Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Life of a Looney Tune.

Oh, how I love these characters!  Maybe because I am secretly one of them!

Lot in our heart and mind, rite now...it's really not even funny.  I have no idea really how to start and how this is gonna end...so u as well as eye no that  when we feel that way, something special will be in the air tonight like the very first episode of Miami Vice....Matter of fact, that might become a sneaky goal of mine, 2 watch every single episode of that classic tv show!  That'll be kool and tha gang to see how tha MIA looked back then, plus I love cop shows, we shall see!

Our life is a movie.

No other way to describe it right now.  We gonna write tonight some, so get prepared.  As we aforementioned, we want our diary to be "an experience".  We have no bones about telling stories, borderline secrets or what have you...that's what diaries are for.  A dream is to make writing and keeping a diary...like "cool".  As I was growing up in elementary school and stuff, I believe authors had such a mysterious mystique and presence about them, that made literature, dope!  (Not talking about the white stuff either!)  Being in 2nd or 1st grade (Is that how it goes? How did I ever graduate!!), having tha teacher sit in front of the class with a Shel Silverstein book or later in school having to read Mark Twain, can I call him "gangsta"?  He was, not only for his time, but for all time...so many hidden similes within his stories about the day and time...Animal Farm is another book that u can argue if they are talking about animals escaping from the local zoo or actual nations going blow for blow within the world's class system...reading is neat (I so sound like an 80s baby!)...but it's true.

Earlier today, and I mean early in terms of what time the clubs close up north, early...I had like an half asleep dream, yet we was awake, yet I saw the puffs of clouds flash before my face...ok, ok, that would just be too Beetlejuice, but I had a dream/vision...it involved me having my own clothing line.  I love to draw, I enjoy the garmentry of fabrics, and I have thought about how cool it would be to have our own stuff.  Matter of fact, I have the poster cardboard along with the fabric tool kit, all leaning and rockin' wit each other inside my closet right now.  The dream centered around our name Austino Galaxia...which is a unique name in which I feel was chosen for this diary and us...that's another topic...but in our dream this morning we could see everything so clear, the designs of the v-neck tees, our cartoon face on the bottom right hand side, who we'd want to wear them, a female line of t-shirts as well...the collection, that sounds so official...would be tees and tanks for men and women...and we also saw an athletic collection from Nike, with the swoosh under 'AUSTiNO', with the "i" in lowercase and topped with a cursive star, just how we sign our name...those casual tee, just had so many designs from...now be stealing our ideas now!! Real quick, how do fashion house during these fashion weeks all put out the same "hot" color or style or rabbit fur?!  Somebody has to be getting their Romeo sneak into the Juliet's window, creep on to get the scoop, don't they!!!

But tha shirts had quirky sayings that are cool like, "Mrs. Galaxia" or just our signature diagonally...athletic shorts with our cartoon face on one leg, followed by the Nike swoosh on the other...It's just so clear as day...t-shirts with us on a bilboard....along with some celebrities rocking our stuff as the walk out of the gym or the hottest LA restaurant (it changes daily like the menu...from what I hear)...but after our dream we woke up kind of inspired like 'we see this thang'.  All this is super personal, but it just may happen, and when it does, don't be surprised just drink ur cup of 'pink cashmere' and smile, and be like, "I heard it first" (Like MTV News), and just smile.

U just never know about us and our life...this is in way bragging or boasting, or in a "I told u so."  You know how long I'll be writing if I would to write down every name I could say that to...let's see there was...let me not go there...but as we've been saying over this course study within the last week...don't hold grudges and don't hold any regrets towards anybody...we was thinking about some of our experiences and what if the girl who did u wrong, somehow, someway popped back into ur life...could u?  Or what if the person on the job who dissed u, could u help them out?  Probably could...hopefully (ha, ha!!)  Can we be real...I've had some experiences where going to tha job made u kinda tinkling inside, like, "I really don't wanna see this person...matter of fact don't even say the name person around me!"  Then sure nuff, as u coming up or down the escalator, who's the first person u see?  If for dag gone sure, ain't Publishing Clearing House holding up a  $20 million dollar check!  Then u begin to think, after all the cuss words pass through ur mind...HELLO!  Are we real tonight or not! ....u got three more clicks of the escalator before u hit the floor, and then...

I used to really just go the other way...cuz that pain they cause, but of course, God has a sense of humor where a boss or manager be like, "Austin, can u go over to...." or something comes up business wise or whatever so u have to cross that person, and u're left to think, should I put on the best acting job since Shaq in  Kazaam or should u approach the person?  Why am I talking about this tonight...oh well, we in it now.

Forgiving people who don't say sorry is one of the hardest things to do in life...they dump u or don't wanna be lovey dovey with u, and then have the nerve to kiss or hug their new beau right in front of u?  Tough pill to swallow, ain't it...but...it all makes u stronger and if u let it, it can create such a burning desire to succeed that no one would be able to quench it.  Things occur in each of our lives whether involving family, or love life or the bill from a dentist who only gave u one x-ray and  yet is asking u to supply the office with a lifetime of change so he can truly floss around!...Oh, that's good, I'ma gonna use that one, let me write that down, "the bill f-r-o-m a...." But what are u gonna do, soak around or be like, "I'm not gonna go out like no chump!"

In sports, there's a saying that if "u're gonna lose, lose playing ur best game."...That goes in life too, I believe...or I know so...that's why it's such a daily and borderline process to examine ourselves like is this thing helping me toward my goal of being the best I can be.  If I wear this color dress on a night out, I'll fit in my girls, which is cool, but let me be honest I look good in Burnt Sienna?  I always eat a gang of sweets on my birthday, and it's great to treat urself, but this year I have a new diet, and is 5 mins, worth the 2 hours of hard work it's gonna take to burn it off.  Or how about u're out on the town, all ur boys have the day off, but u have to work in 2 hours, do u get some needed rest or do u figure, "What the Hades?", I'll just sleepwalk on the clock not knowing that your corporate manager is making a surprise visit that morning...

Starting to realize u have to do what's best for urself if it's gonna allow u to be at ur best...whatever that may be...I think we can sometimes sacrifice SO MUCH that we end up looking in the mirror like, "what have I become?"  Trying to please others instead if thinking about ourself...now this ain't talking about being ultra-selfish...C'mon now, we are so totally not on that tip...but just not being urself, and trying to fit into what ur friends think u should be or ur co-workers or lover...maybe, that's why....I believe so much in equal opprotunity living (Have to coin that one!)  Meaning, I distaste people forcing other people to do things because it'll make them look good or happy.  "Dude, don't dress like Kurt Cobain at this party, I don't want u embarrassing me?  or "Girl, u better wear that tight Michael Kors see-through, I gotta make sure I have the hottest doll in the place tonight?"  What tha Freddie Cougar??

Suggest, of course...but some of the stories we hear...making folks do things THEY wouldn't even do, blasphemous for real...guess we've just reached tha point where the "proof is in the pudding".  We could brag all we want about our life...FOR WHAT?!!!  I mean so what?  It can go so fast, y'all...think u're super sexy, get in a car accident....think money can buy u the world, u get robbed from a chick u met on a one night stand...our platform is about fun, fun, and more fun.  Everybody isn't down for that...and that took me a long time to realize...why doesn't he or she take a risk?  Or they would rather hang out and get plastered drunk, than have an all-expense paid evening where all u do is laugh and act goofy?!  I'm not the only one who's felt that way...but that's when u realize, u don't want those people on ur team anyway.

Right now, it's crunch time...that doesn't mean time is running out, it means its the most crucial time in our life in many ways...Meaning, we don't have time to waste...eye no I'm not the only one who feels this...if u feel the same please say, "Austino I feel u!!"...things are getting more Jerry Bruckheimer by the moment, to a point where I don't know what the next sentence or second may bring.  That's why I'm writing in more length (these are the Director's cut versions of our diary) cuz I never know, and I have to purge our feelings cuz I figure the more money u get, the more people, bleep it...the more girls who jock you, the closer u get to a goal u've been wanting, that's the time u need to kick it up a notch and get even more focus!  U relax mentally, but...I'm they type of person who feels the closer u get to 'gold' the hotter it's gonna be, so we have to make sure we don't get conceited or have a "I'm in Miami B@#!$" type of attitude.  Cuz u can always improve as a person, and u should never think "u made it".  That's why we pray, we all just accept what comes our way but by all means strive to be the best YOU can be...and not let anybody else or society define you...cuz they will.

Aw, man...we don't know how we got all into that but...say it with me now..."WHATEVER!".  I know the more u read this, the more I seemed to be an egotistical bird-brain, but forgive me for having a mind of an eagle...I just wanna have fun.  F-U-N.  That's all...a lot surrounds our life, which is mad cool, beyond words...but when u get to the heart of Austin Lamont Williams, it's all about having fun.  That's who I am, and if that means me not having a dream job, or great clothing line, or dealing with some other crazy episodes involving love, just know and say, "There was nobody like him."...and whenever u hear that word "fun", u'll smile with  two words immediately coming to mind....

Austino Galaxia.

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