Sunday, April 15, 2012

"It's Not Easy B'in Green."

I gotta play Kermit's anthem right here!  I might just cry!!

Feeling good...really good right now!  Right now, listening to ESPN's Los Angeles radio station, with the post game show following a Lakers win, late this afternoon, which was proceeded by a Heat victory up in the Big Apple.  So its always a good day when our squads both pull out a victory.

We are about to get looose!!  Like never before, should be a lot of fun...eye cannot get over this, I was looking for plane tickets from Miami to Ibiza, Spain, man, they want a cool $2,000 for a roundtrip ticket.  That's a lot of chulpas, but if u think about u going to one of the hottest spots on earth, I can understand.  They claim they have borderline a "riotous"  nightlife over there!  That's so funny...I love to dance and just get it in, just because, so we shall see what's up with that trip.  I'm in such a travel spirit right now...and plan on going around our area, to check some things out.  There's so much going on down here, it's crazy.  Many sights to see, and fun to behold, and we gonna just live, bro.  Gonna be very enjoyable.

It seems like we are looking at life through a whole new Nikon  lense.  I feel rested...that's been the debate over the last few weeks.  To go hard or just rest and renew our mind, body and spirit.  I know how precious life can be, so it's difficult to "not be out on the court".  But now, I feel like, I'm not gonna be in a burnout state of mind.  As things are picking up in our life, you want to be at ur best...Our Coach in the Sky, knows which buttons to push or how to lead us to take this night off, and wait...that makes our life unique.  Now, we are anticipating what's about to jump off.  Cuz we have no idea whatsoever...I could speculate, but I wanna just live in the moment.  Not jump ahead of ourselves or anything...just be calm and see what pops off.  I just sincerely feel like it's gonna be good.  For real...

I'ma keep talking about this thang, because I feel like it's our M.O. (What does that mean anyway?)  But embracing the struggle is so important...and u never know who may give u a word of encouragement at the right time...the other day, I was working out at "the spot".  Sometimes I really need motivation whenever I can find it...I get into these ho-hum moods where the spoiled brat, "seen it all, done it all" attitude can creep in and eye need that extra push...especially I was on the second floor after doing my post-workout stretch, I was about to put my white foam roller away...and as I was walking with my head focused on heading to the luxurious locker room to get my stuff, when all of a sudden I hear a "What's Up Brotha?"  I turn and look and it was the gent, who by his accent looked Russian, and was rockin' a Man U jersey, so I turned as he was on the Ab machine, gave him some love via a street handshake and kept going.  But as I was walking, it hit us like u never know who may be or was watching you.  Maybe he saw us before or watched us do our workout, which is really unique and serious..But...

I needed that.  We all do.  We've been saying this for some time, "That even though a girl knows she looks good, she still needs to be told she's beautiful from time to time".... "U can't make apple pie if u don't have apples!!" (I'm sorry that was just said, and is totally off topic! But is very intuitive...this post-game show is crazy 2nite!)... But what I'm learning is that the...this is about to get controversial...the more u "have" or the more...whatever I'm gonna say it...the sexier u look, sometimes messes up with ur mind, and the striving to be a success can be more of a Sahara desert than anything else.  I know I hear the crickets, but I gotta talk from what we KNOW!

If u've experienced it, u know what I mean...if u haven't are flipping me the Yardbird right now, either keep striving and u'll one day say, "Galaxia u're right" or just keep doin' what u doing, cuz somebody, somewhere knows where I'm coming from.  

Kayne once said, "The people highest up have the lowest self-esteem."  When I first heard him spit that line in 2004, I was like, that's, I borderline wanna call him a genius!  Now does that mean, that I think I'm this Narcissistic guy who thinks that he has it all or is a that he's God's gift to the world...I could go two ways on that...One, I'm really humble type of guy, in my opinion, WAY TOO HUMBLE, in that I just write and talk about personal experiences that I've been forced in many ways, to go through, and I have to talk from my heart, no matter what.  Two, I can and should have the ultimate confidence, swagger, ego, in and of ourself, and the power of God, because I KNOW what we've been through, I KNOW that we haven't skipped, hopped and jumped over any stages towards success, and also, if u don't think "u're tha best" or if "u're sexy" well, guess's becoming very rare in these days that somebody's gonna come along and tell u that...

That's why I couldn't dig, some folks, specifically girls talk about how they look like "a pig" or like "lard" when they look good and are cool to me.  Well, Austin, that's how girls!  If someone says that about themselves, then how do u think that comes off to somebody who may be interested in you.  I tell u how..."No bueno!"  It's in ur attitude, I've come accross some beautiful dolls who are plus-sized as could be, but I tell u, their attitude and how the carry themselves, makes them more attractive than a pair of conflict diamonds from Sierra Leone!  That's truth..which is why I believe u should just make up things, if u have to, to make urself's called self-motivation.  I'm not talking about putting other people down and all that foolishness, hecky-naw! But to make urself feel good, even when u don't...

I can say that with confidence because I've been in certain points in our life, where u know ur doing right or looking right, yet there isn't much in ur ear to help motivate you....which is why I say that above Kayne quote is so on point.  All our life...I don't know why I'm talking about this, but we in it now...all our lives or in most of our lives we've been taught to "Be Yourself".  But I don't think folks know how hard that can be!  Sometimes being urself can lead to some lonely places...or being urself can make u seem conceited when u just want a quiet time to true.  Well, no matter what that may bring from loving sports to loving coffee (I still really haven't had Cuban Coffee yet...huh.), I still believe being urself will pay off.  

Different is Sexy.  I read a great article in the LA Times this morning about plastic surgery...and I'm not hear to talk about that cuz I love girls and guys who may had it done, but what got me was this woman talking about the Hollywood scene, and we know how competitive it is, she was saying how sometimes when u have the surgery done, u take away the "character" look, that surprisingly most of the producers and TV folks actually want.  So when u may do a nip/tuck, that can actually take away your competitive advantage that you have over other actors or actresses or u short, u just become "another pretty face."  Very interesting.

So if u connect that to our lives everyday, sometimes we can lose our "competitive advantage" trying to be something that we're not or trying to be like somebody else.  This is some intriguing stuff we on tonight, but I speak from experience...there was a period down here in Miami where like all the girls I had an interest in  seemingly had a boyfriend who was in the drug game.  Or had rumors of I was like, shoot, is this how u get the sexy babes?  Maybe I should start slinging or whatever, no joke, I would call some names, but I protect the innocent.  Things can happen where u like, Ok, I feel like I'm on the right path, but it's taking so long...where I look over here, and the grass looks greener (that's a double meaning since we live in Green Miami!!), and the crowd is doing this and that, why don't I stop and just be like everybody else.  It can make u think...

They have a saying in life about folks being "afraid of success".  And that hits on exactly what we talking about tonight.  Is me being successful gonna lead me to be treated differently?  If I wear this sleeveless dress, and show off my arms, even though I've been working out like crazy to get that lithe look, are my girlfriends gonna think I'm too good for them?  All kinds of things can hold us back from showing our true colors.  What I'm being forced to do, and others as well, is to learn how to accept who you are, especially if you're striving to reach unforeseen levels of life.  U can be distracted, oh yeah! But it's how u react to those things...if u let them get u off track or not.  I'm a project developing like an adolescent on a daily basis...but I'm liking the people we've endured, and the things we've encountered.  We still here for some reason...and we're still writing, even though I wanna take some time off or just end or diary like, "I've said all that I can say."....but evidently we haven't.

I just write from my heart...simply from our heart.  Like I said, our life is so unique I feel like we need our own TV show...speaking of which, I need to do a video, it's a little overdue, wouldn't you say?!!  Ok, that's enough, I shoulda wrote more about what I encountered today like this boy/girl couple making out in the park, then like right next to them, this guy/guy couple making out in tha park!  But, just never know where our diary may lead.  Our life has some great stuff in store, some fun place, more stories, more involving beautiful ladies, and just pure fun.  Life is too be lived.  And I'm starting to realize that we have moved from just a rich life full of fun...I can honestly say we are now living in a true stage of...

True Wealth.

Stay true 2 urself...the Galaxia needs that!
Austino Galaxia.

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