Wednesday, April 11, 2012

"Blink...and You'll Miss It!!"

My favorite baseball player of All-Time....Barry Bonds (My Guy!)

Tonight should be an interestingly fun diary to write...simply because I have nothing to write about....then again I have too much to write about, so we'll just go with tha flow some, just see what hits our hands...

South Beach.

Man, this neighborhood is truly one of a kind.  I was hugging the block outside, while getting our clothes tossed and turned, and I was just thinking that this 'hood is really and truly one of a kind.  And I don't know if I'll ever live anywhere so diverse and wacky yet super cool really...we've been preaching about sooner or later we might end up in Los Angeles, which we will some day I'm sure, but even if we live out there or over in Europe or Latin America...we'll do our best to keep a home here in the republic of Miami.  The experiences are priceless and the characters...

Seemed like everybody was out tonight...all of, as I like to call them, "South Beach Legends"...u know, the folks u see all the time but still don't know their name...I saw "Cat Daddy" chillin' tonight, we call him that not because of his affection for cats themselves, not because of his love of "American Pie"! These felines, travel man, just to be on the steps near him...I even heard him like shout and talk to one of them tonight, I'm telling u, somebody needs to do an article on this cat...I mean guy.  He's legendary, and we see him up close and personal....hold on I gotta check on my food....

We back....Saw a few more from the South Beach Character Hall of this guy who resembles someone of Cuban heritage, but he usually always wears white, and has his hair wrapped up in this thang like the Chiquita Banana chick...but saw him...also so this one guy, in which I never forget this one day it was killa Pam Anderson hot outside, and this guy had one arm out his shirt and another one hanging inside...all the wild having the bottom of his tee shirt Kool-Aid smiling around his belly.  That was a sight I wished I could have taken a picture of because it was borderline Latin King gangsta and part lunatic!!  Oh, the sights I see...

But yeah...this is a krazy glue place, and I'm stuck on it for now.  I wonder sometimes how still I ended up down here and how long will the show continue....I live a fantasy lifestyle in on a fantasy island down here...Thank God for the opp, no matter how many times we shake our head.  I was at Fresh Market Groceries Inc., and after picking up some OJ and some Cow liquids, I was just looking at the view of the 'hood from our second floor parking locale...Just overlooking the South Beach, reminded me of like Jerusalem or somewhere...palm trees, the color in the air, the vintage buildings mixed between the modern architectures that Frank Gehry didn't create.    His persence is felt in the 'hood....but it's a unique place, with all the fast cars that u see so frequently (Bentley, Rolls-Royce, Maserati, Porsche) and I just saw those in a 1hr and 1/2 span...on tha the beach sands...u can get spoiled...easily.  I'm learning not to take it for granted, and that's the way it should be.

Can I write real tonight or not?  Well, I'm gonna cuz this is our diary, and we gonna write from our heart, no matter what...I'm the literature world's Ozzie Guillen, so many ways, I'm still a private kind of guy.  I tell all these stories and have the ultimate fun in life, but I still sometimes like to withdraw and get into my "I'm not talking to the media" type of days.  Just who we are, so if I don't open up by giving out my phone number or wanting to catch up on "old...old times" just don't take it personal...I'm weird...just very weird.

I'm so selective in a way about who I want to hang out with, perhaps too it's gotten off the charts, in a way, I go again, opening I really trust people?  Huh.  Yes...and no.  I came accross this one young lady today, who's giving me this ice cold pork shoulder (yuk!!) , and doesn't acknowledge our being...but I'm ok with that...see what she doesn't realize is, her silence actually speaks louder than her ..............shhh............especially when I did absoultely nothing wrong, but want to try something new....I didn't even talk about God or even about taking a missionary position in life which is found on Page 143 of Chapter 69!  (Boy I feel like I'm bout to get loose...!)  Gotta laugh...

I know I'm not the only one who feels what I'm about to is too short.  And right now, not bragging or boasting, but YOU CAN NOT THROW US IN WITH OTHER PEOPLE!!! I say that, cuz somebody who may or may not be reading this, may be thinking, "Why do they think I like other guys or other girls?"  I say that our life is all about fun, and now going through God to hook us up with folks who aren't afraid to take risks, who aren't afraid to laugh despite a horrible day, who aren't scared to just live dude...u know what my dream life would entail...let me Phil Donahue you then...

We've been talking about living wealthy...and I must admit, we are being mad blessed, cuz that's exactly what's happening to us, not just financially but in the joy of dream life would entail us sharing ALLLLLLL the fun things I like to do and constantly experience and share those activities and possible "things" with other people who in other ways may not thought it was possible to do those funnies.  I wanna make dreams come true...u just sitting at home like, I wish I could go to see Madonna tomorrow, and "bang" we got the hook up...I don't get paid til next week, I've had a long day, and I haven't been out to eat in awhile, I've always wanted to go to...."boom", that's what we're here for, let's just enjoy the night, with no strings attached...for real.

(For mature audiences only)

 That's why I say, u ain't gonna find too many people like us, not because I'm all that...naw...but I just starting to feel that this is why I've gone through what we've survived (Score!, good word!) and why the thirst is so getting back to this no strings attached stuff...u know, it's not that hard to ask somebody for sex...I was on the clock at this one job and this one girl, flat out asked me what kind of faces I make when I "twerk?"  Now how am I supposed to respond to that, but making an "ef" face or by inviting her to find out for u see, it really ain't no thang to say, "Dalphine, how you doing today?" "Hi, Austino, I've had a kinda hard da..." "Enough with that, do u wanna have sex?!!"  It's not that hard...

I say that not in a provocative way or anything...but I say that in a this is tha real deal type of way.  I wanna say this, cuz there are a lot of girls coming our way in one way or another, so it's good to read our thoughts...I'm not joking when I say certain things...I don't play games...unless u talking about some Uno, cuz a brotha would full house u on some "draw fours"!!  But, I just think that with us especially, people have the tendency to compare us with other people, and u can't...what other guys in ur class or other boyfriends did in the past...throw all that out the window when it comes to us...cuz it's totally different.

Sound snobby don't eye?  Not really...just learning to be straight up.  Life and especially Love are action words...I can say this or that, but u have to either feel it or see it or experience for yourself...words don't mean everything...Bobby V that's your cue...sooner or later, the proof will show up in the pudding...and the cream always rises to the top....

Almost done, but this is our diary, and once again, I know other people are tired of being compared to other people, especially....just think about...I know girls get so like, thrown off, when a guy shows them the "Ex" or something, and how they acted, especially if they did wrong, it's like, don't even mention that name anymore...why?  Somebody asked me about last week...I really don't remember too much, cuz it was tough...positives yes, but sometimes u just got to move on and block stuff on...put the pain and lessons in ur DNA...compute and on 2 the next day while not getting too high or too low..

Forgot what I was about to say...has anyone ever felt like, perhaps...just might be too good for somebody?  I don't mean that in a bad way...just perhaps YOU were the gem, somebody had to go years of pain to get to!!  C'mon now...not that you were short changing your past, cuz it all built u into who you are as a person...but maybe...I know for us...God not only allowed you to go through different jobs or relationships or friendships just so that it could build u up...and somebody down the line can find YOU and be like, "Wow, this is my pot of gold after years of drama, it was all worth it cuz no I found Cindy or Dennis."  It's true...we're finding out more and more that perhaps our life has been patterned like it is so that we've become the dream fulfilled of somebody else.  Not just in marriage or dating but friendships and finding like-minded folk who enjoy to have fun.  No matter the cost or if it's late or if they got for the moment.  That real talk.

Like we say...we wasn't even gonna write tonight didn't want too...and y'all though our life is getting more entertaining like an episode of Law and Order, there can be a fight to keep writing, or to keep exposing our thoughts and life stories.  Just cherishing the chance to write, cuz u never know when it may be the last one u read.  It's cranking up for sure...but...anyhows...I know I'm a prick or egotistical, but I can accept that...and really don't care!!  Flat Fiat out!  Cuz right now I'm determined to have fun, and people who chill and talk to us, WILL do the same if eye have anything to do with it. The taste of fun and the life I've dreamed and prayed about is right on the tip of my tongue, and after all we've been through...not anymore.

If that means having a million friends or having none...we can handle it either way.  Cuz one day...keep saying this for some day u might just say, "Galaxia was one of the best."...hopefully we don't miss what's happening, cuz it won't happen again...and simply and truly...

There's no comparison.

Fun...Fun....Fun....Fun...and Luv...Period.

Austino Galaxia.

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