lips".  It's so funny and it's vice versa with guys and girls....ok, ok (while jumping up and down!), I have a story to tell, that I need to get off my chest, real short one.  Ok, here we go...

The human body.  Us in America are really so uptight when it comes to our bodies, to a point where sometimes it's taboo.  Down here in Miami, it seems as if skin is always in.  Not just because of the style index being at a buck 20 but also because of the actual  heat index being at 120! (Why is this girl whispering on a tape recorder on this documentary, like the Mob after her or something.  This ain't Watergate!) Getting back 2 what I was saying, I starting to believe the more you are exposed to something the less taboo it becomes.  Whoa...that's a good quote.  That's why I think it's imperative to try to get involved with as much as u can.  Just so u can be exposed to different environments.  Sometimes being thrown into the fire can change ur perspective on things.

This one time down here in Miami, I was scheduled to work a fashion show, I believe at the Gusman Theater.  I don't recall if it was a Gen Art event or not.  I love the fashion industry, especially all the behind the scenes stuff that goes into it.  And it is a lot.  I've worked a Miss Indiana pageant back in my hometown of Indiana before, but never a real live fashion show.  Behind the curtain was like absolute chaos.  Part of my duty was to make sure the models got in and out of the clothing changes.  There was girls and guys, matter of fact one of the gents actually lived right across the street from me, here in South Beach.  But I was assigned to a few of the ladies.  Before the show got started we looked at the wardrobes laid out...and had a chance to talk with the girls I would be working with, who were mad cool.  The folks in charge basically yelled, "It's showtime!"  People got their catwalk looks together...the music hit, perhaps some Right Said Fred (look up his hit song if u don't know it!)....then the party began.

Now everything was moving fast...these two girls were coming back from the catwalk, and I had to help them get into their outfits.  Boots, tops, strap up dresses, whatever...and yes, they were flat out Marques Houston naked getting undressed and dressed in front of me.  But they were cool, as was I...it's part of the industry.  You don't sweat it, bro...After the show, everyone was excited because of the great show.  And uh...can't talk about anything else due to a confidentiality thang I signed!! Just joking!

But later on that night, I was thinking about all these "beautiful" people running and bouncing around her naked, but everyone was cool and it was expected and not considered taboo.  A lot of guys were love to see some of these girls I saw minus the Seven's, Miss Sixty's and LV's!  (And they tried to give me a 'D' in AP Calculus...ha!!)  I guess what I want beside everybody having more fun this season, is to try to expose yourself to more things...the more exposure...the more comfortable u get...I'm not saying go to no strip club or anything now, let me get that straight!!...but go to a museum or go to a mall in a different part of town.  Stores are different according to their location and clientele.  Or go see a musical act you wouldn't usually see.  U never know who might become a future star...Life only comes around once.  Why they take that show off the air?  Plus, u just may see the Next Beatles!  Or read the diary of a future one! (Wink! Wink!)

Austino Galaxia.

Right now, I'm obsessed with taking pictures of signs and advertisements...More to come:
West Virginia Orange Bowl tour...Cost 70 points

Our boy Lenny coming' 2 tha hood!

GNC taking over Miami!

Beach PD!

Miami Marlins in Heat's Home

Heat Big 3 sign in Washington Ave. Store.

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