Friday, January 6, 2012

Celebrity Treatment.

Celebrity Heaven.

Writing kind of early, cuz we have some "things" to do on this evening.  But I really want to take advantage of each day, we have to jot something.  May be our last day on earth.  So at least we can write about what we ate or the traffic, or weather.  U know?!  Several things ran through my mind.  Finally found out the name of this girl, me and my partners went to college with.  Isn't it amazing, how people can just pop into your mind...or into your dreams outta nowhere.  We've had so many dreams over the years, so we remember, some we don't...some I Snoop Dogg sure didn't wanna wake up from.  But it's just amazing.

Oh, to just bask in the sun, Cali Laid back, and simply enjoying life.  One thing that was on our mind today was to create a fun little scavenger hunt.  Like, just get a pad and #2.5 pencil and write down people or situations, and drive somewhere and find them for a day.  Like a guy walking a cat...or having a stranger autograph my arm.  Silly things that can be enjoyable, different, and adventurous.  See, I like those types of things.  I don't like using the word boring, but at times life can get a little dull.  Isn't that the name of the beer Homer Simpson is always drinking?  Oh, my fault, yeah u're right, that's Duff.  I like enticement, splentatious-ness, and heck, even a little curvaceousness in our life.  Rest is so important.  As I write this, just a little "blah" so forgive me if I'm a little...U know what...Freakin' Charley Dickens, I'm about to tell a story, have a little time...another episode...

Has anyone ever been stalked in their life?  Or felt like somebody was like watching you or like lusting for you in a way that was kinda like, weirrrrd.  Cue the Unsolved Mysteries theme song Maestro.  Well...I have and boy for one night I didn't know what was gonna jump off, who was gonna get off, or if my final image would be that of a light shining in off white.  I usually cool, but dude...

Ok, so the setting is back up north in the great land of Indiana.  Where truly there's more than corn up there.  I worked at the beach, back in Michigan was my summer job for four crazy years, while I attended college.  Man, the stuff, I've seen...from police chases to an unbelievable concert by cover bands to everything.  I'm not gonna get too deep into the people i.e., beach guys and girls, cuz that's for another time, but let's just say, if you remember...yeah, that's a good comparison, it was like the shows Laguna Beach and Jersey Shore combined!  And if someone worked with me during those glory summers, AM I LYING?!!!  We had a some cool guys and girls working together.  It was the spot to be, and everyday was truly a new adventure.  I almost got jumped for some dag gone picnic tables!  I mean "really...picnic tables".  So many stories...

Well, on this particular day, it was a Sunday.  And Sundays are usually a perfect time for families to go out to the beach.  Sundays are usually the time when all of a sudden these "talent scouts", put on their Ray Charles sunglasses and begin their recruitment.  I'm the supervisor on duty, just about every Sunday night.  I like to work nights, that's when the real action-o-knee goes down.  Believe that.  So I'm at the main lot, in the middle of the beautiful afternoon, in between the two lanes while the patrons come into the park.  Just stunning, I mean chillin' with my shades on, green work outfit.  U know we do things big, so I think I had on every park gear on:  Green tee, Green Vest, Walkie Talkie, Jean Shorts, relaxing in Ozzie Guillen swag mode.  I liked to see EVERYBODY coming to the beach, so I could make sure nothing was going down on our watch.  So I look toward Washington Park Blvd. and I see this car get in line behind the other cars to get into this make shift summer club.  They get closer, and are like a car behind our workers.  I'm cohearsted (u know how we are with words) in my surroundings, just listening to more than likely some JE....I glance to my right and this Grey's Anatomy station wagon is there.  It's paragraph.

It's an older woman with a girl in the passenger seat.  By my senses and experiences, I felt like it was a mother and daughter.  But, they were staring dead at us.  I mean like looking hard candy at us.  It happens, so I'm not all...that concerned but the daughter in the passenger seat gave us a look which in a way turn us on, while on the same token had us thinking like, "what's that all about?"  The had their seasonal pass, so they didn't have to pay any money to get in, but both of them, man, just looking at us as they passed by.  The mother had stringy blond hair, pale skin, kind of thin.  Her daughter had light pale white skin, kind of a medium size build, low cut top, blond eyes, and seriously hypnotizing blue eyes.  Oh they pass and I let it go.

Now people have a habit of riding through the beach for a second time.  Just to scope or they may not have anything else to do.  So I'm still at the front and if I'm not mistaken I'm inside our work hut.  You can still see inside, we have a big window...I see them come through again, and Mama and Daughter pass by looking inside.  I'm like..whatever, this may be an interesting night.  Less than an hour later they come through again and I sittin' down outside now still with my shades on and stuff.  They come through once more, and the daughter had her back turned to her mom driving, then all of a sudden, she SNAPS! around and gives me, probably the most intense glare a female has ever given me.  It was if she wanted every part of me.  Like she wanted to rip off my clothes and really give me a fireworks show to remember.  Not joking.  But what got me was it was if, her Moms was scoping us out too.  Like I'm getting WWF tag-teamed in this effort to get me to...I sat there like, ok, now this is getting serious.  I like to meet new folks.  Interact with girls as such, but now this pre-Miami Big 3 thing or this chick being Riles up is OOC...out of control.

The night then falls.  A typical Sunday night.  People strolling around.  Motorcycle brigades parking lot pimpin'.  People walking around in bikini's and surf shorts even at nighttime.  With the five-oh, always on guard on there beach jeeps.  It about time to close, and these dolls roll through one more time, I guess for ol' time sakes.  Once again, these mother/daughter Barbi twins, come through and the young one gives me this "I would do anything for (not interested) and to (not inter...u say u'll do what?!) stare our way.  And it wasn't just the stare it was how she would snap her neck like Lil Jon's finger and look at us that had us thinking, that their only and I mean only mission is to get me to get with this girl, by any means possible.  But this time around I noticed that this grey station wagon, parked like 50 yards from our hut, with the front directed at our hut and entrance.  It might as well been a red laser pointing at me cuz that's how we felt.  What's going on?  Are they planning something?  I felt like they were watching our every move.  EVERY.

So as part of our duty, I had to lock all the bathrooms and gates around the park.  So it was like ten before ten p.m..  I got our stuff together.  Took a imaginary sip of Ace of Spades and I...hold on, that wasn't out back then....took an imaginary sip of The Ladies Man's Courvoisier, and hopped on the bicycle to ride up to lock the bathrooms.  I go up on the left about 25 yards away from this car.  And all of a sudden I hear, "Aus..tin!" "Aus-tin!" with the honking of a car horn.  I'm like, "What tha Cee-Lo Green?"  Did I just hear them call my name?  I have no idea how they got my name or what...who gave it to them.  I used to hoop, and stuff, so maybe.  U never know who's in the crowd at a game.  But I'm taking... my... lock up these doors.  Putting pad locks on like, "I just wanna go home, eat mom's cooking, and watch this episode of Cheaters. That's it!"  I hop on the bike, like a G, ride back to the front, to a chorus of, "Hey Austin!...Austin!...HEY!!!"  So crazy.

I get back to the hut, and was almost like, we gonna close early and lock this Trina up!  I'll take care of the time clock later!  Anyhow, I locked up the front gates, and the car eventually left, cuz the cops threw everybody out of the joint.  I get back to the office, and begin to count the money.  And as all these hundreds of dollars are in front of me on the desk, I'm thinking on the day and night's events with these two women.  I really began to think of how they were so persistent and aggressive in their actions, that I felt like they wanted me to have this girl's baby!  I still feel that way!  They wanted to tie my hands up with some beige rope, put an half bitten apple in my mouth, and go to work on me, all the while Def Leppard's "Pour Some Sugar On Me" is in the background!  I could see that vision as clear as day.  And it ain't fun.

So why did I write this?  I don't even know...that's the beauty of our diary.  Love happens as it happens.  Friendships as well.  If things are meant to be, it'll happen.  Don't force it, let it come.  And if u like somebody, just be natural and yourself.  If they can't accept that...then u move on. Crazy experiences, bro...And we'll tell them til we'll tell them.  I promise!

Austino the Survivor.

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