Friday, April 6, 2012

Shoot Til Ur Hip!!

2012 Hall of Fame Inductee...Reggie Miller.

Oh snap, I just got a little energized right here and now...Google just changed up my settings making it a little more fun to u might not see tha change urself, but trust us it's kool, and more free...I can even write down the location of where I'm writing, mad cool!

That was the energy shift I needed, cuz I was literally bout to begin tonite's diary with the ever popular phrase, "I'm about to throw up!", but I guess that's for another time...although eye truly hope not.  But that was how I felt...I wonder has anyone else felt like they were sorta out of rhythm with the notes and stanzas of life?  Like, u just feel a  Felt like that some on today...things can be happening around u that are so super cool, yet   u feel like the old guy at the club when Justin Bieber comes to town!  How in the world can that be?  U eat the same Perdue Simply Smart chicken sandwich and it feels like the best thang since tha premiere of Lost...u eat the same sandwich today, and u wanna slap somebody and then throw it up against the wall, take a freakin' Kodak picture, and then sell the "art" as a bootleg lithograph at Art Basel later this year.  Is it us?  What's in tha Galaxia is going on...

We talking straight up real right we say about ourself, I'm such a person who loves to be diverse in our activities, and the glowsticks that I like to wand around are made by the toy company Fun...I feel like Tiesto just walked off of stage early this morning to use the bathroom, and I'm still waiting for him to come back into tha DJ booth so I can get my dance back on!!  Boy, that's a perfect analogy...I got to have fun...but what happens when u feel like u've sorta been...held back...

Our life is's beyond comprehension, yet also weird beyond anything any syllables can describe...through all of these changes and borderline mania...we've been humming a low D-Flat...not really doing anything out of the ordinary and just letting things flow.  Even though that is super successful in life, that is totally against our nature.  I'm starting to wonder am I beginning to become one of those South Beach young folk who just loves and thrives on drama and controversy??  U know tha type...those guys who say crazy stuff just to get a reaction or so everyone can look at them when they enter the room?  Or one of those girls who will talk ur ear off one night, not call u for the next three, just so when both of u show up at ur friends' party there can be a "aura" in the air...I'm starting to feel like dancing for some reason (and yes, I'm giving a strong 'fist pump' right now!!!)....but 4 I an undercover drama king?

"I'm the straw the stirs the drink!"  What a line by baseball legend Reggie Jackson...I don't know how I'm writing about this it better to be loved or hated?  I'm so a person about "love"...a romantic at heart...the kind who would give pink roses just because or while a doll is at work, send an unsuspecting person in give her a note and gift just to bring a smile...believe us, us and romanticism is like Shakespeare when he performed on Broadway, they just go hand in hand...I think!  He did perform there didn't he?!!  Oh well, it sounds good...but we've been talking about embracing the struggle, and letting small things inspire you to higher heights, but could the Evel Knievel of cyberspace actually be thirsting for a ever cheap bottle of hater-ade, that he once despised??? (Zero Calories of course!!)

This is the time in life, your life, and sure nuff in my life, where u have to dig deep and reinvent yourself, and analyze what u've become, and is it going towards who u want to become as a homo sapien, and don't get it twisted I still like girls!....Right now, we at a point where we've moved on from a lot of things, people and lessons...just because the future is so bright...ah ha!! That's what I'll do, I'm gonna talk myself to lay down some pesos, because of the knowledge of our bright future, that sounds good right?!!  Pops and Moms can't argue when the see the AmEx statement and I tell the reason why I spent tha cash...(cough, cough...clearing of the throat) "Dad, I know u gonna be mad, but since I have a bright future and all, I decided to invest in the best and some would say most fashionable sunglasses to protect my eyes from my omnipresent glowing life ahead." "Return them Son..." "Aw sucks (with a stomp of tha foot), now I'm never gonna be a star!" then u return them but not before taking a picture of them and using it as the main photo on ur Twitter account!...but honestly, shouldn't we kick it up a notch or just go with the flow as is, even if ur on the right path?

As u can tell I'm a guy who gets thrills from thrills...starting to realize that more and more...I'm learning that more and more each moment...let's go to this place to eat...Like Ew!! I wanna try something new...or...I almost made a reference to our dating habits, but I don't know if I wanna go there tonite....I always seemingly talk about dating and couples and...

Can it be a disease to pick the wrong type of person over and over again?  Has anyone ever felt like they can't win for Bad News Bears losing??  Here I go exposing ourself again, but gotta write what comes 2 our heart...earlier talking about us thriving on hate...sort of...I'm starting to really dig girls who are hated.  Girls who are hated cuz they look like a goddess, girls who are hated cuz they are intelligent, girls who are hated cuz the drive Range Rovers...and even girls who are just plain hated cuz they just have a horrible attitude.  So u have such a diverse of taste within us, cuz I like girls who are bad and... girls who are just plain bad!! Oh boy, tonight's diary just hit that philosophical Plato level just now!!  But it describes us to a golf tee...speaking of which, I need to go play miniature golf here, wonder who would be down?..

Most people have their type down pat...guys and girls...dude, I love chicks who wear cowboy hats and shimmy go-go doll dresses, and who love to burp after eating a sloppy joe!...girl, I love me some man, who can cook, clean, and pay my Metro PCS bill, ok...cuz if he wants some of this nookie, the least he can do is Nyquil up some of his Ben-gees, and pay for me to call my baby daddy in El Salvador!! each it's own, and I love that!!  On a personal note, we really through all we've been through are noticing the true beauties of a girl, and we are meeting the cream de la creme seemingly from all over, so when that happens u should I say this in a way, that won't get me slapped (although I'm into that as well, just not slapped in tha face!! Ha, ha!!...And then if u bring in a black freak-a-toid whip and a pony's head-on-a-stick as well....let me keep this thang PG-11...oh man, I'm so wild!!)

To put it simple u're attracted to certain aspects of the person and u can't let a strong attraction to one or two of those qualities overshadow if you're truly attracted to the overview of that person.  Boy, I sound like a boss interviewing potential candidates, don't I?!!! Actually, that's what dating has come to in a way, a freakin' interview session, in which if the candidate doesn't wear the right color tie or if the girl doesn't wear a dress up to her neck and down to her ankles, all in this Miami heat mind u, then we write her off...that's why all these..forget I'm gonna say it...why I felt like God has been holding us back some...just to scope the landscape for one...two, make sure the timing is super right for us to hit the Galaxia scene (u may be ready for the world, but the world may not be ready for you! Wink, wink!)...and three, for us to really analyze what we like, not to be blown away by once in a blue moon acts of passion, but to really learn and appreciate, not just what love is, but what life in terms of learning about people and having fun among the opposite sex without having the thought of if I'm gonna score a touchdown tonight when we play naked two-hand touch, in tha back of ur mind!!  Use to think's so totally a 2001 state of mind.

Now it's let's chill...and just talk and have fun.  If the night ends with us Eskimo kiss, followed by a Checker's French Fry kiss, followed by a Brazilian kiss...I don't know if they have such a thing, but I would love to become the first to invent that fantasy...I mean be it.  It takes years and crazy experiences unparrell to bring us to this point...and whether I want to admit it or was all in the Great Gizzle's plan to humble us, and bring us to this point.  Huh.  Can I still I at peace at who we've become as a lover and a man...definitely.  And when that happens, magic occurs...and fun truly begins!!

So I guess...u've been warned...and with a life like ours...that means look out for a life worth telling ur kids about...stories that will have u laughing even tha more....and true showing of how crazy and unique this kiddo is....Get ready!

Ok, I gotta wash dishes, and take out these bootleg chicken thighs...needed to write we simple enjoy tha show...and pull out the bag of popcorn I've been ready to pop for years now...I just hope it ain't stale!  Somehow, I don't feel it will be...

Cherish this...once again, it'll never be anything like it again.
Austino Galaxia.

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