Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Next Level.

Sir Alex Rodriguez...Thanks.

Time to crank it up!  Feel refreshed beyond repair and ready 2 go....

I think tha thing that inspires us can be those moments or days where u just realize that when things happen to you, that are not of your liking...that can only one thing to us...that we're super close to where we wanna be and that I need to Lil Jon get crunked and take it up to another level.  We're writing this late nite style, so we may just get loose.  Guess that's a warning...

Yesterday, was one of those gut wrenching days we our soul was battling within about why all this is happening in tha manner that it has?  Or why does life just have to be so algebraic complicated when ALL we wanna do is just have fun...Our life is blessed and special beyond compare, but seemingly we reached a point where things were starting to become a burden and not just enjoyment.  I wonder if I'm the only one who's been at those crossroads.  I probably could've hung up a lot of things, and just quit and stopped writing, cuz since my drug of choice is fun, once the hit isn't as strong as it once was that's when it's time to walk away...from everything!  Not kidding...I'm probably or not probably the ultimate when it comes to the impossible being possible.  I always believe there's hope for something or somebody, cuz u just never know.  The end doesn't necessarily mean tha end.  I'm the type of person who doesn't run away from situations but my personality is that of which, I'll be like "I'm up" and just head out on the first Amtrak smoking and send for my things later, and just go and stop at the first place that has a tree and car outside the train stop.  Being honest...this isn't for show, or just 2 fill up a diary post.  This is A DIARY.  So whatever we feel, we have to write cuz, even if it wasn't out there for the Galaxia to see, this is what we will be writing about anyway.  May make us seem crazy or bi-personality or stupid...but who cares what folks think.  We're unique, and our life is real, dude.

So 2day was a reflective type of day.  I haven't even been outside to take out the garbage or anything....I wonder, does that make me peculiar not wanting food in my garbage can.  Like, I always put food related trash in another bag, like a Fresh Market plastic bag instead of dumping wrappers and paper plates in2 my main trash source.  That's normal, isn't it?...Just thinking about our life, and all it entails, I can sense a...responsibility coming upon our shoulders.  And just sensing that our life is different, and that no matter what I do to try 2 fit in or be just won't be the case.  I'm a team guy, love to interact with people from different backgrounds and everything.  But as of late, it's like the Coach has separated us in a sense.  The girls u once dug, are no longer on ur radar, and no matter what u do to make amends or go back, as my Grandpa once said, "It'll never be tha same."  Does that mean we have lost our mojo or hit a drought? just means that we have become the ultimate free agent...I'm about to get into trouble for this stuff tonight, but...

Today, I read in old article from the style issue of Wall Street Journal Magazine that I kept, mainly cuz it had our guy, David Beckham on the cover.  But inside it had an article on the "playboys" of old.  Just how men back in tha day used to be so polished, not just in having money, but were culturally smart and could do and talk about any issue.  Not just sports or Pop music, but hit home a little bit, and I wondered, "Are we the last of a dying breed?"  (Ha, ha!!)  But soul for real, I begin to think about our diary, and all the stories that we've told concerning love and girls, if u really think about it, could we be writing a diary from a Playboy's perspective?  Notice I didn't say Playa's perspective, but could everything we've been through actually...well, Galaxia what is a playboy?  This diary entry is gonna be truthful 2nite, I feel it...

Well I agree with the article I read ("Death of The Playboy"), in which that type of guy is really a gentleman, and treats people with manners and just loves to interact and enjoy the finer things of life...and has exquisite taste in all that life brings including the ladies, I guess... I think one thing that gets us in trouble, and I'm talking about guys, is that we try to "play" girls instead of being honest with them and let them make the choice if they want to be with you or if its not a good match.  I'm starting to be Barnum and Bailey over-the-top with our honesty.  I know its good to have a little game...but at this stage I think it's better to be honest and for that person to get their dreams realized with us, than for me to Christmas wrap to a doll, and she end up with a Halloween ending!  Not joking dude...

I luv to have fun and romanticize at the highest level...I have no idea where this discussion came from, but we're here, to romanticize at a Mt. Everest level, but after all our experiences and real life episodes I want everything about my life to be authentic and real...I have a strong ego, and sometimes that makes it interesting.  It's like u have a million dollars in tha bank, so why should u ask someone for $5, when they should be asking you...that's how we've been built in a cents.  (Oh, that's good!) I survived some stuff, and I know others have as well...I think once u look back and realize that you survived crazy drama or mystery-filled text messages or date, u should take pride and just say "Hey, all things happened to us to make us better, and now I really cherish myself even more.  Cuz if this stuff happened to us, we must be something special."  I'm not the only one who has dealt with matters of tha heart, and for dag gone sure won't be tha last.  Our story is so ever...weird though.  Like really weird, like it has been larger than life in a sense...guess that's part of our job to share our stories, and show that "If we can survive, so can you."  Can I get a Amen?!!

This diary has just taken another life of its own.  And its about to continue...don't know why we telling this stuff, but...I can hip hop diss-tinctively remember certain landmarks in our life that were wake-up calls that told us, "Time to go to work, and up the ante, cuz 'They don't know."....

I remember...the most famous words written in our diary, cuz u know what that means...I remember me having a mad crush on this one girl down here in Miami.  Like in a, "If I could get her...I may let her drive my Miracle Whip", and I'm for Skin-a-max sure ain't talking about no Mayo or my ride..."O-K!!"  (Said with a snap!)  But I thought she would be perfect wifey material.  Just how she said our name, and how we interacted with each other...Have I told this story b4?  Don't think so, so many huh!...She was from some small South American country, and she reminded me of....let me see...she had naturally tan skin, a really attractive face, and a thick body shape...her style is what really got to us as well.  She may still have one of the most coolest style portfolios that I've seen from a girl.  She was one of the first ones who wore the trendy jeans with holes in them, like 60's big knee out holes! (That's kind of played out rite now...)  Then she would rock those hanging shoulder blouses, which would show either her bra or the strap from her Cami top.  She dressed like this girl in that Musiq Soulchild "Buddy" video...  Just a stylish baby girl...and I really liked that.

And then u put on top of it, that I knew some of her family as well, like her Moms.  And her mother was mad cool, and kinda, cough, cough, I didn't have to put on my 10 yr. projection of what she might look like, cuz I saw she had good genes.  Matter of fact, I probably should have went Arthur Fonzarelli on her, especially after this one time she approached me in this workout outfit that had her shorts up so high and her bu...let me just say, I almost dropped and gave her 50 right there!  And in this case, I do mean giving up the Washington's just for blessing my eyes and memory with such a visual presentation!...Oh, I need to stuff a sock either in my mouth or outside on my door know right about now!....but both of them were mad cool people.

So one day, I just made up the bed in our mind that I would have to approach this girl.  And just lay it all on tha line.  One way or another...I got her phone number.  That's a story in and of itself, I got her number...but not directly from her.  Now I was cool with her, and I thought about should we just cold turkey call this homegirl or what should we do?  It kind of reminds me of that A. Keys classic where she calls up Mos was kind of like that.  I get to my crib and ...Why do I tell these stories?!!  They are so embarrassing...I have my hands over my face right I get to my crib, and I had it all planned out.  Ladies, see us guys have a program of events of how, or we should, of how we gonna do things.  U don't wanna call super late , if it's u're first time "interacting", cuz that's like scary, yet u don't wanna be 2 early, so u, as funny as it sounds, u try to put on some alien type of glasses on where u try to picture what tha girl is or will be doing around what time, so u will call then. So u bumping into things at ur place, while imagining ok, it's 7:30, she should be watching American Idol right now, so let me hit her up around that 3rd commercial break, when...Like I'm the only one who does this stuff!!

Anyway, I take a huge deep breath and dial those digits...she gave a "Hello"...and I respond...and she keeps saying, "Hello...hello."  And she hung up!  Oh no!  It was like our phone signals didn't match...not making this up...then, our phone rings, and I hear a "Hello...did somebody just call my phone."  "And I say, Hello --------, this is Austin."  And then one of the craziest moment occurred that I ever experienced...her response was, "Who?"  I was like OMG, what???  I just freakin' saw you...but y'all I was a little devastated, cuz she showed all these signs like she was feeling for me, even spoke like, "Hi, Austin" and stuff, waving to me when she saw me, talked to her, and now this?   So the conversation was not good at all...matter of fact all the air went out of my balloon like "pueeeeewww".  Oh man.

I talked to her like the next day and stuff, and...just confusing stuff.  The thing that got us though, was how could she NOT KNOW who we were after I didn't approach her again, and I did see and talk to her many times after that, but something occurred within.  We made a promise to ourself, that even though we know who we were, and were confident in who we were becoming...we have to take it up another notch.  Whether in knowledge, workouts, style...I really took this one personal, just b/c it was so Johnny Depp strange in how quickly the events changed.  We just prayed that never again will this happen. 

Ha!  Little did we know what other unique trials were still left to experience.  But before all this recollection, we said how we hit another one of those Tour De Galaxia stage markers in our life, where changes occurred, and things actually turn out for the better, cuz it gave us an unforeseen fire to get better and footstool our way up to another level.  We find inspiration in tha silliest, or some find it silly, of things and instances.  When u feel like u've seen so many things, and people u need to look deep within to stay motivated.  It may take somebody walking past you without speaking or it may take seeing a guy holding hands with tha doll that you want to get u motivated for whatever.  God knows that's what pushes me to heights I couldn't reach otherwise.  All of lives are filled with opportunities for motivation, if we really just look within.  

So now, we're ready to see what's next and how we can improve on ourself and our lifestyle.  We have an idea, let's just see how it all develops.  Just have a feeling of a rubber band that's been pulled back as far as it can

It's time to release...and this time it'll be more than just an ordinary fling.

Pinkie Promise That!
Austino Galaxia...Never Before...Never Again.

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