Saturday, April 21, 2012

"Egon Spengler."

The Real Ghostbusters..Love that Cartoon!...Egon Spengler (Pictured)

Let's finish this thing off by writing from our heart, and we'll get into our new formats some other time.  The 21st of April.  Of course, that's the best number in the world and Galaxia, the number #21.  My fav of all-time.  I wonder, what is it about that number that just brings a peaceful smile to me.  Huh...u know what I feel like doing something a little bit different, as I'm cooking some of my meals for the upcoming days.  I'm starting to sound like a personal chef and celebrity client aren't eye?!!  But how about briefly let's dig into that number 21 to see what it means...Wasn't gonna do this, but that's the Adriana Lima about keeping never know where it may lead.

Let's see...

Am I crossing the limit by looking at this, like is this some kind of sooth reader type stuff?  Let's see...this one website defines the number 21 as being:
- Energetic, Charismatic, and Communitive as some positive traits
- Restlessness, Overly-Sensitive, and Glib are listed as some negative ones...what in the heck does Glib mean?

Let's see...
Glib is defined as...
Definition Number One:
a) marked by ease and informality
b) showing little forethought or preparation
c) lacking depth or substance

I giggled as I skip to definition Numbero Three:
- Marked by ease and fluency in speaking or writing often to the point of being insincere or deceitful...let's move on!

But I like to learn about myself.  Why do eye do what eye do or think how I think...I believe that we all should at least wonder where some of our tastes and distastes come from...I knew this one girl, who I thought was...I know, another girl story, this is a mini-one though, like a two sentence episode...but this girl was, some people thought she was kind of "out there" like in a Jetsons type of way, yet resembled a beach girl...I thought she had a lot of ...appeal to her.  Anyway, 2 make a long story short, she used to eat this Jalapeno Sub Sandwich, that I could not stand the smell of.  It was like "Eh!!"  And then I think she like had Ketchup on it, I couldn't deal with it, but I wonder how did she get that taste for that thang?!!  Some of u reading this may like that Sugar Ray Leonard combination, but not tha kid!  Then again I don't have weird eye???  Humm....let's see:

- I eat Jim Dandy Grits with Almond Slices and this great Sugar Substitute called Natra Taste's easy on tha pimples!

- Milk almost (Unless I'm at the crib with that family) has to be at least a week fresh before I drink it...not kidding, once it goes under 10,080 minutes 'Used By' just ain't good anymore.  Is that mental?  Stop shaking ur head 'Yes!'

- I know I'm not the only one who does this...I eat waffles with no syrup or sometimes just tha waffles!  Probably would eat tha box it came in too!! But I hear they use Milk ingredients that expire under a week's time...which goes back to my above statement.  Can't do it!!...U know this one time I was working a job and the lady in charge said I was the only person to use the Sugar-Free Syrup in the whole party.  That was interesting...sometimes u'll be surprise how good healthy eating can be.  Not joking...

- Let me see what else do I do regularly that makes me normal...I cannot stand running pasta.  Like that flimsy kind...I like my pasta like I like my women...Steaming hot...with a little cheese, and those which are bendable but don't break!! (Huge Smile!) Ah man....I just like getting my mouth in trouble don't I!!  No wonder #21 is my favorite numbre!!

- There's some other eating habits I do like:  I'm borderline possessive when it comes to my hands being clean before I eat.  I'll wash them time after time before I eat tha food.  Touch a remote control, Wash 'em...this is when I'm not at my showroom...but when I'm out, I don't like eating with dirty hands.  That's the only reason I didn't try out for Survivor.  If they had've had a Kohler sink in tha tee-pees, I would have auditioned and probably 68 plus one everything in sight!  What if...

- I won't eat at Ruby Tuesday's ever again.  That's not so-called weird, but it'll take a heck of a party and a smorgasbord of food to drag Galaxia in there again.

- One more food tidbit about us...before you date us (Ha ha!), I feel like this is a lost episode of Love Connection gone bad, where the audience is grabbing the voting devices, and I'm smiling in the upper left hand corner thinking I'm bout to get my free date from NBC on, only to find out that I'm getting 1% of the vote.  And the only reason my brother voted for me, is because I told him if he didn't I was gonna leave him out in LA!

There's a lot of smoothies with no yogurt or ordering McDonald's Grill Chicken Snack Wraps with "No Sauce and Added Pickles"...Our eating habits are of legend....

What about the rest of I want to expose ourself, a little bit...Well diary, u the only one who is gonna know about this stuff so why not talk about our weirdness...

- I still take kids vitamins...Religiously!!  Duh, I'm a kid!
- I think the Sleep Timer on the television is one of the greatest inventions of all time.  I put that up there with the Old George Foreman Grill.
- I don't wear socks a lot when at home...but then again who does, we are in Miami!!
- A pet peeve of mind is not having a made up's almost blasphemous for me to get back into some warm covers.  I also LOVE pillows and I sleep with three pillows, occasionally a fourth one may be needed!...I tell u, one day u gonna have to pay to hear all this stuff, so cherish it while it's free of charge!!  You'll get that one while laying in bed tonight!!

- When going to Miami Heat games, I sometimes, wear the Heat White home shorts under my jeans...just because I guess or in case Coach Spo calls my number...which is...u better know it by now!!  Another weird Heat fact, I used to actually drive my Vespa to American Airlines Arena, and I took the same route, parked it on the same pole under the arena (I know I was the only person in the country who had scooter access like we did, who else drove Vespas to NBA games?!!), and I also took the same route to my seats...What I do during Intros and was a routine choreographed by Fred Astaire!

- I think it's been ten years since I've taken a bath or bathe!!  But for real, a while, I think the last time was when they had those like foamy toys where even though they are like .5 inches in diameter, once u throw them in the water, they grow into a ship or teddy bear or something!

- I've never seen The Hangover in it's entirety nor...nor have I seen...Please Lord don't let this hurt my chances with a Movie Doll....any of the Mission Impossible movies....The Titanic, Harry Potter flicks (Nor read the book.), or X-Men movies.  And for the record I highly prefer Matinees.  Just saying...

Talked too much today, and I just hit the wrong button on my page so the font is different, as are we, but a few more normalities.

- I'm still a geek when it comes to school supplies.  And Yes, there is a difference between Bic and Papermate...and not too many things in the Galaxia would get me more excited than getting a new notebook.  And four tha record, I haven't seen that movie either!!  I'm such a geek.

- There is no allowance of putting ur feet up on the dashboard of my ride.  That is just unacceptable, as is smoking...I could be like one of my family members who insists you sit a certain way while riding in the passengers seat of his car.  And that is pure fact b/c I asked him!!  Luv u Cuzin' Spencer!!

- When I see a girl, one of the first things I notice are what kind of shoes she's wearing.  And then I work my way up and out from there.

Alright enough revelations of ourself for one diary post.  Some may be able to relate, some may not...some may never talk to us again!!  But hey, it's us...100%...and there's only one...only one!

Enjoy tha night,
Austino "Mo' Money" Galaxia. 

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