Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Pole Position.

One of my all time arcade games...Pole Position!

Ha!  Let me get this outta the way right now, if another car, cuts me off, and begins to drive 20mph in a thirty zone, and then Driving Miss Daisying along like they ain't got no insurance or are on all might just see me on the upcoming season of a show on Mega TV!  This I lying!!  Miami driving is getting dangerously crazy!  Talked about it before...but u literally have to treat this like ur at Dave and Buster's on a Friday night.  U got people turning on left turn signals only to go right!  Running up behind u, only to come inches from hitting u as u look in your rear view window.  All the while you thinking what u're gonna do when the impact hits...I tell u what, I'm already ready!!

I'm in the works about putting my own kit together to put underneath my passenger seat.  Contents will include:  a neck brace, red hot Louisiana Hot Sauce for the artificial blood droppings,  a "We Are The World" CD to put into the player, so when the defendant checks me out he can see I'm just a harmless guy trying to change the world! ...what else?  Probably a ready made cast, signatures and smiley faces included...six pennies to put into my cup holder, so it looks like I'm broke.  By all means, don't put 10 pennies in ur kit.  Are u kidding me!  10 pennies make u look like Bill Gizzy!!  And u have to also have a used air bag to place on the floor mats.  To make the love tap more believable.  I can get those from my guys at the Homeboy Shopping Network!  Ur boy is seeer-ree-us! Crazy...

This black cat in my apartment building is getting too bold.  One day, he's waiting at my door as I opened the door and I had to daggone near push her out the way so she didn't come into my place.  A true first...then the other day she tried to bum rush me as I was pulling my mail from my mailbox, like jumping on my leg...I'm thinking about placing a picture of a bulked up Jerry on my door, to show her, we don't play...I was in Little Havana today, boy, I like the hood...actually if I didn't live in South Beach, contrary what anybody says, that may be the hood next on tha no one knew that...anyways, some wild stuff.  A guy came over to my window on crutches asking for some dineros.  On everything he skipped like two lanes and all these cars to come to us.  Weird...Roosters are everywhere over there, real and fake ones!  But lots of statues of those animals, which makes it cool.

I remember one time hitting the KFC on Calle Ocho, trying to get my 7 piece grill on, and I thought this dude was gonna flip over tables, since he had to wait for his order...then they messed it up.  I was waiting to see what was going to go down, I've seen and heard some stuff from fast food restaurants.  Cashiers getting slapped with tomatoes and the customer uttering "I said NO TO...MA...TOES!!".  I told the story of guy trying to sell me kicks from behind the counter at this Sobe BK.  People not getting the order right leading to some "clowning" and free coupons.  Don't mess with people's food, they'll snap!

Bout 2 DVR missed Kobe's 48 last night, shucks!  Freakin' technology...Can we lose track of the talent due to your opinion of the talenteer?...the other day I saw a girl rockin' a hall monitor belt, around the shoulder and waist in Miami halogen green!  Good Ol' Days...I need some suggestions for my next hairstyle. Thinking that Fro Hawk...Why do folks in Miami look dead in ur eye, then when u say what's up, they get an attitude?  Is it Sin City to speak to strangers?...u know a girl rocking an arm sleeve of tattoos can sometimes be sexy...A McDonald's Double Filet-A-Fish...Before I go, let me say this book Miami Babylon is Awesome with a capital A!!! Oh my goodness, all the information on the development of Miami, more specifically Miami Beach.  And I haven't even gotten to the heart of the book which talks about the 80s and 90s Miami Beach.  I will write about it all, just not tonight.  But it makes u realize that all of us are a part of history u know.  U just never know who once held those bills in ur wallet.  Or what ur house once was.  Great info on who and why these streets and things (Flagler, Collins, Fisher and plenty more...) are named like they are.  Austino Galaxia Blvd.  It couldn't happen...could it?

Any legit teacher wants to be taught something new every once in a while! U can let ur mind wonder on that....

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